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Shopping for SNOW removal compaies.


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Cold out there this morning and ground is turning WHITE!!! :backinmyday: When am I ever going to learn???:Avatars_Gee_George::think:


I tried to tell ya Dan O',, I tried to tell ya!! That Fool is a sneaky feller, looks like he found the spare batteries for the remote control for his White Washer cause we got another inch or so last night too..

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It is looking like I might have a teenager lined up. He just needs to stop over and discuss what exactly needs to get done and a price. mo%20money.gif







Cold out there this morning and ground is turning WHITE!!! :backinmyday: When am I ever going to learn???:Avatars_Gee_George::think:


I tried to tell ya Dan O',, I tried to tell ya!! That Fool is a sneaky feller, looks like he found the spare batteries for the remote control for his White Washer cause we got another inch or so last night too..
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That is the plan.


I posted on a neighborhood watch website and have since exchanged a couple of texts with his dad. Dad has spoken to son and son is willing to do the job. Now we just need to get together to iron out the details.:fingers-crossed-emo


This is Wisconsin. at $50 per visit for a "PRO" I could be bankrupt by spring.

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I tried to tell ya Dan O',, I tried to tell ya!! That Fool is a sneaky feller, looks like he found the spare batteries for the remote control for his White Washer cause we got another inch or so last night too..


Shame on you Scot, there you are calling Mr Yammer by a name that is definitely not his,,,, you see, we actually have a Dano on the site, and although we miss him a lot, we don't miss him enough to sub-plant his handle on one such as Yammer Dan.

There you go Dano, I stood up for ya,,, happy now?

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Well I finally hired a handyman today to clear my snow for the rest of the winter.

The biggest obstacle that I ran into was that everyone was booked and had no room for additional customers. The ones that did have room for more jobs were very expensive at $50 - $75 per snowfall.

The handyman that I found was a recommendation that filtered thru several different people that I had feelers out to he did work for a friend of a friend of my sister.

Fortunately for me he had a customer just a couple of blocks from me that passed away around Christmas and the kids sold his house quick so the handyman lost that account last week I called at just the right time to fill that slot.


He was quite reasonable at $20 per snowfall, he will only come if it is over 2 inches.


Because he will show up for 2 inches or more, I may have to replace the gaskets that are leaking on @cowpucs favorite :snow: machine so that I do not get as much local leakage while keeping Puc happy in his nice white world. I am now free to let er rip.:snow2:

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Yeppers,, them Handymen fellers are the way to go Fool - glad you got hooked up brother:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool:


:think: gotta be guessing here that you probably didnt tell him about the new snow you developed? You know, the stuff that creates "Billiards" (thats a Canadian word for Blizzards made up of little ice balls that are more like billiard balls than snow flakes = thanks @Tooch for learning me that :happy34:).. Or,:think: maybe you did tell him and he gave you a better rate knowing he will probably be working well into June this year:Bunny2: with only a small break for Maintenance Day :Bunny:


Either way, CONGRATS my friend and indeed, let er rip,, me and my little green friend are ready for ya!! :group cheers:

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SHUT THAT THING OFF!!! Its White out there!!! I cain't see the Garage!!


It's pointless Dan, all it does is antagonize the lop eared snow makin varmint, better off to send him some cookies and warm milk, read em a little bed time story about motorcycle rides in far off places and hope he falls asleep!! :stirthepot::stirthepot::crackup::happy34:

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WHO IS YELLING and woke me up again.............................


Well since I am up I might as well head out to play......................


Dang its cold out there. -7°F (-22°C) windchill -20°F (-29°C) Gonna have to have a talk with that @Saddlebum character bout that.............. I had to get out to the truck this mornin with my toes hanging out the end of this cast thingy. I guess I won't need ice packs on my foot for a while.

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He must be slipping. Got about 1/2 inch.....:Avatars_Gee_George::mugshot:


He aint slippin,, he's just playin with ya like a Salmon fisher plays hooked fish!! Reason I KNOW is he covered our driveway with 4 inches of fresh snow today with his last tuneup and those goofy weather guys are now warning of a major storm headed our way - 6 to 10" inland and even MORE for us Lake Shore dwellers. Sounds like Fool and his Wisconsin White Washer is just getting started brother!!!:thumbsup:

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Hay Puc I must have been nice to the Fool this past year. We have not even seen a snowflake here yet.:big-grin-emoticon::big-grin-emoticon:


Not sure if this solves anything here or not Roller but when I went over to @Flyinfool's to make some adjustments to the White Washer while he was momentarily sidelined I noticed the map below nailed to the wall above his Wisconsin White Wash Machine over shadowed by the words:






Noticed Michigan is on there and white in color but, if I dont see any problems in your area..

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He must be slipping. Got about 1/2 inch.....:Avatars_Gee_George::mugshot:


He aint slippin,, he's just playin with ya like a Salmon fisher plays hooked fish!! Reason I KNOW is he covered our driveway with 4 inches of fresh snow today with his last tuneup and those goofy weather guys are now warning of a major storm headed our way - 6 to 10" inland and even MORE for us Lake Shore dwellers. Sounds like Fool and his Wisconsin White Washer is just getting started brother!!!:thumbsup:


We got a White-Out going on :Avatars_Gee_George::bawling:


Yep, now you went n done it! I tried to tell ya bro but ohhhh nooo,, you hadda go and :stickpoke: that lop eared, frozen toed, varmint anyway!! White stuff scattered all the way from Waukee to Ivydale and me stuck right beetwix you two:doh:

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Puc that is whats called collateral damages. Just one of the perks of living close to me.:snow2::snow::snow2::stirthepot:


Besides, it was obvious to me that Dan is getting exactly what he was begging for, just like you do.


Now THATS a fact Fool!!:thumbsup:


Got something I been wanting to yak with you about and you mentioning our neighborhood here reminded me of it - thanks!! Was reading in Cha's recent post about alternative energy bikes and all :think: that got me :scratchchin:. Didnt I read somewhere that you can make Hydrogen by running electricity thru water? Wonder if we run a cable across Lake Michigan from your house to mine,,, wonder if we could create a permanent cloud of Hydrogen over the pond that we could vacuum off and provide us all with free energy forever :detective:? Sound doable?

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@Flyinfool said: ((Puc that is whats called collateral damages. Just one of the perks of living close to me.))




That's not collateral damage! This is in my front yard in Arizona. This is what I call collateral damages!




(going to be over 60 today - think winter has about run it's course down here....maybe!)

:sign woo hoo: :biker:




And I thought I remember someone insisting that they were immune to my toys.......................

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(And I thought I remember someone insisting that they were immune to my toys.......................)


Silly me...




Yea that Fool is a wiley rascal, never to be underestimated!! Fortunately that Canadian back door that he gets his supply of cold air for the Snoper is in the other direction from you David,, your collateral White Wash damage would be measured in feet instead of inches:thumbdown: .. :big-grin-emoticon:

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