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Ok I would post elsewhere but, got told I do have lifetime warranty on my carb sync. The guy told me the reason I have bubbles is cause my mixture screws need to be turned all the way in. He proceeded to tell me that you sync the carbs by the idle mixture screws. Then you just bench set the butterfly valves. So have I been syncing my carbs wrong?


Twist the handle and move!!!


The scary part is he is a parts manager at Powersports of Joplin!!! I have hard time letting anyone work on my bike as it is. So if I do go back for parts I won't be taking my bike!!! Fudgen Idiot!!! Do people not care enuff to hire ppl that know what the hell they are doing!! They call him a manager!! Manager of stupidem. I was how the hell would I set my sync the mixture screw are for air/fuel mixture not syncing!!! Grrrr


Twist the handle and move!!!


I also told him to watch the video that motion pro made for the sync pro he told me that video talks about the mixture screws. I said no that's for the butterfly valves.. that's when he told me you bench set those.. and that you sync the carbs only when you remove them there is no need to check them in 3 month's


Twist the handle and move!!!


I won't know till I get mine synced but I would think the way Missouri fixes there roads. That I will have to reset them every 6 months. I have broke shocks and bent rims from roads around here. What don't make sense is the will do maybe a mile of road then skip to somewhere else. Then come back and patch potholes in the road the skipped over...


Twist the handle and move!!!

Morgan Carb Tune.



Which I believe is the much better one from what I have read. The Motion Pro I have gets the job done but, It was so darn touchy like if I put the least little pressure while twisting the screw that blue fluid would start going up. You guys talk about blipping the throttle. The instructions to mine tells me not to Rev it up. After talking with that guy yesterday I really don't see my Sync being covered under warranty, But if it is I will give it one more shot. I honestly don't think just blipping the throttle will mess the Motion Pro up, as long as I don't rev it to say 3000 rpms. But I will be buying that Morgan Carb tune this spring, as it seems like what most people have. The guy that synced my carbs before the rebuild had the old mercury sticks.

My next question is which is probably common sense. Would you adjust your Mixture screw after syncing the carbs?


These need to be done concurrently, meaning that after you adjust the mixture, you need to recheck the sync.



The reason for NOT blipping the throttle with a liquid filled balancer is that as the engine revs and then you close the throttle the vacuum goes very high, on some liquid filled tools you can suck the fluid out of the tool and into the engine.


The reason for blipping the throttle is to settle the linkages in the state that they will naturally fall with normal use. Adjusting the screws can introduce slight stresses into the links, blipping relieves any tension.


My opinion, and take that for what it's worth, you should never touch the mixture screws unless you have a real reason too. The only way to truly set them properly is with an exhaust gas analyzer. Yes, you may get it close with other methods like listening to RPM drops, a colortune, etc. but none are as accurate as they should be.

Posted (edited)

Well I got to talk to the guy that rebuilt the carbs for the bike. He said that will probably need to be done because he turned them out 2 turns each. I had taken the carbs off for the rebuild.


Twist the handle and move!!!

Edited by snyper316
Two turns out is what is recommended in the Yamaha video as a starting point.

Well I brought the bike home and removed the carbs myself and took them into the shop to be rebuilt. That saved me $400.00 right there. I thought at the time when I put them back on that I had a working carb sync. Went to calibrate my motion pro sync pro, and when I hooked it up the number 4 tube pulled most the fluid. But I was informed when I didn't turn my mix screw all the way in that caused the fluid to form bubbles. Everything in my carbs were either cleaned or replaced, minus the 2 screws that was missing from the jet block. I had taken the bike out to the guy because last he seen it it was running but like **** before the carb rebuild. He also heard the miss in the motor which him and I both thought it was bad coil or pick-ups. It turned out to be a bad cap. He then told me he set the idle screws to 2 turns out according to specs. That the idle mixture need to be set. I'm prolly gonna take it out to him in the next week or so to have him tweak the carbs.


Twist the handle and move!!!


I like to bench sync with slivers of business card. You can get pretty close if you're careful.


I set my pilot screws to 2-1/2 turns but had to make pretty severe adjustments to get a good burn with the color tune. I didn't take notes but I'd guess mine range from 2-4 turns after tuning. I do plan on having the local Yam shop run it on their EGA ASAP. I'm very interested in seeing how close I got it.


I was told by Joplin Powersports that the don't touch bikes that are more then 15 yrs old due to it being a liability. I have no idea but there is to shops here in Neosho so I just take it to west 60. The one 6 blocks from me don't have the fine tune stuff, just the sync gauges.


Twist the handle and move!!!

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