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Riding weather here...........


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Weather here is gorgeous here after last weeks blizzard scare, so I decided to take both bikes out for a spin. Try to start the 87 which has the newest AGM battery in it and nothing, no click, no buzz. Deader than a doornail. Ok, lets try the trike, has an older agm, same thing. Ok time to hook up the charger/booster and try to start it, nothing, both bikes, so I jump start them with no problem, take them both out for about 100 miles combined mileage, that usually does the trick, but neither would start when I got back, but they did have enuff juice to light up all the gauges. Did some research on the web and found out if the AGM's go totally dead, an analog charger reads them as done, kaput, they wont charge, so went back to the garage and bikes are still holing a small charge, enuff to be read by the charger and now the 87 starts after a 15 minute fast charge and the trike is on the charger for the same amount of time. Once they both start I will put them on a 2 amp trickle charge and complete the charging and should be good to go. Another lesson learned from the web!!!!

Edited by DragonRider
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