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Problem after new stator install

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I do have one strange thing going on now , with my key off the audio controller is off but the backlit buttons on the controller are lit up. I find no other strange things going on with the bike. :confused24:


I did clean all the plug connections and grounds I could find and coated them with di-electric grease.


On 1st run after the new stator I have 13.7 at the battery while running at idle and 14.3 with it reved up.


Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

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That is Strange. Can you go over the ones you pulled apart and see if ya did something to one of them?? Can't think of a thing with stator that would do that but I suck at electric. Could one of the grounds you cleaned do something like that??? Just making noise got No Idea!!! :backinmyday: Bound to be better help than me on this one......:Avatars_Gee_George: Too much grease in a connector??? I don't know.:think:

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Raggy - did you put dielectric grease ON the connectors? If so, you probably have kept them from getting a good connection. Those pins and ground connectors have to be clean and DRY = NO GREASE. Sure sounds like a bad ground connection creating a backfeed of some sort.

Dielectric grease is an insulator = does NOT allow for current flow, does NOT conduct.. Make sense?

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Raggy - did you put dielectric grease ON the connectors? If so, you probably have kept them from getting a good connection. Those pins and ground connectors have to be clean and DRY = NO GREASE. Sure sounds like a bad ground connection creating a backfeed of some sort.

Dielectric grease is an insulator = does NOT allow for current flow, does NOT conduct.. Make sense?

I have read otherwise, but I'll clean them out and see what happens.


Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

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I suspect a faulty diode in the regulator/rectifier. Does the problem stop when you disconnect the R/R?


With electrical issues, one way to diagnose is to begin by disconnecting wiring harness plugs until the issue stops, that way you can isolate the problem down to a circuit or component.

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You have a case of power getting to somewhere it is not supposed to be, since dielectric grease is an insulator, dielectric grease can not possibly be the issue for you.


The whole issue of where and how to use dielectric grease transcends even oil or tires, approaching the volatility of politics and religion.

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  • 2 years later...


I know it's an old thread, but some of the comments on Silicone Dielectric grease are just plain wrong. SDG can and should be used to prevent corrosion on all types of electrical connections from sense-level computer connections to 20K volt spark plug threads. Please follow this link and read this page from a degreed engineer who does extensive testing and reports the results.



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That is a good article that I generally agree with. I stopped trying to argue the point a long time ago because there are those who adamantly believe that you should not get the dielectric grease on any low voltage pins. I've used it for years on the pins of the five audio cables in the fairing of the RSV. Most say to only use it to seal the outer cases so that moisture cannot enter. I have always put a small amount right on the pins and have never had to go back and mess with them again.

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Yup, me too. I've been using it everywhere for 40 years and never a problem. The way I was taught, Dielectric grease passes current only between the two closest points in a connection and insulates elsewhere. Regardless, it works great for me. Gonna keep using it on the cars, trucks, boats, trailers, and my beloved bikes.


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