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Pulse Lights...Anyone seen these?


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A quick question to all...

Has anyone installed or knows any information about pulse lights for motorcycles. I have seen one or two bikes in my time that had pulsing type headlights and it brought back to me memories of having pulse lights installed on our airplanes for situational awareness. A great idea, in my mind! The headlight load cycles from 100% power down to around 10% power and from personal experience it is an eye-grabber. I would be interested in other's opinions. Thanks

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Also, check with your local laws. They are allowed in Arizona but I had heard in the past that some states don't allow them because only emergency vehicles can have "pulsating" lights. That may have changes in the last couple of years though.

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The modulated lights are allowed by federal law therefor are legal in all states. The modulated headlights do not actually tun off, They dim to 25% brightness and then back to full power at a specific frequency and duty cycle with a bunch of other rules. Lights that blink as in tun off completely, other than turn signals, are not legal in any state.


There are some systems on the market that do not met the legal requirements.


There is some good info on this site of this maker with links to the actual federal regs.


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I am not a fan of the modulating head light but I found info for you en-route to finding info for me. I had been searching for a way to make the turn signals on my V-Strom into riding lights. I recently had a problem with my headlight going failing to come on and I realized that unlike the Venture I had no small lights either.

This site has a number of Motorcycle electronics. I did check the site and they do sell a unit for the Venture.

One of the big things I found was that the units are made in USA.

I hope you find the info you are looking for here....http://kisantech.com/mag/index.php/

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