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I am going to put in 1.5 in spacers for my risers and also push the forks up an inch or more to lower the front. I am hoping the stock cables will work, anybody done this? Also, I assume with the spacers installed I will have ample room for air valve on top of shock even when pushed up.


Yes, several of us have used the 1.5" risers and they will work with the stock cables BUT you may or may not have an issue with the cables pulling the throttle when you have the handlebars hard left. Give the cables a good yank to gain a little extra free play or reroute them...


Ummmm, sorry Don, but I also have the Flanders bars on as well. I don't think I took any pictures with the stock RSV bars and the Baron's risers. They do elevate the bars more than they pull them back, and for what I was looking for was to bring the bars back more so I wasn't leaning forward to reach the bars comfortably. the combination of the two worked out just perfect for me, and actually I have the handlebars rotated so the grips are low, but that's just MY style of riding...


When lowering the forks, make sure you are not hitting the bottom of the fairing. Also you may want to scope out which way you need to turn the schrader valves to be able to service air. I think when I added the risers I had to take the cables out of the "holders" on the handlebars to allow some slack. Heck I may have even rerouted them at the time as I had the fork thing going on too and had room to gain some slack in them.

Ummmm, sorry Don, but I also have the Flanders bars on as well. I don't think I took any pictures with the stock RSV bars and the Baron's risers. They do elevate the bars more than they pull them back, and for what I was looking for was to bring the bars back more so I wasn't leaning forward to reach the bars comfortably. the combination of the two worked out just perfect for me, and actually I have the handlebars rotated so the grips are low, but that's just MY style of riding...


It doesn't matter which bars. Even the flanders will be OK. I want the opposite of what you do. These bars come back plenty far but I don't want them rotated down, I want them rotate further up. They won't because the bars hit the fairing. I have them almost toughing it now. I was wondering if the risers bring them out enough that you can rotate the bars further back so that the grips are actually higher.


Ahhh!! Word of warning, with the risers you can't use those rubber half pucks that stabilize the fairing any more. I left mine off with seemingly no serious side effects...

Posted (edited)

Disagree Sir Bongo of Bob. Unless I misunderstood, I have Barons risers with stock bars. I moved the rubber pucks and rotated then so they fit snug then used clear rtv to cement them to inner fairing. They are quite snug and help a lot in keeping the inner fairing from flexing.


@ freebird.. You can rotate bars up some. Pics show how much room available for me at this bar position. But my front end is lower by 3/4 inch...my arms are about level....5'10". Ah...just remembered...I had clearance issues as well. Solved by adding a large flat washer between inner fairing and the two nuts/ bolts that hold inner fairing to frame. That tilted inner fairing forward just a tad and gave me lots more room between bars and fairing....




@Lug Nut, yes ... I lowered my front by 3/4 inch and stock cables worked fine for me.

Edited by videoarizona
Light bulb went off...

Well, actually with my risers I did drill and tap 1/4" holes to install short shafts the same size as the handlebars but never got around to fabricating the short shafts, and really never noticed any huge issues so I left the pucks off. Good idea with RTV'ing them!


Waaay back when I first installed the Baron's risers back in 2010 I had heard of someone actually sawing a hockey puck in half and wedging the pieces in! Anyway it's been 6 years and the fairing hasn't suffered any damage...

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