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Wait to you hit 72 like me. If you keep hydrated as you should, then every hour you need to stop.



You can't say Mother Nature doesn't have a sense of humour. (Humor, when she's on the US side of the border!)


Wait until you hit 70, Leroy, like I am. Then you're REALLY gonna notice the difference! :-)

Try Super Beta Prostate. It helps me. I’m 74.



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I remember way back when I was 40. One of my coworkers was 50. I was having some foot issues. He said just wait until you are 50 all hell breaks loose. He was right. Then in my 60s I started needing mechanical repairs like an old car. Of course the good part is, so far, I am alive enough to need repairs. Some of my old school buddies my age gave it up long ago. So I must thank the good Lord for my health even with a little tweaking by the guys at the repair shop, aka, docs.
Well finally, someone older than me! I'm 73.


It's so hot and humid here, I just drink lots of water. It pours out my pores and never gets to the bladder!



Hummm thought this was about ventures[emoji16] where do insert the super beta prostate in tinker?[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] I love when the forum goes all over the place.[emoji13] @cowpuc does it take you 3 times as long to go places on tweaksis now? I been peong quite a bit too like when we go on rides and if I drink water it seems I pee a bit more. I'm only 40 so maybe I Shouldn't drink 32oz of water or soda for that matter. Anywhos just wanted to comment about something.


Never ride faster then your angel can fly. I am as free as the wind on my face.


Today I changed the final drive oil. All nice and newb. I installed my new sound system as well. I'm considering removing tach and installing there. It's made for that. Actually for a boat, but sounds great(even with stock speaks) and is waterproof. I can always install an after market tach just about anywhere. Oh yeah, I rode my Venture too. All day. Spent a whole tank of gas. Yeah man!!!


One thing I wish I could change on this bike is, to wire up the CLASS air ride to adjust on the fly. That would be the bomb. I know alot of newer bikes do that. Any ideas anyone???

The small O ring goes around the filter cover bolt. The one that came with my filter was way to big...so I just used the flattened one that came off....
That's where I thought it might go too but the bolt didn't seem to want to come out. Looks like a bolt with a big washer on the outside then on the inside there is a tube with holes in it that appears to be attached to the outside bolt. Inside the tube there appears to be a roll pin that may attach the outside bolt to the tube.


Anyway, didn't want to fight with it or open a kettle of fish, so to speak and decided to leave it for another day if and when I might actually understand how it all goes together. No leaks so far which, to me means success.

I'm only 40 so maybe I Shouldn't drink 32oz of water or soda for that matter.
Well, 32 oz of water per day might make you pee more but 32 oz of soda per day will put you underground before you are ready to make that trip.
Today I changed the final drive oil. All nice and newb. I installed my new sound system as well. I'm considering removing tach and installing there. It's made for that. Actually for a boat, but sounds great(even with stock speaks) and is waterproof. I can always install an after market tach just about anywhere. Oh yeah, I rode my Venture too. All day. Spent a whole tank of gas. Yeah man!!!


One thing I wish I could change on this bike is, to wire up the CLASS air ride to adjust on the fly. That would be the bomb. I know alot of newer bikes do that. Any ideas anyone???



Well... Since the manual says to have no weight on the bike when adjusting air pressure, I would say your pump probably won't last much longer as it is obviously not made to pump up under that much pressure of your weight while riding..... Just saying...

That's where I thought it might go too but the bolt didn't seem to want to come out. Looks like a bolt with a big washer on the outside then on the inside there is a tube with holes in it that appears to be attached to the outside bolt. Inside the tube there appears to be a roll pin that may attach the outside bolt to the tube.


Anyway, didn't want to fight with it or open a kettle of fish, so to speak and decided to leave it for another day if and when I might actually understand how it all goes together. No leaks so far which, to me means success.



Yea... Mine didn't want to come out either. Took a hard yank to get the bolt out of the cover. But that was the O ring doing its job. The bolt is one piece and does come out.

I wouldn't worry about it. As long as it doesn't leak. My O ring that came with the new filter was the wrong size anyway... So I put my original Oring back on.


I busted the right side mirror off of The Beast today:95:


Like a stupid newbie, I tried to drop her off the center stand from the side. I know better. I can't even remember what I was thinking.


Fortunately it was right next to my POS '96 Ranger and only had a foot or so to lean. It was enough to bust the mirror but no other damage.


So, anybody got a spare Gen 1 right hand mirror laying around?

Yea... Mine didn't want to come out either. Took a hard yank to get the bolt out of the cover. But that was the O ring doing its job. The bolt is one piece and does come out.

I wouldn't worry about it. As long as it doesn't leak. My O ring that came with the new filter was the wrong size anyway... So I put my original Oring back on.

Good to know, thanks.

When in doubt do nothing still rules.

Wow. Closest I've ever come to ZERO PSI is when I used to run 4-6lb in my rear Metzeler on my 250 CZ motocrosser.......back in the day!


On the UNINTENTIONAL front, I was running 4psi in one of the rear tires on my Hyundai Santa Fe last Summer. Crappy gas mileage.....but it's ALWAYS crappy. Crappy handling......but it's ALWAYS crappy!! :-)

This was on the unintentional side and was not one of my finer moments. It was time to replace the front tire with a new one that had been mounted on a spare wheel a month before. Decided to take the opportunity to grease and set the steering head bearings. Got it done just before heading off to work. As I mentioned, it drove like a truck and unfortunately I assumed I had gotten the steering screwed up. Never even occurred to me to check the tire pressure. Redid the steering and it still drove like a truck. Adjusting the steering bearings isn't that easy to mess up so finally thought to check the tire pressure. Good thing I only had to go 10 miles to work on slow back roads so 0 pressure was enough to keep the tread on the rim. Turned out there was some corrosion on the rim in the valve stem area that was not properly dealt with by the guys who mounted the tire.


Kind of embarrassing but I'm putting it down to CRS caused by old age. Perhaps I will totally forget it ever happened.


The other day I cleaned the fork seals for the second time and both are now sealed. Today I started her just to hear her sweet voice before I mowed the lawn..


Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

Hummm thought this was about ventures[emoji16] where do insert the super beta prostate in tinker?[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] I love when the forum goes all over the place.[emoji13] cowpuc does it take you 3 times as long to go places on tweaksis now? I been peong quite a bit too like when we go on rides and if I drink water it seems I pee a bit more. I'm only 40 so maybe I Shouldn't drink 32oz of water or soda for that matter. Anywhos just wanted to comment about something.


Never ride faster then your angel can fly. I am as free as the wind on my face.


It did for a short time Snype but I learn quickly and I learned how to stand in front of Tweeksis and pee while I am pointing down at her radiator while Tippy pretends to have that look of "ohhhh,, yea,,, I agree,, that right there is the problem" as the cars go whizzing by (whizzing as in passing us by without realizing that I am peeing,, not the kind of wizzing I am doing = do you follow me here or do I need to put a video together? :crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotfl:



Replaced the Starter clutch today on my Canadian 1986 Venture Royale named "Walt".......Popping the flywheel off wasn't that bad....did bend my "quality" puller which supposedly has a "Lifetime Warranty". Guess my impact wrench is more powerful than the "Quality China steel" of my puller. We will see how good the "Lifetime warranty" is when I try to get it replaced!


Typical wear and cracked clutch like so many others have had.....hope the replacement makes the horrible "gravel in the case" sound stop when you hit the starter button!!!!


Ran out of time to put her all back together again as I need to get ready to catch a flight, so old Walt will need to sit on the lift with her innards showing for the week until I can get back. Inside of the case looks sparkling clean and almost brand new...wish the outside looked as pristine!


IMG_0718.jpg IMG_0719.jpg

Replaced the Starter clutch today on my Canadian 1986 Venture Royale named "Walt".......Popping the flywheel off wasn't that bad....did bend my "quality" puller which supposedly has a "Lifetime Warranty". Guess my impact wrench is more powerful than the "Quality China steel" of my puller. We will see how good the "Lifetime warranty" is when I try to get it replaced!


Typical wear and cracked clutch like so many others have had.....hope the replacement makes the horrible "gravel in the case" sound stop when you hit the starter button!!!!


Ran out of time to put her all back together again as I need to get ready to catch a flight, so old Walt will need to sit on the lift with her innards showing for the week until I can get back. Inside of the case looks sparkling clean and almost brand new...wish the outside looked as pristine!


http://www.venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=113505 http://www.venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=113506


OUTSTANDING my brother Riv!!!!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup:


Of course,, as always you shoulda said something cause,, again as always,,, your ol buddy Puc coulda help ya out with some of us magic advice and told ya ya didnt hafta to do all that... As me and Jonas show ya in this video (cause we da man),,,, there are ALWAYS alternatives :missingtooth:



Recorded the video before I ran out of gas. Was half a mile from my buddies acreage so he ran over and took care of me in about 15 minutes or less. Then I had my second cup of coffee on their back deck and enjoyed more of my morning. Then the bike didn't want to start and I have a bad Miss. Made the 7 miles home with no issues but now I don't know. Everything was great right up until I ran out of gas.


Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

Recorded the video before I ran out of gas. Was half a mile from my buddies acreage so he ran over and took care of me in about 15 minutes or less. Then I had my second cup of coffee on their back deck and enjoyed more of my morning. Then the bike didn't want to start and I have a bad Miss. Made the 7 miles home with no issues but now I don't know. Everything was great right up until I ran out of gas.


Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk


Sounds like some rust from the bottom of the tank may have gotten into the carbs or maybe just plugged the filter. Check the filter.

:sign yeah that: Or how old was the gas brought to you on the side of the road?
It is 87 octanae w/ethanol. Was just purchased on Saturday. I put in 2 gallons


Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk


Back in late winter of 1973, I bought at used 1973 Honda CB750 for $1150. It only had 800 miles on it. A new one cost $1450 in the winter and $1750 in the summer. After buying it I filled it up with gas from an old country store. By the time I got it home, it ran really rough. I thought that now I know why I got it so cheap. Not knowing what to do, I changed the plugs and it ran a little better. After riding it some more, I filled it with gas again and it ran great. I got bad gas from that country store, the only time I ever got bad gas as far as I know.


I finally finished the painting, so I gave the whole bike a wash and wax job. I had almost forgot what color it really was. If I don't tell you, you would be hard pressed to figure out which panel I painted. This morning I decided to ride it in to work and finished off the last of the tank of gas that was bought back last August when I shredded my Achilles. This was the first "real ride" since last August. Bike is all bright and shiny.......... Was a bit sluggish on the old gas but perked right up about a mile into the fresh tank.


Now to go and buy some "For Sale" signs for it and start writing up adds for Craig's List......:95:

I finally finished the painting, so I gave the whole bike a wash and wax job. I had almost forgot what color it really was. If I don't tell you, you would be hard pressed to figure out which panel I painted. This morning I decided to ride it in to work and finished off the last of the tank of gas that was bought back last August when I shredded my Achilles. This was the first "real ride" since last August. Bike is all bright and shiny.......... Was a bit sluggish on the old gas but perked right up about a mile into the fresh tank.


Now to go and buy some "For Sale" signs for it and start writing up adds for Craig's List......:95:

No wished I had the money to buy it. Good luck fool.


Never ride faster then your angel can fly. I am as free as the wind on my face.

Poppin like nobodies business.


Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

I started her up yesterday after letting her sit since the running out of gas incident. Started fine, ran great!


My little dog decided that 4 a.m. was an appropriate time to start his day today. So to get even with him, I took off to ride through the sunrise and got a nice little 70-mile trip in.


Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

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