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This is question about my ( work ) bike... The Honda forum was little or no help. Has any one ran a Oil other then the Honda brand in one of these?? I run Rotella T in my RSV, would it hurt to run this in the Honda V twin???? Also, is there a filter conversion chart some place on here?? I would like to get away from the honda filter as well..


Thanks for any help!!!





it would be fine in there if you dont have a problem with it on your clutch in the RSV you wont have any trouble with it in your honda


As you can guess you'll get plenty of opinions on this subject. :-)


Years ago I was told to use Castrol in bikes since it was a high reving oil. Maybe I was just young and believed that person so I used it on the motorcycles. When I got my 1100 Ace Tourer I looked at the manual and it said to use oil with a SH, SG or one of those ratings (I do not remember which one). I went to Wal-mart and looked at the back of the quarts and the only one I found at that time was Valvoline Max Life that had that rating so I used it for 30K until I sold the bike. It was 4 years later that I realized the oil was for higher mileage engines so the container said. I used the Emgo filter 10-82230. I had no problems and the guy I sold the bike to put another 20K on it with no problems.


I have since read a little about oil and filters. I came to realize there are three things about motorcycles that you'll get plenty of input on, oil, filters and tires. If you ask 50 people you'll get probably 25 different answers on either subject.


To me, bottom line, read some of the responses and make a decision that you feel comfortable with. The main thing is to keep the oil and filter changed.


Good luck.



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