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So getting the old slave clutch out and the new one in...not so bad

I went to torque the top bolt in and it snapped...now I'm screwed

the service manual says 87 ft lb, did I read this wrong or perhaps was it weakened bolt?

I now need to get this out.

Any ideas? Has anyone else had to deal with this.

Or should I just take her to the shop?

Very pissed at myself at the moment......ugh

  Karaboo said:
I think you forgot the decimal place. The manual shows 8.7 foot pounds. I can see why it snapped. Hope you can get it out.


I understand what happened and sorry it happened. My copy of manual also shows 87 ft pounds. From the screw size I knew that was wrong. This is a warning that I have found this error in a number of torque specs in manual. Always check the NM torque and see if they match as the NM always seems correct as in your case the NM spec is 12 which is equal to 8.7 ft pounds. Don't know if it is a blind hole but should not make a difference since screw should not of bottomed out, Try to use a scribe to turn it out. Could not be in a worse place. Good luck


Man I sure dont know where this bolt is, but if you access maybe try a left hand twist drill bit. The reverse direction of bit will sometimes back the broken piece out as your drilling


Take a center punch and punch the end of the broken bolt before you start to drill it so you are drilling into the center of the broken bolt. A right hand drill bit and a small easy out should work to as long as the original bolt hole does not go all the way thru the casting - if it does the potential for the broken off bolt to go thru and end up inside the case is real.. Just gotta watch it very carefully..

If there is enough bolt shank left sticking out you may just be able to take a pair of needle nose and turn it out...


When you drill the center hole in the bolt for the EASY OUT, BE darn sure you are drilling the correct size hole in the center of the broken bolt!!


I suggest using a smaller drill, then drill with the final size drill. Use a variable speed drill also !!! Work Slowly !!


Also, Buy NEW --- HIGH QUALITY DRILL BITS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The EXPENSIVE ONES !!!! --- NO, old worn out, or RE-Sharpened, drill bits from your tool box !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


---- If you happened to know somebody who is experienced in this job, I suggest you ask him to come over and help, And YOU Supply ,

the Beer, and a Big Steak dinner, to ENTICE HIM to help you with this job .


Crisis has been averted.... the broken piece is out finally after a lot of cursing, coffee breaks, and a lot of luck. Now only need new bolts which of course yamaha canada has on back order....2-3 weeks (yuck)

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