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Aftermarket is made by Ignitech, a member, Dingy from Madison, OH WAS selling them a while ago programmed to your specific bike, but I'm not sure if he is any more. Otherwise check EBAY but with used parts it's a crap shoot. You may want to check with member Skydoc_17, he may or may not have one on hand. Earl is a very honest trustworthy person and if he does have one, I'm sure it will be pretested.


The problem with the '83 TCI is where it receives vacuum from for the vacuum advance. It is 180 degrees out of phase from where they take vacuum from on the '84 on up. Now, if you wanted to reroute where the "boost sensor" receives it's vacuum from, you could use a TCI from an '84 through '89.


You could also try Pinwall Cycles, a major boneyard for bikes. Their prices are a little high, but they will stand behind what they sell. If you have problems with what you buy they will replace/exchange it...


Should be a thread on that somewhere. Involves adding a port and closing one. Don't think it real difficult I just cain't remember the what fors and whys. I'm sure somebody will have that. Check on E-Bay I've had good luck there. But electrical parts it is a gamble. If you plan on long term with this ride Getting one of Dingy's is the way to go. I had a good extra 83 but made mistake of loaning to a member. He is still laughing at me. But I would do it again. 99.9 per cent of the folk here are a lot better quality. I thought I had another but still on bike.:backinmyday::innocent-emoticon: OK I'll shut Up!!! Check those connections!!


Hi @PSTERLINGJR - There is currently a "tested and working" 1983 TCI on Ebay for sale.....They are unfortunately asking $205 for it....If you are looking on Ebay also search the term "CDI" as well since there are some folk that call them by the wrong name.


Here is the listing if you are interested: http://www.ebay.com/itm/1983-Yamaha-XVZ12T-XVZ1200-Venture-Y548-cdi-ic-igniter-ignition-unit-TID14-17-/231995697610?hash=item36040569ca:g:Vr4AAOSwnNBXYs~h&vxp=mtr


Here is a ink to more info on aftermarket TCI.




Couple years ago I had an Ignitech TCI for an 83 and did not have to do anything with the Vacuum except plug off the port. it ran much better with the new TCI but It might have been even better with the other modifications shown in the above link.


I tried the original " replace the diodes" in mine but that did not work there was also a bad capicator I replaced but that did not help either.

Good luck with your project.


JR,, do you know anyone personally on the forum here? PLEASE dont take my question personally or like I am trying to be arrogant,, please DO trust me that it has a good reason and that I am trying to help you out..


hdroyer is the dude that scatted with my TCI. I do remember him and how gratefull he was.... Bike really purred and wasn't a bad looking 83. Just with all his lip it really burns me. I don't miss that bad very often.

  Yammer Dan said:
hdroyer is the dude that scatted with my TCI. I do remember him and how gratefull he was.... Bike really purred and wasn't a bad looking 83. Just with all his lip it really burns me. I don't miss that bad very often.


Thanks DanL!!! Kinda sorta wanted to make sure I wasn't dealing with that same rascal - anyone who would do that to a friend of mine is,,,,,,, well,,, no friend of mine :thumbsup2:... @PSTERLINGJR, I have an extra TCI - PM me or post here if your still in need..

  Venturous Randy said:
The TCI from a, 84 to 90(?) works fine on an 83. All you have to do is move the vacuum hose from the carb to the intake port. Just plug the carb intake port.



Well Randy thats really good news to my Noobie eyes, since i probably will have the problem sumwhere down the road. I do want to ask if they the TCI of the newer bikes have the same 2 plugins? And the vacumm hose you mentioned is the one from the vacuum boost thingy up underthe fairing next to the battery? Does anything else have to be rewired, with the switch over? Ive been reading and rebuilding a 83 xvz12tk for over a year now and this is the first ive seen this mod mentioned.

I apologize for Hijacking this thread, if i am? I'm pretty new to this forum stuff and im old...LOL

Thanks to all people here on the Venturerider.org for all the info i have gleaned....



Yep, the plugins are the same. Also, the boost sensor is the same, but with the later TCI, the boost signal reads opposite and that is why the pickup point for vacuum is below the carb and on the 83 above the throttle plate. It is as close to plug and play as you can get.

BTW, I have a later model TCI on my 83.


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