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Gonna give my Doctor a finger...


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well,, actually three of em.. Somewhere along the trail I managed to pick up this disease called Dupuytrens.. Its a diabolically anti-pulchritude of an ailment in that, all though it's pretty much pain free, it can totally interfere with a bikers longing to ride a motorcycle so it probably isn't something that I would advise any of you lop eared varmints to go looking for.. Also,, if you are a touch typist like your ol buddy Puc, you dont want Dupy either cause learning to one one finger type after years of touch typing is not as easy as it sounds..

Tip, Tweeks and I have been waiting patiently for an opening to shake out with a Hand Specialist and we FINALLY got the call.. If all goes well, in less than two weeks my right hand will be on its way to being functional again, then after it gets all sorted out we will be working on the ol left side.. Long range outlook is, well,,,, is glowing bright considering that at this time only my pointer fingers and thumbs are usable commodities. :doh:

Here are some pics of my right hand as of today. Dupy usually only affects the pinky and ringer finger but I managed to attract the attention of a very aggressive type of the stuff that has also decided it liked my middle finger too.. What you see in the pics is as far open as I can go with my right hand, pretty weird eh..

Today we (Tip and I, Tweeks stayed in bed) met with the surgeon who I will be giving the fingers to and he explained the process. Gonna be kinda different cause I swear on a stack of Bibles that he said that the skin around my pinky region is not gonna be able to stretch out and be stitched up so he is gonna have to leave it open and let the skin heal back together to cover the area again.. He asked if I would be good with changing my bandages on a daily basis and that I would literally be looking inside my hand when I did... I told him I thought that would make some pretty awesome pictures to share with my biker buddies on VR if they dont get censored for being to heteromorphic. :happy34:

As always and forever,, we appreciate any and all prayers, thoughts, love and concerns that any of our family and friends here dare to muster up on our behalf and will thank you right here, right now for doing so!!


:2132: :2132:

Puc n Tip




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Jeeze puc. I don't like the looks of that. I do suppose though you should be able to operate the throttle, just no brakes though?



Best of luck to you buddy. What causes the disease?


"""Jeeze puc. I don't like the looks of that. I do suppose though you should be able to operate the throttle, just no brakes though?"""

Funny you mention this Cha,, I been bike shoppin and looking at Harley's - Tippy shakin her head,, saying things like what cha want one of those for - was telling her that with my hands in the condition they are in I reckon I should still be able to hang on with just a thumb and a finger when I wick it up :stirthepot:.. :scratchchin: gonna get that gorgeous Heritage Springer I always wanted ONE WAY OR THE OTHER:178:


"""Best of luck to you buddy. What causes the disease?"""


THANK YOU for the well wish my friend!!:happy34:


The Doc says,, what da heck did you do to your hands?? A little :scratchchin: and I started going thru my own diagnosis with Tip nodding her head... Years of riding and racing a KX500 with its bone shattering viberations, pull starting 165 horse triple cylinder Arctic Cat Thundercat Snowmobiles when it was so cold out that - at times - the pull start handle would rip between my fingers, 34 years of cutting and hand splitting my own firewood and on and on.. The Doc was shaking his head in a "NOPE" fashion with every comment I made.. Got all done and he says one simple word "Hereditary".. He asked if anyone else in my family had suffered with it.. You know what, they did.. When my Grandmother passed away a number of years ago she had the stuff so bad that all but her thumbs and pointer fingers had been totally unusable for over 15 years.

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Puc, are you going to have trigger finger surgery?


Crazy as this may sound Steve,, nope,, I was told it's not "Trigger Finger".. Guess TF is extremely painful, this is not.. TF is inflammation, was told this is actually a build up of stuff around the tendons that has to be opened up and removed.. Started out with a tiny BB like nodule on the first joint of the first knuckle on the pinky of my right hand a few years and progressed from there..

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Yup, the doc that did my trigger finger surgery several years ago said to thank my European male ancestors.





We're RELATED!!!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:


Who'd of ever thunk it!!:big-grin-emoticon:



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What the heck Puc?

I know we are all getting older and things either stop working or...I can't remember, but you guys have had enough stuff happen this past year for a dozen people.


Hope this goes away soon but if it lingers very long maybe a bunch of us can swing by and help set up a throttle/brake control so you can ride-ride-ride, and even stop when you want.


Would hate to see you have to ride in a cage :)

Get Better Bud!

bike jail.JPG

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I have the same thing. I had treatment for it some time ago. The treatment was extremely painful and now the growths are back. Just to compound things I shattered the cartilage in my left diddl....oops...middle finger splitting wood and shattered the cartilage in my right middle finger in my accident. The doc tells me the only cure is to put in a metal splint in each finger. I will go through life giving everyone the double finger. I think I will just have to live with it. When I saw the specialist he told me they have a new treatment where they can inject some stuff that dissolves the growths.

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"""Jeeze puc. I don't like the looks of that. I do suppose though you should be able to operate the throttle, just no brakes though?"""

Funny you mention this Cha,, I been bike shoppin and looking at Harley's - Tippy shakin her head,, saying things like what cha want one of those for - was telling her that with my hands in the condition they are in I reckon I should still be able to hang on with just a thumb and a finger when I wick it up :stirthepot:.. :scratchchin: gonna get that gorgeous Heritage Springer I always wanted ONE WAY OR THE OTHER:178:


"""Best of luck to you buddy. What causes the disease?"""


THANK YOU for the well wish my friend!!:happy34:


The Doc says,, what da heck did you do to your hands?? A little :scratchchin: and I started going thru my own diagnosis with Tip nodding her head... Years of riding and racing a KX500 with its bone shattering viberations, pull starting 165 horse triple cylinder Arctic Cat Thundercat Snowmobiles when it was so cold out that - at times - the pull start handle would rip between my fingers, 34 years of cutting and hand splitting my own firewood and on and on.. The Doc was shaking his head in a "NOPE" fashion with every comment I made.. Got all done and he says one simple word "Hereditary".. He asked if anyone else in my family had suffered with it.. You know what, they did.. When my Grandmother passed away a number of years ago she had the stuff so bad that all but her thumbs and pointer fingers had been totally unusable for over 15 years.


So all that abuse and all you can thank is your genes.


Well we've been trying to get you to change them for years, maybe now you'll listen:witch_brew:

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Sounds like you at least now have a doc that is willing to help.


Not to pry but have you discussed the injectable treatments for Dupuytrens. There are several drugs that are supposed to dissolve the buildup without the need for surgery. Sometimes when you go to see a surgeon for help, surgery is their first and only choice. It is very possible that the drugs are not appropriate in your specific case, even the drug websites are very specific about the types of conditions that can be treated with the drug. But it sure don't cost nuttin to ask.


Either way I sure hope that they can get you fixed up for riding by the time @saddlebum closes the back door and all the white fluffy stuff goes away.

Our prayers are out for you.


You might have to come over here for a visit, it seems there is something in the food or water, maybe even in the air that seems to promote healing.


Hows this for an added incentive for quick healing, Do you really want to ride to MD on the BACK seat of Tweeks with Tippy driving..............?:whistling::stirthepot::rotf:

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We're RELATED!!!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:


Who'd of ever thunk it!!:big-grin-emoticon:


My long lost brothers.





Will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

Edited by etcswjoe
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We must be related too...for I have Dupuytrens Contracture.

I have heard of and spoke with many who have had the operations to remove it only to find it is very painful and the Dupuytrens Contracture disease comes back.

I also find it very strange that your Dr., says in your case the cause has been determined as being hereditary. In all the Google searches I have done about it and after speaking with 4 different Dr's in 3 different states, they all say no one knows exactly where or how one ends up with Dupuytrens. It is unknown in the medical field as to where it comes from or what causes it although approximately 75% of men after reaching 50 years old seem to get it. The most common places to find Dupuytrens can be found in either one or both hands, either one or both feet and on the penis or either or both testicles.

I happen to have it on both hands, both feet and one testicle, so I can honestly say I know a little about this subject. My Dupuytrens has always been pain free in all areas that I have it and it doesn't interfere with use of anything. I stretch my fingers in an effort to keep my fingers somewhat straight. A day or so later my fingers are pulling inward, so I stretch them again. A loosing battle I must say, but I have been doing this for 5 plus years now.

Please keep me informed as to how your procedure goes and the outcome. I have been contemplating getting mine removed for years now but just have not done it.


Best of luck and prayers sent your way.



Not to pry but have you discussed the injectable treatments for Dupuytrens. There are several drugs that are supposed to dissolve the buildup without the need for surgery.


I have discussed this method also with a couple DR's and each one of them were negative towards this procedure. They all said once you inject the drug its a cat and mouse game as to what all the drug will dissolve..None of the Dr's I spoke with had anything good to say about this procedure either....


A copy paste from Google:


The cause of Dupuytren's contracture is not known. It is not caused by an injury or heavy hand use.

There are factors that put people at greater risk for developing Dupuytren's contracture.


  • It is most common in people of Northern European (English, Irish, Scottish, French, Dutch) or Scandinavian (Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish) ancestry.
  • It often runs in families (hereditary).
  • It may be associated with drinking alcohol.
  • It is associated with certain medical conditions, such as diabetes and seizures.
  • It increases in frequency with age.

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I swear on a stack of Bibles that he said that the skin around my pinky region is not gonna be able to stretch out and be stitched up so he is gonna have to leave it open and let the skin heal back together to cover the area again
Not to gross anyone out But when my dog had a tumor removed from his tail the vet also had the problem of not being able to stretch the skin enough to close the wound. What she did was make a series of small staggered cuts on each side of the main incision. these opened up as she partially stitched the main cut together. It kind of looked like a piece of expanded metal over the area when she was done and instead of one big wound having to heal closed there where a bunch of smaller ones. It healed very quickly and extremely well. All the best of luck to you @cowpuc.



Either way I sure hope that they can get you fixed up for riding by the time @saddlebum closes the back door and all the white fluffy stuff goes away.
@Flyinfool cannot blame me considering we have been having warm weather and today is the 1st snow we got since before Christmas.
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Hey Puc... you take care and follow all the Dr's orders. :bang head: I want you to be able to throw the "finger" at me anytime. Have you ever tried a throttle assistant called Throttle Rocker (and other names since there are other brands) Take care and heal up fast. :080402gudl_prv:I have a really hard time giving a recuperating old guy a hard time. Being nice just isn't in my genes. So heal fast and let's get back to normal. :biker::cool:

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A buddy of mine had this and the surgery to repair and he's doing fine now. Works with tools all day. What I can say from being in week three post tendon release surgery in my elbow is that surgery sucks!!! I keep looking at bikes to buy even though I know I couldn't move one if I tried, let alone ride. And like you, I get to have the other one done when the left one heals. Haven't had a good nights sleep yet and the rehab just started today. Take care of yourself and the hand, and no matter what, LET IT HEAL before going back to doing all the stupid crap we men do.

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