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idle/air screw question

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if you turn the idle air screw 1/4 turn COUNTER CLOCKWISE, are you

A: increasing the amount of air flow into the carb?


B: are you increasing the amount of fuel, into the carb?

i never have had a good explanation, as to what i was really increasing/decreasing.

i figured , now is a good time to find out BEFORE i start monkeying around with them.

thanks in advance. :confused24::confused24::confused24:

just jt

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I just love those multiple Choice Tests.




Especially if they have a 50/50 Chance of winning ...



of all the people who COULD have answered my question, i am glad YOU took the time to help!





oh and thanks to you also mark!

just jt

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i never have had a good explanation, as to what i was really increasing/decreasing.

i figured , now is a good time to find out BEFORE i start monkeying around with them.

thanks in advance. :confused24::confused24::confused24:

just jt


Good to know, about the only thing I have done on mine is Diaphrams & sync.

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you can't spell for sour grapes!!!



the correct spelling, for your NEEDS,is - - SHrink!!:stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot:


just jt


Dude, I love your comebacks, they are great!!! Ifin ya think muh speelin in bad, you should ov read muh AOL ebonics yarn ago. It'll take a bit ta git it outa muh head but will werk onit fer ya.

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Dude, I love your comebacks, they are great!!! Ifin ya think muh speelin in bad, you should ov read muh AOL ebonics yarn ago. It'll take a bit ta git it outa muh head but will werk onit fer ya.



From the looks of this you didn't stop a A Drink...

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