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I got his email off of his thread that I linked on that post. I have not tried it but likely will be in the near future.


From what you say it does sound like a starter clutch, except that often when it goes on the venture the whole housing cracks and you get a clattering noise (first made famous for Yamahas on the XS650 if you remember them).


I always use car-type fully synthetic oil. It can make a marginal clutch slip, but usually not a good one. I wouldn't expect it to affect the starter clutch though. I used Squeeze's version of the Dano clutch (I think they're the same). It's not cheap, but it is head and shoulders above the standard one with about a dozen tumblers instead of three (or maybe four - I've had no reason to look again. If you can do it at work I'd pull the cover off and check it's the starter clutch before investing in the Dano one. You need a puller to get the alternator off though. I can't see any reason why the idler wheel would come adrift, but you don't know what the PO might have done and you can always hope for a miracle !


Sorry - I posted before checking the second page of posts.


You have removed the rear cover ? I've a sneaky feeling there are hidden screws, but it was five years ago at least that I took it off last.

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