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New member here. I used to be part of Venturers but didn't keep my subscription up. Anyway, I've already learned quite a bit and placed my order for Carbon One front braces.


Anyway...I'd like to remove the cowling chrome trim on my Midnight Venture and would like some help. Are these trim pieces simply attached with mounting tape? Should I simply use a heat gun on low to loosen the adhesive?


Sorry if this question has already been covered. I spent some time with the search tool and couldn't find a thread.


Thanks in advance.


I used the line from my weed wacker to gently "saw" it off. It was probably a bit thicker than most fishing line but it worked very well. It leaves a bit of residue that I worked off with peanut butter (creamy of course! (smile)).


Yup!! Just held on with double sided tape! A little heat along with fishing line or similar tool and presto they come off! Rubbing alcohol or WD40 removes the left behind sticky goop! Welcome aboard to Ventureriders, you will find us a very friendly and helpful group!!

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