Freebird Posted November 25, 2015 #1 Posted November 25, 2015 I hope that your Thanksgiving holiday is full of great food, many blessings and most of all, the love of family and friends. I have much to be thankful for this holiday season. First and foremost, my lovely wife who continues to put up with me. I know that probably NONE of you will believe it but I'm probably not all that easy to live with. For just over 20 years though, Eileen has accepted that burden and that makes me a very blessed man. Next are our children, grand kids and then of course, our many friends that we have come to love over the years. I am also very thankful for the many friendships that have come about solely because of You folks are a much bigger part of my life than you know. You are my second family and so very important to us. I can't begin the list all the ways that you have enriched our lives and we hope to continue this site, club, extended family for many years to come. Yes, it has shrunk a bit over the past couple of years due to no new Yamaha Ventures and people moving on to other bikes or giving up riding all together but just remember. Whatever you ride, whatever you drive, wherever the twisty roads of life take you, you are one of us and are always welcome here. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. Thanks for being a part of the VentureRider family.
M61A1MECH Posted November 25, 2015 #2 Posted November 25, 2015 Amen boss. Much to be thankful for, and especially thanks to you for this site, I consider it as an extension of my family also.
saddlebum Posted November 25, 2015 #3 Posted November 25, 2015 Yes Happy thanks giving to all my American Friends. My wife who is actually an American citizen is down Highland IL this week to celebrate with her father and the rest of her family. Sadly I used up all my vacation time this year going to those darned VR rallies plus a trip to my daughter in Nova Scotia, so I had to stay home and work. I wish the best for all of you and for those of you who are still able to enjoy fine weather and enjoy a good thanks giving ride, ride safe.
cowpuc Posted November 25, 2015 #4 Posted November 25, 2015 Right back you at Don! We have much to be thankful for and right at the top of that list is our family here on VentureRider. As we get bombarded from the modern day media with the troubles our world faces it can seem that peace and genuine brotherly love can be hard to find. We are fortunate to have a home here where we can check in on a regular basis and still find those golden nuggets that keep life balanced. I too would like to join you in wishing all of our lop eared varmint friends a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving celebration and to thank each one of them for being who they are, goes for you too Bossman! Puc
Eck Posted November 25, 2015 #5 Posted November 25, 2015 Thanks Don and same to you and your family. I wish you all a great Thanksgiving. I would like to thank all the Dr's, Nurses, Firemen, Policemen, Marines/ Military and everyone else who are on duty doing their job this Holiday, so that I, you and others can celebrate this Thanksgiving. Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving to all my VR family & friends! Eck
nance56 Posted November 25, 2015 #6 Posted November 25, 2015 Happy Thanksgiving to one and all. It is truly a great family here that goes along with my other family. We are blessed.
blue mtn. jim Posted November 25, 2015 #7 Posted November 25, 2015 I would like to THANK all our troops over seas. It is a hard time of year to be away from home, but because you have the desire to protect OUR country from evil I give THANKS. Do not think for one second that this GOD blessed country could be safe without you commitment and the AMERICAN HERITAGE of giving THANKS to ALL that have served her HONORABLY. With out your service we could not be able to have a humble THANKSGIVING, so to all that have served and are serving. THANK YOU and may GOD bless you and keep you safe.
cowpuc Posted November 25, 2015 #9 Posted November 25, 2015 Happy Thanksgiving! Right back at cha @NewbeeMC9 and welcome to VR too!!
Prairiehammer Posted November 25, 2015 #10 Posted November 25, 2015 Thanks, Don. I hope you have a pleasant Thanksgiving as well. Um, if I show up on Thursday, "Please, sir, may I have some more"? You will be truly thankful if @Squidley doesn't show in Oberlin.
Phoneman1981 Posted November 25, 2015 #11 Posted November 25, 2015 Well said Don:We to are truly blessed. I have made so many friends because of this site!!!!
videoarizona Posted November 26, 2015 #13 Posted November 26, 2015 From my house to yours....Happy Thanksgiving!
Drews Posted November 26, 2015 #14 Posted November 26, 2015 HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL VENTURERIDERS &
Woody Posted November 26, 2015 #15 Posted November 26, 2015 right back at ya, Thanks to the power plant workers for supplying the power to cook all the great food served today. I just hope there is some food left when I get home tonight. Thanks Don and same to you and your family. I wish you all a great Thanksgiving. I would like to thank all the Dr's, Nurses, Firemen, Policemen, Marines/ Military and everyone else who are on duty doing their job this Holiday, so that I, you and others can celebrate this Thanksgiving. Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving to all my VR family & friends! Eck
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