Dragonslayer Posted August 30, 2016 #76 Posted August 30, 2016 Murphy's Law seems be pretty much universal also!Which one. I THINK ALL OF THEM ARE EQUALLY TRUE.
Dragonslayer Posted August 30, 2016 #77 Posted August 30, 2016 The "Theory of Color", like "Pascal's Law" and "Ohm' Law" is a "Law of Physics". It is constant throughout the universe. The attribute of color within a substance and it's natural "Color Formula" is the same in flowers, vegetation and animal life, elements and alloys, compounds and formulations, paint, food-coloring and hair-color... everything. There are only 3 colors; Red, Blue and Yellow. All others are Secondary or Tertiary. Secondary colors are equal parts of 2 of the primary colors. They of course are orange, violet and green. Everything else is tertiary. White is the presence of all color and reflects light. Black is the absence of all color and absorbs light. Light reflectance is measurable. A medium such as paint or hair-color will have it's individual properties that cause it's base to respond to colorants based on the colorant's ability to deliver (strength) and the base's ability to accept/respond. Here is a site that seems to give a pretty decent description. http://www.colormatters.com/color-and-design/basic-color-theory (I was a hairdresser and hair colorist) [ATTACH=CONFIG]107092[/ATTACH]And I can attest 1st hand Yamagrl knows her stuff.
Condor Posted August 30, 2016 #78 Posted August 30, 2016 Being an old dark room junky, what happened to Magenta, Cyan, and Yellow??... :-) :icon_lurker: And.... 18% gray??
Dragonslayer Posted August 30, 2016 #79 Posted August 30, 2016 Being an old dark room junky, what happened to Magenta, Cyan, and Yellow??... :-) :icon_lurker: And.... 18% gray?? Ain't you heard....there are 50 shades of grey
Flyinfool Posted August 30, 2016 #80 Posted August 30, 2016 This is all true for pigments. But without light there can be no color. The mixing of light to get colors is different. http://maggiesscienceconnection.weebly.com/visible-light--color.html Excellent website, good explanation. see, see, see......... I was right the first time............ I told ya'll before, the World would be a better place if more people agreed with what I had to say. Nanny, Nanny, boo boo:rasberry: Yes @Yamagrl does know her stuff. Yes what you said was not wrong, just missing the important part. And you are right again, the world is a much better place when more people agree with me. So I see your Nanny, Nanny, boo boo:rasberry: and raise you a Na Na, Na Na, Doo doo, Stick your head in poo poo.
snyper316 Posted August 30, 2016 #81 Posted August 30, 2016 And I can attest 1st hand Yamagrl knows her stuff. I almost think she is a School Teacher and I'm the one flunking with an f- [emoji11] Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
Yammer Dan Posted August 30, 2016 #82 Posted August 30, 2016 I almost think she is a School Teacher and I'm the one flunking with an f- [emoji11] Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk I Got Kicked OUT!!!!
Dragonslayer Posted August 30, 2016 #83 Posted August 30, 2016 I almost think she is a School Teacher and I'm the one flunking with Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk Try her out with an electrical problem. She really will make you feel inadequate. Maybe we can stump her with math.
Dragonslayer Posted August 30, 2016 #84 Posted August 30, 2016 Yes @Yamagrl does know her stuff. Yes what you said was not wrong, just missing the important part. And you are right again, the world is a much better place when more people agree with me. So I see your Nanny, Nanny, boo boo:rasberry: and raise you a Na Na, Na Na, Doo doo, Stick your head in poo poo. I reiterate.... Jeff your a sick puppy.
Flyinfool Posted August 30, 2016 #85 Posted August 30, 2016 I reiterate.... Jeff your a sick puppy. WOOF!
Dragonslayer Posted August 30, 2016 #86 Posted August 30, 2016 WOOF! Don't you mean... WOOF WOOF BARF
snyper316 Posted August 30, 2016 #87 Posted August 30, 2016 Ok seriously yamagrl r you engineer or something Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk
yamagrl Posted August 30, 2016 #88 Posted August 30, 2016 (edited) Present company excepted. You would have to have known MY ex's. Chainsaws are very good analogies of my ex wife's. When you least expect it they can kick back on you and tear you to shreds and leave you mangled and bloody. High maintenance. Looks good when new but do not hold up well with regular use. Requires complicated fuel mixing and will not run on regular unleaded. Yes @Yamagrl does know her stuff. Yes what you said was not wrong, just missing the important part. And you are right again, the world is a much better place when more people agree with Her. So I see your Nanny, Nanny, boo boo:rasberry: and raise you a Na Na, Na Na, Doo doo, Stick your head in poo poo. Since I may be the only " Chainsaw" of the bunch I think I'll chime in... right here! (By the way "Hi! Bob. Nice to hear from ya!) I think what we would find if we were to delve into the Theory of Color is that Magenta and Cyan (along with Red Oxide and Yellow Oxide) are Tertiary colors; that's all of those other colors that are not red, blue, yellow, orange, purple and green) Cyan primarily consists of blue and green, magenta is red and blue. The Theory of Color remains constant throughout nature. However, we are not able to make somethings the same way that nature did. Therefore, printers, painters, photographers and PhDs (That would be Professional hair Dressers) (did ya get it!?) ( Ha, Ha, Ha!) need to reproduce colors that occur naturally but are limited by "Mans' abilities. So we have extrapolated the Theory of Color for practical use in replicating some colors. This is how I understood it when I studied color but I could be wrong. I reiterate.... Jeff your a sick puppy. Lovesick Puppies...er, eh... love sick-puppies! Ha, Ha, Ha! Ok seriously yamagrl r you engineer or something Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk No, but I do have bit of a mechanical background in the Navy '75-'81. AME1 Aviation Structural Mechanic, Egress First Class E6 (Survival and Environmental) that's Ejection seats, Liquid Oxygen, Air to Air cooling/heating, Cabin Pressurization, Anti-G, Canopy De-icing and Rain Removal. Mostly it's a bunch of mechanics, pneumatics, cryogenics and some ballistics and probably a few things I've forgotten about. (And maybe a few I'd like to forget about!) Bootcamp in Orlando, Schools in Millington, TN, Stationed at Nas Key West, NAS Jacksonville, NAS Pensacola Now I refinish, reface, refurbish and redesign kitchens and kitchen cabinets... and people follow me around and give me money to do theirs'. My time in the navy served me well and I can honestly say that the most important thing they taught me in the Navy was to read... not how to read...just simply to read... Oh yeah! I was a Hair Dresser and Hair Colorist for a few years. I thought it would be more fun but after a few years I found myself back in the kitchen. (A "Chainsaw's" place is in the kitchen) Edited August 31, 2016 by yamagrl
snyper316 Posted August 30, 2016 #89 Posted August 30, 2016 WOWZERS I'm trying here I do know how to read, but I am guessing when you say How to read you mean; being able to read something and absorb it into your brain? Instead of letting the words go in one eye and out the other.
yamagrl Posted August 30, 2016 #90 Posted August 30, 2016 WOWZERS I'm trying here I do know how to read, but I am guessing when you say How to read you mean; being able to read something and absorb it into your brain? Instead of letting the words go in one eye and out the other. I was really only referring to reading as a method for finding solutions and gaining knowledge. You know..."When all else fails, get a bigger hammer".. no wait a minute... "When all else fails read the directions!"
snyper316 Posted August 30, 2016 #91 Posted August 30, 2016 Couldn't get a bigger hammer if I wanted to. Trust me the thought has crossed my mind once or twice. Sorry it is true somethings just get to you, especially when things aren't doing what you want them to. I always thought it was (when all else fails look for pictures)
Sailor Posted August 31, 2016 #92 Posted August 31, 2016 In my oh so humble opinion political correctness should be called by its proper name.......cowardliness. People are afraid to speak or act because there is a vague possibility it may offend some overly sensitive type somewhere who is looking for something to make a fuss over. A lot of these people who are afraid to speak or act become politicians. I am all for getting rid of offensive language and as people become more aware it dies out by itself but I will be darned if I will let someone that I am using a dirt removal and distribution unit when I am actually shoveling the you know what. I have a book on English slang in the 1800's. At that time if you told a woman she had a nice pair of tits she would be complimented, if you told her she had a nice pair of trotters you would get slapped. Tits were horses and you can guess what trotters were. The English language is constantly evolving and it does not need any help from politically correct trotters.
camos Posted August 31, 2016 #93 Posted August 31, 2016 In my oh so humble opinion political correctness should be called by its proper name.......cowardliness. People are afraid to speak or act because there is a vague possibility it may offend some overly sensitive type somewhere who is looking for something to make a fuss over. A lot of these people who are afraid to speak or act become politicians. I am all for getting rid of offensive language and as people become more aware it dies out by itself but I will be darned if I will let someone that I am using a dirt removal and distribution unit when I am actually shoveling the you know what.Oh, do you mean using the waste removal device instead of using the proper name of toilet? Ewweuu, gross!!! Last week a TV announcer created a tempest in a teapot when she mentioned "coloured people" rather than "people of colour". I'm brown fading to yellow and do not feel the least bit degraded or disparaged when I get called coloured. I swear the world is getting stupider rather than smarter. We is going backwards.
yamagrl Posted August 31, 2016 #94 Posted August 31, 2016 I almost think she is a School Teacher and I'm the one flunking with an f- [emoji11] Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk Try her out with an electrical problem. She really will make you feel inadequate. Maybe we can stump her with math. Ok seriously yamagrl r you engineer or something Sent from my Z812 using Tapatalk Thanks guys! I really appreciate the recognition and compliments. Did no one see the humor in my last big post? I certainly hope I didn't offend anyone with my "Chainsaw" responses especially Bob. You know what they say "Political correctness is out of control"
Dragonslayer Posted August 31, 2016 #95 Posted August 31, 2016 I was really only referring to reading as a method for finding solutions and gaining knowledge. You know..."When all else fails, get a bigger hammer".. no wait a minute... "When all else fails read the directions!" Reading directions:think:..........Is that a woman thing?
Dragonslayer Posted August 31, 2016 #96 Posted August 31, 2016 I was really only referring to reading as a method for finding solutions and gaining knowledge. You know..."When all else fails, get a bigger hammer".. no wait a minute... "When all else fails read the directions!" When all else fails....Duct tape
bongobobny Posted August 31, 2016 #97 Posted August 31, 2016 When all else fails....Duct tape ...liberally applied to the mouth!!!
Dragonslayer Posted August 31, 2016 #98 Posted August 31, 2016 Since I may be the only " Chainsaw" of the bunch I think I'll chime in... right here! (By the way "Hi! Bob. Nice to hear from ya!) I think what we would find if we were to delve into the Theory of Color is that Magenta and Cyan (along with Red Oxide and Yellow Oxide) are Tertiary colors; that's all of those other colors that are not red, blue, yellow, orange, purple and green) Cyan primarily consists of blue and green, magenta is red and blue. The Theory of Color remains constant throughout nature. However, we are not able to make somethings the same way that nature did. Therefore, printers, painters, photographers and PhDs (That would be Professional hair Dressers) (did ya get it!?) ( Ha, Ha, Ha!) need to reproduce colors that occur naturally but are limited by "Mans' abilities. So we have extrapolated the Theory of Color for practical use in replicating some colors. This is how I understood it when I studied color but I could be wrong. Lovesick Puppies...er, eh... love sick-puppies! Ha, Ha, Ha! No, but I do have bit of a mechanical background in the Navy '75-'81. AME1 Aviation Structural Mechanic, Egress First Class E6 (Survival and Environmental) that's Ejection seats, Liquid Oxygen, Air to Air cooling/heating, Cabin Pressurization, Anti-G, Canopy De-icing and Rain Removal. Mostly it's a bunch of mechanics, pneumatics, cryogenics and some ballistics and probably a few things I've forgotten about. (And maybe a few I'd like to forget about!) Bootcamp in Orlando, Schools in Millington, TN, Stationed at Nas Key West, NAS Jacksonville, NAS Pensacola Now I refinish, reface, refurbish and redesign kitchens and kitchen cabinets... and people follow me around and give me money to do theirs'. My time in the navy served me well and I can honestly say that the most important thing they taught me in the Navy was to read... not how to read...just simply to read... Oh yeah! I was a Hair Dresser and Hair Colorist for a few years. I thought it would be more fun but after a few years I found myself back in the kitchen. (A "Chainsaw's" place is in the kitchen) Isn't stereotypical references that are offensive what we are talking about when we refer to politically correct. To set the record straight, when I made the comparison between my ex wife's and chainsaws I in no way intended the reference to all women. The only stereotypical group that have a reason to be offended is the group of two women that I happened to be married to in the past. And screw them I don't care what they think. I stand by my chainsaw metaphor. I applaud those that transcend the stereotypical behaviour. Like Yamagrl who is the most technically astute woman I have ever known. Wisdom on the other hand can be defined as knowing when to keep one's mouth shut. That is an attribute I as well as many others struggle with. My humor often gets me in trouble with hypersensitive politically correct individuals.
Dragonslayer Posted August 31, 2016 #99 Posted August 31, 2016 ...liberally applied to the mouth!!! Silence is golden......Duct tape is silver
yamagrl Posted August 31, 2016 #100 Posted August 31, 2016 Reading directions:think:..........Is that a woman thing? I don't know if reading directions is a woman thing. But asking directions certainly is
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