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Hey All,


My name is Bryce and I'm glad I stumbled across this forum. I have recently begun looking at bikes again and have come across what appears to be a great looking Venture. I had a Yamaha 750 Special and loved it, minus the trying to sync the three carbs. If I am correct in my research the 1200cc engine was stopped in 86, with 87 bringing on the 1300cc. Also, other than the "what to look for" I've already seen on this wonderful forum, are there any other things I need to look for? Here is the link to the webpage with the venture. https://eastidaho.craigslist.org/mcy/5663576576.html .






Something is screwed up about that. I think he has the year wrong. That is certainly NOT an '87 trunk and it would not be a 1200 engine.


That looks like a mishmash of bike parts thrown together. That's a goldwing trunk on what might be a Venture body of some vintage.


Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk


Well, shoot. I'll be getting a vin from the guy today. So maybe that will lead some things up. I'm going to take a look at it on Tuesday. Thanks for the insight.




Posted (edited)

Hi @bryckman, welcome to the forum......Unfortunately that is NOT a 1987 Venture in the AD.....This is my opinion for a couple of different reasons:


1: All first generation Ventures 1986 and above had 1300cc engines.....1983 - 1985 had the 1200cc

2. That back trunk is from a 1983 - 1984 Venture. If memory serves me correctly Mother Yamaha changed the rear trunk design in 1985. Sorry @GAWildKat but I need to disagree with your assessment, that IS a venture trunk and NOT one from a Goldwing....just the older design from Mom Yamaha.

3. It has the MKI older style single piston brake calliper on the rear in the ....can't see the front as they are covered with the chrome calliper covers.


Long story short, to confirm the age of the bike or at least of the frame there is a sticker on the right hand side of the bike on the lower frame support under the engine near the exhaust header pipe and it will give the manufacturing date. Here is a picture of what that sticker should look like, this is from one of my 1986 models (which was manufactured in Dec 1985 as a 1986 model):




Now, if it were my money I would be very careful with this bike. For that price you should be able to find a pretty nice First Generation Venture scoot in very good original shape! From the pictures, this bike looks highly "modified" and it is missing the rear bags. But of course I have a soft spot for ALL Ventures, and this bike might be the most fun you have ever had on 2 wheels. But hold out to find something you like and in the shape that you want as well.


I personally have only paid $1250 for all three of my 1986 Ventures COMBINED, and they are all in great shape, mechanically sound, and provide joy whenever I ride any of the 3 of them. But if you think this is the right scoot for you, all the great guys and gals on this forum got your back to provide help and insight to get her running and driving like a charm! All the best Buddy!

Edited by VanRiver

It has the lock catch for the MK1 saddlebags and a MK1 rear bumper assembly like the one I just took off Tweeksis but appears to have MK2 forks on it (judging by the fork gators and the anti-dive's. Bryck, if it turns out to be a MK1 (83 to 85) with MK2 forks (which could be from an 87) on it, please be reminded of the 2nd gear, frame and other issue's associated with the MK1's.. I would also triple check the VIN on the neck and make sure it matches the title before paying for it.. Lots going on in that picture - it really does look like someone built one from parts - nothing wrong with that as long as the person who did it knew what they were doing..

If you are not real familiar with these awesome old scoots, I wonder if there might be a VR member near that location that could take a peek and share some inspection insight with you about the scoot.. I would do it for ya but Idaho is a fair distance from Michigan.:big-grin-emoticon:

Hi @bryckman, welcome to the forum......Unfortunately that is NOT a 1987 Venture in the AD.....This is my opinion for a couple of different reasons:


1: All first generation Ventures 1986 and above had 1300cc engines.....1983 - 1985 had the 1200cc

2. That back trunk is from a 1983 - 1984 Venture. If memory serves me correctly Mother Yamaha changed the rear trunk design in 1985. Sorry @GAWildKat but I need to disagree with your assessment, that IS a venture trunk and NOT one from a Goldwing....just the older design from Mom Yamaha.


Long story short, to confirm the age of the bike or at least of the frame there is a sticker on the right hand side of the bike on the lower frame support under the engine near the exhaust header pipe and it will give the manufacturing date. Here is a picture of what that sticker should look like, this is from one of my 1986 models (which was manufactured in Dec 1985 as a 1986 model):




Now, if it were my money I would be very careful with this bike. For that price you should be able to find a pretty nice First Generation Venture scoot in very good original shape! From the pictures, this bike looks highly "modified" and it is missing the rear bags. But of course I have a soft spot for ALL Ventures, and this bike might be the most fun you have ever had on 2 wheels. But hold out to find something you like and in the shape that you want as well.


I personally have only paid $1250 for all three of my 1986 Ventures COMBINED, and they are all in great shape, mechanically sound, and provide joy whenever I ride any of the 3 of them. But if you think this is the right scoot for you, all the great guys and gals on this forum got your back to provide help and insight to get her running and driving like a charm! All the best Buddy!

At 1st glance it looked goldwing, but yes, it's an mk1 trunk, I hadn't had coffee yet....


Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk


Mk1 Forks, anti-dive and front caliper covers and Mk1 rear caliper, not sure about the rotors. Chrome rear fender add-on is Mk1. Looks like it says YICS (kinda blurry though) on clutch cover that's Mk1, no lower fairing below radiator Mk1.


Be sure to check the vin and engine numbers against the title.


It is mostly Mk1 (83-85). Maybe someone got the titles mixed up. Careful...




Thank you everyone. I believe the ad states that the saddle bags come with the bike. So I'm thinking the photographer took the picture without them on, for some reason. Any more insight would be great! Where is the VIN on the engine with these guys? Thanks for the help! I really appreciate it!





Mk1 Forks, anti-dive and front caliper covers and Mk1 rear caliper, not sure about the rotors. Chrome rear fender add-on is Mk1. Looks like it says YICS (kinda blurry though) on clutch cover that's Mk1, no lower fairing below radiator Mk1.


Be sure to check the vin and engine numbers against the title.


It is mostly Mk1 (83-85). Maybe someone got the titles mixed up. Careful...




:crackup::crackup:,, now its my turn YamaGrl :crackup::crackup:!! I stand corrected sister - those anti-dives in the picture on Craigs looked like the electric ones but YOU NAILED it - the bigger pic clearly shows they are MK1's :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:


Bryck, @VanRiver is 100% on the label showing the VIN and all that BUT - it would not be impossible for someone to sneak a sticker from one scoot to another - if it were me I would look under the fairing on the front/right side of the bike - in front of the radiator and look up on the side of the neck. The frame is stamped there with the VIN and this is the one that the authorities are suppose to go by to check for legal stuff and really, you should too..

The engine "VIN" (which is not really a VIN at all - its an id number for the motor but these numbers havent been used as a VIN number for years now and actually never were on the Metric scoots) will be found on the left side of the motor - left as in sitting on the bike = the clutch lever is on the left side) on top of the bevel gear in front of where the drive shaft enters the case area.. That number would help in identifying the year of the actual motor which would also help in knowing whether or not it is subject to problems associated with the MK1's..


You guys are awesome. So in summation: Mk1 bike, check VIN (obvious), luckily my wife works at the DMV doing registration and titling work! Check for everything on the checklist: oil, coolant, seals, elbow, cracked plastic, ensure the saddlebags are actually there, etc. Anything else other than the 2nd gear issues I should be aware of with these MK1s?





Lack of oil bath cooling on Stator - upgrade available, plastic water pump impellar - upgrade available, frame breaking at swing arm - should be reinforced, brakes that seem to speed up the bike when you need em most - upgrade to MK2 forks and then 2 piston calipers, TCI's that get wet - relocate, funky fuse box - upgrade, stock fork springs not much more than ink pen springs that will sack out just from sitting - PROGRESSIVE spring upgrade, headlight improved by holding birthday candle in front of bike, front end wiggle at 40 mph, clutch pack that slips when she hits 4 grand in 4th and 5th gear - Skydoc or Barnett heavy duty springs, temp gauge calibration that will make a newbie think his bike is running hot, speedo's that get dry and will SCARE the living daylights out of ya when it SCREECHES on a beautiful sunny Montana Mountain morning while coasting down hill with the motor shut off and listening to nothing but wind go by and birds singing - keep speedo lubed:big-grin-emoticon:


IHMO though,, all bikes are problematic - finding people who will admit to the problems and tell you the truth about em like we will here can be difficult Tuck - that is another thing that makes our club worth a buck a month IMHO :thumbsup:


Well I will definitely be on the look out for said problems! You guys are awesome! Oh, and duder says that the odometer is reading 70K and "running like a top."






If it is an '83 - mid '85 with 70,000 miles on it, second gear has either been done or very likely will need done any time now. It can be repaired but you need to be a decent mechanic on have pretty deep pockets if you plan to have it done. It does require pulling the motor and splitting the case. It is sometimes hard to even find a mechanic that would do it for you. If you did, be prepared to pay more for that repair than he is asking for the bike. I'm sorry, but that one just scares me a bit even though it has a certain coolness about it. :)


To add to what Freebird said about 2nd gear, if it happened to have an 85 engine in it, you would want one with a serial number on the engine of 1413 or above. But, I doubt it is an 85 with the smaller trunk. It would be interesting to know what kind of seat it has as the driver seat appears to be very low and the backrest would be good. It also appears to have MKII rear passenger floorboards on it.



That is what most of us suspected I think. I doubt that he knows where or not second gear has been repaired. If it has, it is probably still worth looking at. If not, I would keep looking.


It seems to have lots of good "stuff" on it. Since it is an '83, and if he is not certain that second gear has been fixed, I would offer much, much less, and if he looks mad or laughs, walk away. Don't pay more for it than you can part it out for. Many members here have "4 speeds" (skip second gear). I ride my '84 and just skip second gear.

Tell him about the second gear issue and offer maybe $450? (Be sure it starts, runs, and rides)

Well the title has now changed on the ad. It now states 83. I'm hoping it works out, but am ready to walk away.



Word of caution with the '83. With that particular year, the first year of production, there WAS an issue with the frame cracking where the rear shock mount attaches, they rusted from the inside out, and the design was a little on the flimsy side. This was corrected with the '84 on up with better reinforcement on the bracket, etc! No, the bike does not split in two or anything, but the bracket breaks away from the frame, and the rear end comes down suddenly as you have no rear suspension any more.


Myself I would walk away from that deal, but that is strictly my feeling. Betcha if you check the classifieds here somebody may be selling a 1st gen on this site, and I would trust a member of this site pretty explicitly a lot more than somebody on Craig's Scam List or Fleabay...

Well the title has now changed on the ad. It now states 83. I'm hoping it works out, but am ready to walk away.




Good choice if you ask me. Personally I wouldn't waste my time on that one and try to find a complete and original version. But that's just me :cool18:

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