oldgoat Posted November 5, 2016 #1 Posted November 5, 2016 I been living in this neighborhood for 3 years now at one time this block had very nice people on it. they where older women and men. most have sold there houses now and moved , the houses are filling up with Mexicans not that I have anything against that but 2 houses are flying there mexico flag over the American flag. I thought this was against the law? I would love to go tear that flag down. but there are way more of them then me. I now have a tribe of them living upstairs every weekend I have to listen to loud music I tould my landlord I cant take any more of this. he said learn to live with it? I feel this a breach of my lease? I should not have to put up with disrespectfull neighbors I am afraid to call the police because there is over 35 of this people living in 3 houses and upstairs my lease is up in may so I'm going to try and get the hell out of here ok I think I ranted enough
BlueSky Posted November 5, 2016 #2 Posted November 5, 2016 This is something to consider when you vote along with all the other issues.
bongobobny Posted November 6, 2016 #3 Posted November 6, 2016 Old Goat, sometimes life is not fair, there are no guarantees in life!! That being said I certainly understand and feel the same way! Wish there was something I could do...
venturesome Posted November 6, 2016 #4 Posted November 6, 2016 "but 2 houses are flying there mexico flag over the American flag." PM me a picture of the houses and address and flags of those flying Mexican flag (or any flag) above the Stars and Stripes. Thanks!!!
RedRider Posted November 6, 2016 #5 Posted November 6, 2016 OldGoat, The American flag flying the highest is a protocol, not a law. Just a thought (honey vs. vinegar) - Have you welcomed them to the neighborhood? As a kid, when someone moved into our neighborhood my mother would bake something and take it to their house. She used this as an introduction. We found the folks that were welcomed ended up becoming a supporting part of the neighborhood. I have tried to follow this practice as I've become one of the more mature (OK, older) residence of my neighborhood. When a future opportunity arises over a beer at the end of the driveway / front porch, you can mention the flag protocol. Don't be (overly) offended if they disagree, but at least they will now know. If you were in another country, where would you fly the American flag? On top or below the host country's flag. At least they had an American flag out there and not just their native banner. Or, you can be the crotchety old man yelling 'Get off my lawn'. Just keep telling yourself - "Mmmmm, holiday tamales, holiday tamales". It's late. I should be sleeping and not poking the OldGoat RR
CaseyJ955 Posted November 6, 2016 #6 Posted November 6, 2016 Stars-n-stripes under anything else on our soil is disrespectful in my opinion. Its too bad but Im glad its not illegal. It sort of lets us know whos grateful to be here and who has other feelings. I love Mexicans, love the food and culture, and of course the ladies. Having lived near Mexicans before I have noticed that some of the cultural differences include loud music at 2200 or later, multi generations in one home and as with many other cultures, privacy and tranquility seem less important. I have noticed Caucasians generally stand/walk further apart and speak more quietly and than many other cultures. I enjoy diversity but if I lived under the conditions you describe I would not enjoy it one bit. Cant change it, I would bolt, in fact I would twist an arm to waive the remaining lease. The only way to avoid this in the future is to reside on private land with some seclusion, which is exacly what I have done. Now I can appreciate others and go home when I've had my fill. Even living next door to my fellow American has been lukewarm at best. I'm happiest with no neighbors of any flavor. YMMV, sorry your going through it, I know it sucks.
MikeWa Posted November 6, 2016 #7 Posted November 6, 2016 Old Goat I am with you 100%. Since I have nothing good to say about this I will shut up and go back in my hole before I get in trouble. Mike USAF Veteran Vietnam Veteran Disabled Veteran Pissed Off American If you have the right to disrespect our flag, our country and all it stands for. Then I have the right to disrespect you and all you stand for.
djh3 Posted November 6, 2016 #8 Posted November 6, 2016 Here where I am in Central Fla, not only have the Mexican thing, but in my particular neighborhood the Puerto Rican and Cubans are kind of the same way. Week days not so bad, but weekends can be a bit loud. They for some reason congregate in the garage, play cards dominos pool and smoke cigars with loud music and bongo drums. Or neighborhood has noise restrictions for like 11pm quite time. But you hate to be the guy that calls the cops if they find out.
Rick Haywood Posted November 7, 2016 #9 Posted November 7, 2016 In the little town of Wapella, Il I was riding through it and noticed the same thing in an empty lot on the north side of town. As i rode past it I got pissed off so I turned it around and went back and took it down. As I was lowering the flag a police officer showed up. As he approached I greeted him with respect and told him I understood he had a job to do and I also understood I wad probably trespassing but I couldn't stand by and see this take place without doing what I felt was right. I also told him I would put it back up with the USA Flag on top and the Mexican flag underneath. He was very professional and he said he understood how I felt. He also said that the person who called could see him and they would expect at least a citation written to me. I told him I understood and he ask for ID so i gave it to him. He handed me the citation and when I looked it was a warning. I smiled and told him thanks. I proceeded to finish replacing the flags and we both then left. I see they have put up another flag pole now and fly the American flag on the taller one. The point of my story is sometimes you can win even when you are maybe doing something that may not be perfectly legal.
oldgoat Posted November 7, 2016 Author #10 Posted November 7, 2016 I try very hard to welcome people here I tried talking to them only to be told by them they no speak English? asked them to turn down the music just a tad was told to mind my own damn business beer cans are thrown all over the yard they stay there till the yard man comes and picks them up before he mows the yard he explained it to my land lord and was told just do your job he will handle it? the basement lights run off my meter as I am on the lower level they turn them on and don't turn them off this rang up $20 or more on my light bill I place a new lock on that door and I will not give them a key figure tuff **** if they cant get in there. I am a very mild person just cant figure out these people I worked with Mexicans and lived next to them up in MN some of them where good neighbors the American flags are now laying down on the porches getting rained on and dirty. I don't know maybe I just have to much love for my country or I am getting older and cranky?
uncledj Posted November 7, 2016 #11 Posted November 7, 2016 I never did understand the PC mindset that we're supposed to embrace and celebrate diversity of culture. They say this diversity is what makes us strong. I call BS. I welcome all who are willing to do their best to assimilate, work hard and have a positive effect for our nation, but I reject the idea that an array of cultures trying to coexist somehow is beneficial. It seems that many immigrants are not wanting to become US Citizens, but rather conduct a sort of a "soft invasion"....slowly turning the US into the country they left.....(Which makes no sense, since if where they left was so great,,,they wouldn't have left) Such diversity merely adds to confusion, misunderstanding, and offers obvious barriers to communication. IMHO. We're in deep doo-doo. As for the desire that many have for "Open Borders".....If a state has no border, it has no sovereignty, and therefore is not a state at all. (When I say state, I mean Nation State, such as the US)
djh3 Posted November 7, 2016 #12 Posted November 7, 2016 It started ing to hell when they allowed folks to take a US driver licence test in spanish. Really? None of our signs are in spanish so why the heck did they do this.
Trader Posted November 7, 2016 #13 Posted November 7, 2016 As for the desire that many have for "Open Borders".....If a state has no border, it has no sovereignty, and therefore is not a state at all. (When I say state, I mean Nation State, such as the US) Many comments here are quasi-political so I will throw out a quasi-religious comment. Do you really think God cares about a dotted line on a map? No matter where you go in the world there are people who have some personal pride and consideration for others...or not. All we can do is be the best person we can without imposing our will, beliefs or preferences on others.
jakester Posted November 7, 2016 #14 Posted November 7, 2016 Hey Trader, I do not agree with you. What I read was that someone could play their music too loud , too late, turn your lights on and leave them on-costing your wallet and disguard their trash in your yard, disrespect and insult you when you request they act like a citizen, and do this on a weekly basis, your fine with that. Its all good til they piss in your post tosties, then how politically correct are you gona be. Oh and GOD does care where the dotted line is---ever heard of the promised land? Im done Good luck and GOD bless Bill
CaseyJ955 Posted November 7, 2016 #15 Posted November 7, 2016 As an atheist I have no religious standpoint, and without a political standpoint on this I think most might agree from a pragmatic standpoint that we simply lack the resources to have open borders. It serves us well to have legal immigration with the steps and screening that we do. I would be saddened if there were no immigration. I think 1989 was the last time I dated a woman who was not an immigrant so im onboard with it, no hate here, only pragmatism. Unfortunately there is no way to legislate good behavior or respect, being a crappy neighbor transcends race, gender, and maybe even culture. I do believe the OP is being wronged, but without the landlord willing to insist on a modicum of respect and consideration from his new tenants there is nothing left to do legally but move . Its pretty far from fair but maybe the way it is. I absolutely understand his anger. Im going to go out on a limb here and guess that the Mexican part is no issue at all, just the crappy neighbor part.
uncledj Posted November 7, 2016 #16 Posted November 7, 2016 Many comments here are quasi-political so I will throw out a quasi-religious comment. Do you really think God cares about a dotted line on a map? No matter where you go in the world there are people who have some personal pride and consideration for others...or not. All we can do is be the best person we can without imposing our will, beliefs or preferences on others. I can't speak for God, and I'm a poor Theologist, so I can't speak for what the various religions would claim God would want, but it's a moot point. Political matters in the US are pretty secular....I think they're pretty secular everywhere that's not a Theocracy, ....so while God may not care about the borders we've drawn, we MUST. Otherwise we may as well eliminate all borders, which seems to be what some folks want. (Globalism) It seems that if that's what they're after, they'll have to level the playing field a bit by lifting the downtrodden countries up at the expense of the wealthy countries, effectively taking them down a few notches. As a productive member of this society, I don't much care for the idea of having to pay for the rest of the world, on top of those who can't or won't pay for themselves in THIS country. God help us all. Not sure what happened with the type size, but I didn't feel like re-doing it.
Leland Posted November 7, 2016 #17 Posted November 7, 2016 Theodore Roosevelt’s ideas on immigrants and being an AMERICAN in 1907. “In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American…There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag… We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language… and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.” Theodore Roosevelt 1907
Yammer Dan Posted November 8, 2016 #18 Posted November 8, 2016 Build the **** Wall. Put armed guards on it. THROW ALL OUT that are not Legal!! Repeat, ARMED GUARDS!!! Suggest Old Vets to man the wall. VOTE *****!! Flag lying on the Ground in the Dirt?? Call the law and remind them of the Laws concerning OUR FLAG!!! BUY MORE AMMO!!
ddoggma Posted November 8, 2016 #19 Posted November 8, 2016 I feel your pain brother. I stand with you and the USA. MAGA!
CaseyJ955 Posted November 8, 2016 #20 Posted November 8, 2016 Build the **** Wall. Put armed guards on it. THROW ALL OUT that are not Legal!! Repeat, ARMED GUARDS!!! Suggest Old Vets to man the wall. VOTE *****!! Flag lying on the Ground in the Dirt?? Call the law and remind them of the Laws concerning OUR FLAG!!! BUY MORE AMMO!! Dont sugarcoat haha. Illegals make a mockery of the immigrants that went through legal channels and did it correctly. I cant figure out why illegals arent apprehended and deported immediately. We need to make sure that those we let in will be assets and not liabilities coming over to burden our court system and crap out kids they cant afford so we can pay for that too. We already have all of that we need. When we are selective we end up with folks that work, add to the diversity we enjoy and contribute to our society. Some of the greatest people I have ever met were born elsewhere. When we let everyone through we end up with a whole bunch of what the OP is enduring.
Yammer Dan Posted November 8, 2016 #21 Posted November 8, 2016 Yeah it is all about illegal or Legal but the illegals raise such a stink they can cloud the picture. And then we have high officals that tell them they can vote!!! Our country is in great danger of being lost because of politics. People holding office that have no interest in our country just in themselves. I'm really scared. When my kids were growing up I always told them "You are growing up in the greatest country at the greatest time that has ever been. I'm sorry kids.
Air Ready Auto Posted November 8, 2016 #22 Posted November 8, 2016 Theodore Roosevelt’s ideas on immigrants and being an AMERICAN in 1907. “In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American…There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag… We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language… and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.” Theodore Roosevelt 1907 I spent 8 years of my life defending this country. I have lost lost friends who paid in blood for this country. My body was broken in defense of this country. My oldest daughter didn't know who I was for a large part of her first 6 years. My son treated me as a stranger when I returned from deployment. Thousands of my brothers and sisters in uniform have suffered similarly or worse. We have all done it for one reason. Love for this country. While I agree that everyone who comes here should assimilate and become an American, that isn't the reality. In this "kinder and gentler" society we are all expected to bend over and take it up the a## and get over whatever problems we have with immigrants because we "just don't understand" because we have it too good. My wife is an immagrent (still in the process... takes a loooonnnnng time to do it legally) and we are better together for our mixed cultures. I believe that legal immigration is key to birthing pride in that person for their new home country. I see this country falling apart from the inside out due in large part to illegal immigration. I can tell you all one thing though. Despite my injuries and lost friends and heartache from missed time with family, I would do it all over again because I believe in my heart that these United American States are worth fighting for and that this country is still the greatest country in the world. The only thing I have left to me now is to vote my conscious and hope that whoever is elected cares for this country as much as I do.
snyper316 Posted November 8, 2016 #23 Posted November 8, 2016 Yeah it is all about illegal or Legal but the illegals raise such a stink they can cloud the picture. And then we have high officals that tell them they can vote!!! Our country is in great danger of being lost because of politics. People holding office that have no interest in our country just in themselves. I'm really scared. When my kids were growing up I always told them "You are growing up in the greatest country at the greatest time that has ever been. I'm sorry kids. I couldn't have said it any better myself, I will add something my stomach is in knots about tomorrow never have I been this scared for anything in my life. So I know you believe in prayer all I can ask the people who do Humble yourselves tonight and PRAY FOR AMERICA, And ITS CITIZENS.
CaseyJ955 Posted November 8, 2016 #24 Posted November 8, 2016 I spent 8 years of my life defending this country. I have lost lost friends who paid in blood for this country. My body was broken in defense of this country. My oldest daughter didn't know who I was for a large part of her first 6 years. My son treated me as a stranger when I returned from deployment. Thousands of my brothers and sisters in uniform have suffered similarly or worse. We have all done it for one reason. Love for this country. While I agree that everyone who comes here should assimilate and become an American, that isn't the reality. In this "kinder and gentler" society we are all expected to bend over and take it up the a## and get over whatever problems we have with immigrants because we "just don't understand" because we have it too good. My wife is an immagrent (still in the process... takes a loooonnnnng time to do it legally) and we are better together for our mixed cultures. I believe that legal immigration is key to birthing pride in that person for their new home country. I see this country falling apart from the inside out due in large part to illegal immigration. I can tell you all one thing though. Despite my injuries and lost friends and heartache from missed time with family, I would do it all over again because I believe in my heart that these United American States are worth fighting for and that this country is still the greatest country in the world. The only thing I have left to me now is to vote my conscious and hope that whoever is elected cares for this country as much as I do. Thank you for your service and sacrafice. I cant imagine how that must have been. I was turned away when I tried to enlist in the Army in 83 because of spinal scoliosis. I never got to serve in the military. I have less right to rant about this election than you do but it hasnt stopped me. Im sick over this, I know were in for a really rough time with a truly deplorable leader. My wife is Ilonggo, legal immigrant, I have everything a man could dare hope for in a wife. It is a long road indeed and lots of hoops for those that respect the USA enough to do it by our rules. She contributes so much to our society, we need her and more like her. I would not be surprised if things get really easy for illegals over the next 4 years. Our illegal immigration issues are bound to worsen. We cant expect a progressive liberal to make the tough calls and do what must be done when it may hurt someone's feelings. This thread exists because its already a problem. The sad truth is there is nobody running for office that would do what you have done for this country, they dont have the fortitude and would never sacrifice what you have. They will however ask other brave young men and women to do it, even require it. Does the new pres love this country as much as we do? As much as it stings, I sure wouldn't bet on it.
Venture n Dixie Posted November 8, 2016 #25 Posted November 8, 2016 "The sad truth is there is nobody running for office that would do what you have done for this country, they dont have the fortitude and would never sacrifice what you have" Since Alabama is a designated red state I'm not forced to get in the Hellery vs Chump debate. I'm writing in Darrell Castle. He pretty much represents my feelings. I find it interesting that in this day and age of self publishing, unlimited access to information via the net, cell phones, Sea Foam, fuel injection and 3rd generation Ventures we're still prisoners to the bureaucracy of these two parties.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darrell_Castle
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