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Sorry Pucster I was in the shed working on a friends Yamaha all day and just plum forgot it was Easter. Happy Easter Puc and don't be like the bunny out in Cally.


Happy Easter back at ya bud,..


I just had to look up a few words you often post to get their true meaning, and I just happen to somewhat resemble those words....as do a few others I know here..and so now I understand why you post those words so often..


Lop Eared - having ears that droop or hang down...

Varmint - an awnry/ornery, pesky/pesty, grouchy, cantankerous, belligerent, tetchy, argumentative, crabby, unreasonable, or bad tempered HUMAN BEING OR CREATURE

tip and i want to wish all you lop eared varmints a very very happy easter!!!




Happy Easter to you and tip as well cowpuc...and to everyone else!

Happy Easter.jpg

Easter Dog.jpg

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