bongobobny Posted February 17, 2016 #1 Posted February 17, 2016 Heading out this morning by car to Texas!! All packed and ready to go! I'll post in the evenings on the day's adventures, hope to be in Louisville tonight...
Flyinfool Posted February 17, 2016 #2 Posted February 17, 2016 Good luck and have fun. Looks like it will be way to hot down there to have any real fun..........
Eck Posted February 17, 2016 #3 Posted February 17, 2016 Here is to wishing you a very safe journey Bob!!
cowpuc Posted February 17, 2016 #4 Posted February 17, 2016 ALLLLLLLLLLRIGGHHHHT:dancefool:!!!! Now we're cookin with hot possum grease:225:!!!!!!!! Gooooo get em Bobby and Becky!!:clap2::dancefool: May your roads be warm - welcoming and safe, may the folks you meet along the trail be kind and courteous, may your trip be forever free of the long arm of the Wisconsin White Washer and may the batteries in your camera stay charged because everyone KNOWS - :big-grin-emoticon::big-grin-emoticon: We patiently and steadfastly wait upon your daily trip reports Bongo! PS - please bring back some warm Texas breezes for us!! HAVE FUN! Puc
Flyinfool Posted February 17, 2016 #5 Posted February 17, 2016 Hmmmmm How did ol @cowpuc know were just discussing possum last night in chat..............? But Bob Being on the road does NOT excuse you from popping into each night so that we can pry trip details and maybe even some preview pics out of ya.
bongobobny Posted February 18, 2016 Author #7 Posted February 18, 2016 OK safe and sound at a Fairfield Hotel in Elizabethtown KY, overshot Louisville a little bit, less we have to drive tomorrow! Hasn't been the most stellar day today. We left a few minutes later than expected and it was snowing. Got behind a snow plow for the first 30 minutes doing 35 in a 55. Seemed like it was going to take forever to get to the expressway! Yesterday we had wet heavy snow and there must have been ice on the tires because when we got up to 55 the steering wheel was oscillating like no tomorrow! It finally calmed down by the time we got to the Interstate, thank God!! I was going to bring along an extra gallon of windshield washer but forgot, along with my portable compressor because my monitor says the left rear is down a couple of pounds. Driving through Ohio in northern Ohio the gas was $1.59 but I didn't need any. When I did need gas in central Ohio it was $1.79!! And to add insult to injury, remember the washer fluid I forgot?? It was almost $5 for a gallon at the TA where we stopped for coffee!!! The reason we ended up past Louisville was because there was no room at the inn there! Saw an exit with a Hampton marked but guess what?? Couldn't find one off the exit, the sign lied!! Soo, hit the GPS to find a close hotel and it directed us here, but instead of taking us back to I65, it took us down some one lane twisty back road and a couple of other unlit roads, at least they were two lane, but no center or edge lines!Well, 15 minutes later we finally got here! Dinner was pretty good, a Texas Outlaws Rib & BBQ place, and when I got back here in the room I notice a little sign saying 10% off with room key!! Just hasn't been one of my better days...
Yammer Dan Posted February 18, 2016 #8 Posted February 18, 2016 Guess I ain't been paying attention!! Whose house did you go within rock throwing distance of today?? Good thing I wasn't home!!!
bongobobny Posted February 18, 2016 Author #9 Posted February 18, 2016 Forgot to mention that after the snow plow and before the expressway I got behind this Lincoln that only wanted to do 42 in a 55 and I couldn't get around him. Also the hotel room has no microwave or refrigerator! Today we are going to try to make it to Little Rock, should be a better day...
bongobobny Posted February 19, 2016 Author #10 Posted February 19, 2016 Greetings from outside Little Rock Arkansas! Yes, today was a much better day! We got started right on time and haven't seen any trace of snow since this morning! Temperature was 71 degrees when we arrived here at the Hampton Inn Bryant AR. Had a really great dinner at Logan's Roadhouse less than 1/2 mile from the hotel, some of the best ribs I've ad in a long time! Yes, this hotel has a microwave and a refrigerator! Refrigerators are important to us diabetics who are insulin dependent! Insulin needs to be refrigerated or kept cool. We carry a cooler but it is a pain to have to add ice cubes all the time. We use cooler packs instead of ice cubes in ours. Man, there is very little to no god lodging on I 40 from Nashville to Little Rock! I'm a little concerned about this for our return rip asI was planning on overnighting around Memphis. Plenty of $39.99 per night places and I'm sure no extra charge for any bugs you may take from those kind of places... Tomorrow night we will be with Squid and Lonna, hope she made cheesecake!!
ReinyRooster Posted February 19, 2016 #12 Posted February 19, 2016 Safe travels Amigo! Say hi to those two for me when you see them.
cowpuc Posted February 19, 2016 #13 Posted February 19, 2016 :snow:,,,,,,,,,,,, :essen_018:,,,,,,,,,,:essen_018::essen_018::essen_018:,,,,,, :snow:,,,,,,,,:icon_lurker::essen_018:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:essen_018: =,,,,,,,,,,,,,, = ,,,,,,, ARE WE THERE YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jakester Posted February 19, 2016 #14 Posted February 19, 2016 Safe travels Bob. We would like to see you down here, but I am about 8 or 9 hours from Houston. Glad you are having safe travels. Good Luck with that cheese cake. Bill
bongobobny Posted February 19, 2016 Author #15 Posted February 19, 2016 OK we made it to Cleveland TX this afternoon and are all checked in for the night. Squid and Lonna are picking us up for dinner around 7:00. The first thing we had to do is go to a shopping mall for Becky. I showed her on the weather channel hat it was going to be 80 degrees today but what did she pack?? Sweaters!!! Today was nice green grass to look at and even saw some daffodils blooming!! We also saw the aftermath of a semi whose trailer caught on fire going the opposite direction that had traffic backed up in that direction for miles and miles! The trailer was a melted mess! Saw a few bikes on the road and a couple of trikes as well...
cowpuc Posted February 20, 2016 #16 Posted February 20, 2016 OUTSTANDING BONGO!!! Keep an eye on that Squidley,,, he can sneak a chicken leg and french fry quicker than you can scream "LONNAAA!!!!!" Give those two Texas Hero's a for me Bob and here's a couple for you and Becky too :bighug: HAVE FUN!! Puc
Frogger Posted February 20, 2016 #17 Posted February 20, 2016 Have fun and bring the nice weather back with you. Please
bongobobny Posted February 21, 2016 Author #18 Posted February 21, 2016 We had a great day yesterday!! Drove down to Houston and the first place we visited was their downtown aquarium. Kinda nice setup but compared to others we have been to it was a little small. Had lunch there and we got a free souvenir glass! For the afternoon we toured the Sam Houston historical museum and got to see some of the original houses from the area! The oldest was on it's original location but the rest of the buildings were moved to the ocation through the years. So, we got a little insight to the history of Houston! Had a little trouble finding the car in the parking garage as they had locked up the area where we came out from underground and had to walk in where we drove in! We finally found the car but in order for the GPS to find the hotel it had to find the satellites first, impossible to do in an underground garage!! But, when we got out into the street, it still was having a hard ime due to the tall buildings!! One we drove out of downtown it finally located the satellites and much to our wonder we were going in the right direction!!! The Meet and Eat was great!! Got to meet Santa Hal and his wife, and PKTexas and his wife as well as Squid and Lonna! It was a nice Texas BBQ type plae and the food was yummy!! We even had live entertainment, some guy playing guitar and singing while accompanied by canned rhythm. He was actually pretty good! We ended up closing the place, which we did the night before with Squid, Lonna, Squid's daughter Heather, and JustMonkeyingAround and his girlfriend. Sure has been great visiting old friends and meeting new ones!!! People down here sure are friendly! Today we are going to the Houston Nasa Space Center and dinner in Galveston...
bongobobny Posted February 23, 2016 Author #19 Posted February 23, 2016 OK here we are in Corpus Christi!! Yesterday we got "Spaced out" at the NASA Space Center. It was like going through my entire life as far as space exploration is concerned. I found it very interesting but I think Becky was a little bored with it. We went to Galveston for dinner, but it was too late to enjoy the beaches. Tomorrow we tour the USS Lexington, should be interesting. We should have some time for the beach, it should be near 80 degrees...
bongobobny Posted February 24, 2016 Author #20 Posted February 24, 2016 We are departing Corpus Christi this AM and are bound for San Antonio. Yesterday we toured the USS Lexington for hours! After that we explored downtown and finally found a shopping mall. Becky was happy... I seemed to have picked up a sore throat and possibly a URI at the Space Center. Not running on full capacity but not really that sick that it will ruin our vacation.
dogman Posted February 24, 2016 #21 Posted February 24, 2016 Hello Bob, great to hear you and Becky out touring around, and I enjoy reading about your adventures. Keep having loads of fun and be safe on the roads.
Squidley Posted February 26, 2016 #22 Posted February 26, 2016 Glad to hear your having a good time in our great state. We enjoyed y'all being here and visiting, safe travels back home my friend. Y'all come back now, ya hear!
Huggy Posted February 26, 2016 #23 Posted February 26, 2016 Sooooooo......Who wants to go to Bob's place and have a BIG party while he's in Texas??
bongobobny Posted February 27, 2016 Author #24 Posted February 27, 2016 Well greetings from Dallas TX! The last two days in San Antonio were very interesting and informing to say the least! We learned all about the Texas revolution and he battle of the Alamo and beyond! We spent a lot of time on the Riverwalk, it is really nice!! We found this place that serves 60 oz margaritas!! Yumm, were they goooood!! There was another place that had even bigger ones, close to 2 liters size! We weren't about to try to down those, the 60 oz was enough of a challenge! Our room, on the other hand, sucked big time!! It was a Hyatt Regency and we were not impressed to say the least! There was no desk, no vanity n the bathroom (There was one in the bedroom area but the sink only had cold water. There was nothing to retain the water in the shower and the floors were uneven! We took a shower and half the water was in the middle of the bathroom floor! No refrigerator or microwave, and no ice dispenser on the first floor! The bed was in the way when we tried to bring the luggage cart in! We had to eat our breakfast in our room as there was no place to set in the dining area. There was no tables to set the luggage on! I'm waiting for the email to come with our evaluation and comments, they are going to get an ear full!! The drive up to Dallas from San Antonio was delayed by over two hours! I strongly advise anybody that has to take I35 north of Austin not to!! It took a couple of hours just to travel maybe 5 miles!!! I picked up some kind of Upper Respiratory Infection probably at the Space Center in Houston, and now it really has me down! I'm thinking we aren't going to do much tomorrow. ***sigh*** Time to head home Sunday AM...
mraf Posted February 27, 2016 #25 Posted February 27, 2016 Probably space dust. Just wash it down with something strong. Have a safe trip home. Its still cold here. So take your time Bob.
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