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I'm bound to write a piece for this season

It is on my heart to tell you the reason

To share of my feelings, it's all about love

For all of you riders, from the Master above.



It's not all that easy to send one away

Many have felt that, when war had it's way

We send out our loved ones, to God knows where at

To fight for what's right, and then lonely we sat

We worried, we stewed, and hardly could bear

The thought, that maybe, no more moments to share

To wait for the time when all would be done

Would they be safe? and the struggle be won?



If you have not yet had that feeling inside

Thank God for the peace He has 'llowed you to bide

For many have learned and lost in the fight

And then life went on in the dark of the night.

No sharing of griefs would seem to replace

The loss of a loved one, no more to embrace.



The world has gone mad with it's race to succeed

For years it has happened, and with you I now plead.

The result is the same, today, as before

We will not find the rainbow of lore.

It's peace that we need, of this I am sure

So read to the end, there is hope of a cure.



Jesus was born, His way to the fight

He didn't have to do it, for Dad it was night.

To let His Son go to fight with the devil

It wasn't easy, and nothing was level.

No rules were laid out, the battle was joined

The outcome was known, but had to be coined.



He lived 30 years and fought the good fight

The end was His death on a cross in the night.

For us He was born, so we might have passage

If He were to rise, we could loose all our baggage

Victorious He was and we can be thankful

For the fact that He came and put down the devil.



On Shopping and Santa we are focused today

We're losing the story of Jesus and hay.

He came to this world, for you and for me

Take time in your life, His glory to see.

Yes, take some of the day, that's has been set apart

And worship The Soldier, from deep down in your heart.



The future is bleak, while here we do ramble

For ages we have tried and made it a scramble

From one pit to another we tumble at best

Today we're no closer to meeting our quest.

We think we can do it, and have it in hand But then we soon realize; our Captain is banned

From schools to the judge, from work and from play

When will we realize we've thrown it away?

What is our goal,,, will it take the right bend?

We need to consider our course in the end!



Forever is long, and there is no going back

Make up your mind now, and give it no slack.

Consider the road that leads to perfection!

Just ask Him to join, there'll not be rejection.

A family for certain, and sure we have troubles

But peace in the end and then,,,, no more struggles.



Carl Norg


Our brother brings up an interesting fact,

it's not money or clout that will bring North America back.

The battles we fight and turmoil we face

will only be conquered by God's perfect Grace.


Our school's Pledge of Allegiance is no longer needed,

and the Bible in our Court's so soon was defeated.

A father's loving spank made him a really bad guy,

his children locked up and we all wonder why.


Merry Christmas it seems became an unwelcome mope,

with merry xmas replacing its life changing hope.

It's amazing the changes that have taken place,

since people stopped thinking about God and His Grace.



I would like thank my friend who points out,

what the Christmas Season really is all about.

His words made me think, a reminder you see

of what baby Jesus did for you and for me!


By the way,, if anyone else is interested in the movie that @Larry1963 posted about - it is on You Tube!:thumbsup:




Oh yea,, :hijacked: @Marcarl = I really am trying to change brother,, really I am,,, kinda:big-grin-emoticon:

By the way,, if anyone else is interested in the movie that @Larry1963 posted about - it is on You Tube!:thumbsup:



Oh yea,, :hijacked: @Marcarl = I really am trying to change brother,, really I am,,, kinda:big-grin-emoticon:

There are some great Christian movies out and this one was shown at church, as a Friday night at the movies. One of the reason that I love the Venture's family is that there are so many believers. It is a sad day to think that they are trying to get Christmas out of our country's heritage, it is a FEDERAL HOLIDAY not a religion. Pray for troops overseas this is a hard time of the year to be away from America shores. GOD, COUNTRY, and SERVICE. USAF. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL

Thank you @Marcarl and @cowpuc. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL


It is very sad that the very Christianity that both US and Canadian governments were founded on, which allowed for religious freedom to all comers to this great continent is now being forced to stifle Christianity by the same religions who enjoyed those freedoms, while in the country's of their origin those with Christian beliefs are persecuted. I hope someday that Peace will cover the earth and that religious differences no longer become a cause of war hate and violence but become a basis for mutual Love Respect and understanding.

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