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When I was putting my 89 back together (had to change the middle gear unit seal) when it came time to put the rubber boot that goes between the middle gear and the swing arm in, it didn't want to go back onto the middle gear, especially the inner (towards the center of the bike). The spring seemed to not want to stretch far enough, but I couldn't really get my hands on the inside portion. I decided to try it the 'other way', so I pulled the swing arm and put the boot on the middle gear. Then I put the swing arm back in and slid the rear of the boot over it. It wasn't easy, but it did go on. I've done this several times between replacing the 89's u-joint and fixing 2nd gear and changing the frame on the 83, and I think I previously had the boot on the swing arm and then put it on the middle gear. How do you get this on without using nasty words to scare it into submission?


I put the boot into the swing arm first. Then pull it onto the motor with the tabs. I out the spring on last. Be sure the hole is on the bottom because it will only fit correctly one way.


Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk


I had to deal with that rubber boot recently on my '84. When I pulled the engine I left the boot hanging on the swing arm. With the engine reinstalled it takes a lot of fiddling with a long screwdriver and needle nose pliers to get the inside portion of the boot completely over the shaft housing. Getting the spring ring wrapped around the boot, and in the groove, and hooked, does prove challenging. I attached a piece of wire to one end of the spring and bent it in a slight curve. I then pushed the wire under the boot and grabbed the wire with needle nosed pliers and pulled it and the spring wire over the top of the boot and into the boot groove. Then, with a second set of needle nose pliers I grabbed the other end of the spring wire and managed to hook both ends of the spring tightly around the boot. Even so, it takes a lot of nasty words.


Oh a whole lot of s words, f words and some c words too. We just did this and what he said is exactly right. The inside is really hard and it took both me and my son working together to get the boot on. Then it took both of us to get the spring stretched and hooked together. Patience really pays off. I really like the wire idea we just used 2 pair of needle nose pliers and my daughters tiny hands to get the spring wrapped around the boot.


I found a tip on this site last year when I replaced my rear end. (not mine...the scoot's. Geesh...)


Tip: buy these....








And they made life so much easier. Put boot on swing arm and was able to get my spring back on by sliding it on using the above tools. Took five minutes.

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