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2015 Nevada county toy run was a great run this year

Thom Staser, CEO and founder of this event said by last count there were 1,653 riders that took part in yesterdays run.


It was 33 degrees when the four of us headed up the hill but by the time we got the kickstands up notice it had risen to around 45 degrees.

Weird thing is we had rain most all day Friday and it started raining again this morning around 2:AM

Yesterday turned out to be a great weather day for the event.





Ready toRide


Short Shirt pocket film - 1-1/2 minutes


Downtown Nevada City - 2 minutes


Touchdown productions video - 26 minutes


1,653 RIDERS? HOKEY SMAPOKY HIGHWAYS COVERED WITH MOTORCYCLIST WHO TAKE GIVING SERIOUSLY Zzzz!!:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::dancefool::dancefool::dancefool:


THAT IS AWESOME!!!!!:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

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