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Mike had his bike ransacked at work yesterday. Security video shows what appears to be a targeted attack at his bike. His registration was found and viewed, meaning the person who did this now has our address. Where do you securely store the bike registration and insurance cards? Mike stores them in the tank bib pocket, but knows now he needs a more secure option. This is on his suzuki c50, so no locking bags on it. Work called the police once they were notified and reviewed the video. A number of employees also live in the neighborhood so word is getting out just in case.


I'm sitting at home guarding the house, just to be safe.


Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk


Obviously I keep the reg for my Venture locked in the rear trunk. My son used carry his reg with his insurance card in his wallet since he was the only one who rode his "crotch rocket" and if he needed it he was with the bike, or the bike was with him. He did use clear packing tape over the front to keep it from fading etc.


Remember shoot first and then drag them inside .... :happy65:


No guns in the house. But I do have swords! Again, no locking bags on the c50, yet....I'm shopping now.


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Some of my old bikes have tool pouches stored under the seat and I keep it there. I know some modern models have had those eliminated. Otherwise maybe he can keep it in his wallet?

Some of my old bikes have tool pouches stored under the seat and I keep it there. I know some modern models have had those eliminated. Otherwise maybe he can keep it in his wallet?

Georgia did update the bike registration laws to allow bikers to carry the registration on their person, because of incidents like yesterday. For now he will be doing that.


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That's a bummer. Criminals everywhere it seems. While living in FL with all the crime there, I started buying guns and got a cc permit. Maybe they won't help but I feel better prepared.


Maybe they wanted to know where the bike was at night??? If I was only rider I would keep it on me. On my 750 I kept it under a sidecase that had easy access.

Ok, I'm probably naive. If someone steals my registration card and insurance card - so what?


Registration shows our home address, and the work lot is a secure lot too. The license plate was Florida plates, we live in Central GA. Hubs learned through the course of things today that our county's sheriff's wife also works with him. She made the call to have an officer dispatched to the office to investigate the incident. He's very glad now that he didn't have the 'vote for' signs for the other guy from the last election in our yard. Someone would have tattled on us by now lol. Middle pic is the travel path through the lots.




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Mike had his bike ransacked at work yesterday. Security video shows what appears to be a targeted attack at his bike. His registration was found and viewed, meaning the person who did this now has our address. Where do you securely store the bike registration and insurance cards? Mike stores them in the tank bib pocket, but knows now he needs a more secure option. This is on his suzuki c50, so no locking bags on it. Work called the police once they were notified and reviewed the video. A number of employees also live in the neighborhood so word is getting out just in case.


I'm sitting at home guarding the house, just to be safe...




Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk


I would put them in a zip lock baggy and put them under the seat or side cover.


Keep them in your wallet. I do this for all my vehicles, the reason for this is so that something like this happens they do not know where you live. Especially if they steal your vehicle and have your garage door opener. This is the same reason all my GPS's have the home location set as a nearby business not my home.


I fail to see the danger of someone knowing my address. It is common knowledge and can be found many places. I use the county tax records all the time to find out the owners name of a house I'm interested in as a Realtor. Many people have name and address on the mailbox out front.


I have a food vacuum I put my reg and ins cards in then keep them in my trunk under the mirror. Besides they may have followed or just looking for a quick hit. You may never see them again.


I don't think the police in my area ever ask for registration any more because they run the plate if they stop you and know who the owner is before they get to the car or bike. I keep all of my registration cards in my wallet, all 6, two bikes, two trailers, car, & truck. My wife keeps hers in her car.


I just have mine buried in so much junk that it is unlikely that they will find it.

I will have a hard time finding it if I ever have to, and I know where to start looking.

I fail to see the danger of someone knowing my address. It is common knowledge and can be found many places. I use the county tax records all the time to find out the owners name of a house I'm interested in as a Realtor. Many people have name and address on the mailbox out front.

The concern is that if you are somewhere near where the vehicle is then the criminal may just think that your home is unoccupied and clean you out while you are away. It's happened before.


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I fail to see the danger of someone knowing my address. It is common knowledge and can be found many places. I use the county tax records all the time to find out the owners name of a house I'm interested in as a Realtor. Many people have name and address on the mailbox out front.

Thankfully we rent currently, but I am a stay at home wife with a small sword and knife collection (can't have guns per the lease and other reasons) I'm not afraid to defend myself if needed and someone will have a very bad day if they come barging in my home. Husband just worries because I'm home alone. Granted, if he feels I'm unsafe he will ask a Marine friend to come babysit me. The officer told Mike they were sending a patrol by the house for a while to check on everything.


Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk


I always carry em in my wallet too but have a big rat trap in the pouch that those important papers are in cause only a RAT would do something like they did to my friend Storm Raven!!!!:bang head::bang head::bang head::bang head::bang head::bang head::bang head:


On the same token,, I have a really close friend that has a CCW and packs a 9mm - not sure but I have a hunch that he would rather shoot them nasty rats than snap their rotten little necks in a rat trap!!:crackup:


Hopefully it ends up being nothing more than some bored punk kids Tricia = I almost feel sorry for the crook who takes it to the next level once a Georgia Wild Cat got done with em:happy34:


Leave them at home.


Seriously, I carry my ins in my wallet. As far as registration, in my 52 years of driving and an adequate supply of tickets in a few different states I have never been asked for my registration. I never carried it until recently. Usually it is in a zip lock under my seat. Since I have the RSV now with hard bags and tail trunk I'll put a copy of each in the pocket of one of those areas.


Maybe both in my wallet would be better. Some of the world travelers say that it is a good idea to have a copy on your person and one hidden on the motorcycle and maybe another in your luggage. Even a copy of your driver license stashed somewhere in case your wallet is stolen.

Mike had his bike ransacked at work yesterday. Security video shows what appears to be a targeted attack at his bike. His registration was found and viewed, meaning the person who did this now has our address. Where do you securely store the bike registration and insurance cards? Mike stores them in the tank bib pocket, but knows now he needs a more secure option. This is on his suzuki c50, so no locking bags on it. Work called the police once they were notified and reviewed the video. A number of employees also live in the neighborhood so word is getting out just in case.


I'm sitting at home guarding the house, just to be safe.


Sent from my SM-T350 using Tapatalk

On my bikes that didnt have bags. I would put the papers in a zip lock bag, and store in the same area as the tool pouch. Usually that was under the seat or inside the side cover or wherever. But it is out of fairly easy reach


I have mine in a zip lock baggie in the tool pouch compartment behind the locking side cover on my Volusia, c50 is the same bike.


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