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Big Bend - Victor Valdez, the Singing Man of Boquillas

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Upon planning another spring motorcycle ride to Big Bend I stumbled on some sad news. I enjoy Big Bend and west Texas. It's wide open with vistas reaching from horizon to horizon. Folks are "Texas friendly" (afterall the name Texas is based on the Caddo Indian word tejas meaning "friends") and don't think you strange for striking up a conversation in fact think it rude if not given a "howdy" when first approached. One adorable little town Boquillas del Carmen just across the Rio Grande acquired electricity (solar power) just two years ago. What a fun place. You could either walk across the Rio Grande if it was low or hail a rowboat (for a small fee) from across the river to come and get you. Once across the river you could either walk or for another small fee ride a burro into town for about a mile. Have lunch and something to drink, visit, and maybe purchase a handmade item from a pedler on the street of dirt. Just around a bend in the river is the entrance to Boquillas canyon. On the U.S. side is a large rock on the sandy river bank which has on display a number of hand made tinkets and sotol walking sticks for a small "donation". Across the river sitting on the Mexican side was "Victor the singing Mexican". He would sing at the top of his lungs and his song would roll around and echo through the canyon walls. If you walked by the mayonnaise donation jar without donating the song would suddenly stop. I would hold out my arm ceremoniously put in a few dollars and he would continue to sing. I loved it, I enjoyed it as part of the flavor of Big Bend. And now I miss it, I miss Victor, the canyon walls miss his booming voice often louder than on key. I just learned of his passing in August this past summer.


I never got to see Victor, but we are hoping to go to that area this spring again. Great memories, three foot tall bluebonnets down river road.


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