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Daylight Savings Time

Venturous Randy

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My dog is not allowed to wake me up, she just sleeps till I get up at whatever that time happens to be. I am the one waking up the dog.


Most of my clocks set themselves. but I do have one old one that tries to set itself, but it was made before they changed the dates. SO it will automatically jump ahead an hour in April and fall back an hour in October, So I get to set that one 4 times a year.

The microwave and the car are the only other ones.

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Way I figure it,, if I can wait all winter for riding season to start again my clocks can also wait to be messed with - I just leave mine alone. Come March, by the time @Flyinfool is done playing with his Wisconsin White Washer :snow::snow::snow::cold::cold: and I am all done hibernating :draming:the clocks magically reset them selves :confused24: to the correct time on their own which means its RIDE TIME again:happy65::biker:!! :thumbsup:

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I actually like the daylight saving time better than the standard time. I wish it did not change back and forth but would stay on daylight saving time year round. I always go into depression in the winter because it is dark when I get to work and dark when I leave work. If it were daylight saving time year round I would at least see the light on my way home from work. When I get depressed I tend to take things out on others Especially ol @cowpuc :snow::snow2::snow::snow2::snow::snow2:

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I'm out of step on this thread. Just don't understand why we still need daylight savings time. This is like ethanol in the gas. Why do we still need it?

In Arizona, our farmers are smart enough to work a full day without the assistance of the Feds so we don't touch our clocks at all.

Don't miss it either. Now how to get rid of that crap gas we have....my boat and bikes sure don't like it...:confused24:

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One of my earliest childhood memories is of the old mantle clock on my grandparents mantle piece chiming on the hour and half hour. I thought the chimes and bells were so melodious and beautiful to hear. As I recall, whenever we would visit my grandparents house I would be enthralled by the sounds coming from that old clock. Three things about my grandparents home that I always remember was the.sound of that clock, the smell of peanuts parched in the oven, ( my grandfather loved parched peanuts), and the whistle of the train on the train tracks near by.


My grandparents have long since passed away and as family heirlooms were passed down my sister the oldest grandchild ended up with the clock. As I recall, I believe my sister had to find a antique clock maker to repair the clock that was no longer chiming when she received it. For a few years she proudly displayed it on her mantle piece and when I would visit whenever the clock would chime I would have fond memories of my grandparents home the scent of parched peanuts and the faint sound of a train whistle somewhere off in the distance.


The last time I visited my sister for Christmas I noticed that the clock was no longer on her mantle piece. On that day she was recuperating from surgery and was in discomfort. I asked her what had happened to the clock and she responded in a somewhat abrupt manner that it was in the attic. I reasoned that her tone was due to her discomfort at the time and blew it off.


Due to complications from her surgery my sister passed away a few days later.

During the memorial service my brother in law approached me about the clock. As I recall the conversation went something like this. He said," I noticed that you asked about the clock at Christmas and I know that your sister would want you to have it so I dug it out of the attic and have brought it to you. In fact it is in the trunk of my car right now." Being somewhat taken by surprise at the moment, I said, " That is very kind of you but the clock has been a family heirloom don't you think her daughter may want it?" "Nope she don't want it," he said, "I insist you take it."........ So I did.


So I proudly took it home and displayed it on my mantle piece. Proudly displayed and ticking perfectly I soon realized that not. Only did it chime on the hour, it also chimed on the half and quarter hour as well.. the closer it got to midnight the more notes and chimes there were in that chime sequence. It was also very, very loud. Not only chiming but ticking as well.


At first when I had it displayed the flood of nostalgic memories flooded my senses. Then after a awhile I noticed that I would be awakened every quarter hour throughout the night by the chiming of that damn clock. I then developed reoccurring headaches every time the clock would begin to chime. I couldn't wait for it to wind down and quit working so I could get some sleep.


I've since wondered what was wrong with the chimes when my sister found the old ClockSmith to repair them. And as I'm sitting here writing this I can envision my grandfather knocking it off the mantle piece accidentally on purpose.


I write all of this to say, he'll no I left my clocks alone if it don't take care of itself I ain't touching it.

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I actually like the daylight saving time better than the standard time. I wish it did not change back and forth but would stay on daylight saving time year round. I always go into depression in the winter because it is dark when I get to work and dark when I leave work. If it were daylight saving time year round I would at least see the light on my way home from work. When I get depressed I tend to take things out on others Especially ol cowpuc :snow::snow2::snow::snow2::snow::snow2:


The problem here as I see it is the word WORK.

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