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I cant believe it. Never worked this year. They nailed me for taxes. Well I guess if your retired you get punished. :crying:Sure don't care for the way things are setup. Lesson learned.......


Past taxes?


Seems a little more than interesting since I've been retired since 2012 and have worked occassionally, and have investment income as well as social security and now don't pay taxes at all unless I sold investments and have capital gains. But I don't worry about that either since I have a huge carryover loss that the IRS only allows me to deduct a few pennies a year that will take beyond my life time to fully deduct!


So...you sure about the taxes? Make too much in investments?


Inquiring minds want to know....if you can/will.


I got a letter this morning that my retirement check was being whacked another 16 bucks per month. Last month 70 bucks per month. Last year 400 bucks per month. At least its getting smaller???:think::Avatars_Gee_George::bang head:

Dan if they keep that up, you will be sending them a check. :duck:



Work for the State they said. Good retirement, good benefits!! So far they have wacked it $740.92 since I hung up my uniform. I got a chance I' probally smack that governor!! Does he have any Idea how many 1st gens he is taking away from me??:bang head::bang head:


Yep a friend of mine out here was in the same profession and worked for MD. They are doing the same to him. One good thing about where I work , there retirement amount does not decrease nor does it increase.


You guys must have done something wrong. I only pay Fed and not state and I've been retired two years and get back approximately 75% of the taxes I pay each year.


Wore the wrong uniform!! Got cussed and threatened every day. Had to clean up blood and bodies. Load body bags. Be ready to fight for your life at any time. Work 80 to 100 hrs per week. Deal with politicians that thought they knew everything. Fight your way out of a unit and go back to run it the next shift. Step between two idiots with knives. Take a 8 ft weight bar away from another idiot that wants to kill everybody. Break up fight with baseball bats. Deal with visitors that want to kill you for mistreating their babies. Nothing unusual and now they want to starve me!!

I cant believe it. Never worked this year. They nailed me for taxes. Well I guess if your retired you get punished. :crying:Sure don't care for the way things are setup. Lesson learned.......


Somebody has to pay for all the folks who pay nothing in taxes or even get $ back after paying nothing.


I did get a nice surprise when doing my taxes last year. I've always done my own, last several years been using an online software, while entering data it shows what you owe or refund $, while doing my state taxes (yes here is GA we have state income) it kept showing a huge refund compared to what I was used to getting or paying. Thought I was making a mistake but after a little research found out when you turn 62 the state exempts 35K of income, jumps to 65K when you turn 65. I didn't know that, ended up getting all my state money I had been paying back :) but now have to use that to pay the feds off. :(

I got a letter this morning that my retirement check was being whacked another 16 bucks per month. Last month 70 bucks per month. Last year 400 bucks per month. At least its getting smaller???:think::Avatars_Gee_George::bang head:

Almost sounds like military retirement. They are finding something every year to take from me.


I know the feeling well. I took retirement from my job at age 54, the state enacted a tax on pensions later that year, next the feds hit me with a yearly 10% penalty for early withdrawal till age 59 1/2 which I hit this year. They still hit me a half year penalty! Pay and pay again. ... DAMN IRS!!!


Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk


Well some of us have to pay for all this "FREE" stuff Obama and his crew keep giving away at our expense. These leaches on society dont care who pays as long as it aint them.

Seems my military retirement I get a small maybe 2% boost a year for cost of living and the IRS gets 2.5% back in tax.


retired sine 2002. Take a hit on taxes every year. When I was working the government charged us a taxable benefit for parking at work even though there was no parking lot. Now they charge me a taxable benefit on the "free passes" I get. This year it is $2200.

Goes to show nothing is ever free. either you or someone else pays


Well that can't be true. Politicians have been promising free stuff my whole life.

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