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No Demos To Ride (Arghhh)

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Guest gallantwrider

Is this something new in the industry ? I went to 2 different Yamaha dealerships to hopefully test drive an RSV, and they had absolutely none in the showroom, however, there were 2 being held at their warehouse. Last new bike I bought (1999) the dealer handed me a set of keys and said "have fun". I actually bought the bike after the test drive. I don't think I'd buy a bike unless I could test drive it first, maybe I'm a minority in that aspect. Maybe I never will get my RSV. Oh well, that's my rant for the day. Ya'll have a nice day and ride safe.



Not sure about other states but in NY, the bikes in the showroom can't have oil or gas in them. Demo rides are non existent. Took a chance when I bought my 05, first ride was the day I picked it up. In Tenn. last year, we happened to stop in a HD dealership and I was able to not only sit on the bikes, they were all oiled and gassed and I was able to run them INSIDE THE SHOWROOM! And I was able to test ride any bike I wanted to.


Thats been my experience. They don't want to prep a new bike and then it doesn't sell and the gas and battery start getting old. I was surprised a couple of years ago. I was sitting on a Yamaha FZ1 and a salesmen came up and asked me if I wanted to test ride it. I was in the middle of a poker run with several friends so I couldn't go.


The dealers here in north central wisconsin let you test drive. Antigo has two new 2008s and a midnight 2007. Where are you in MN?


Which dealers in MN did you try?


I know the Yamaha dealer near Still Water will let you test drive if they have one. Tousley Motor sports in White Bear Lake usually has a RSV in stock.



As far as test rides in MN, it is illegal for a dealer to sell you a vehicle that you did not test drive. It's to help make sure you don't get ripped off.




Guest gallantwrider

I tried MotoPrimo and Hitching Post. I live in the Mpls. / St. Paul area. Tousley is fairly large, maybe I'll give them a try. Thanks.


I know in some cases , many potential customer come in the showroom wanting to test drive a scoot that have no experience or reason to be on a scoot .

The day I got my scoot , I witness a buyer almost take out a handful of scoots in the parking lot as he was taking off . He recovered and shot across the 3 lanes of traffic and into the ditch before it went horizontal . I did hear the salesman asked the guy prior to sale if he has any experience and he replies , "Yes " . I think the guy just wanted the bike so bad , he would say anything . I do know my dealer , if he knows you will let you test drive , but anyone caging it in , he will not .





It all depends on the dealership. I have been in some that do and some that don't let you test drive a new bike. Just find on that does. Good luck in your quest.


I drove over to Baton Rouge saturday to look at and test ride a BMW K1200LT, which I had supposedly set up for on friday. When I got there they had the "sold" 2008 for me to look at but the demo was "down" because they had taken a front brake line off 3 days earlier to repair a customers' bike. On top of that while I was in the shop looking at a new bike they were putting together the owner (woman) came in and started yelling at me for being in the shop. The sales manager told her that HE brought me into the shop and I was a "potential customer". She stopped yelling but didn't apologoize. I left the shop area and started to get into my truck. The sales manager came out and I told him that I drove 2 hours thinking I was going to be able to test drive a bike, and I didn't appreciate getting yelled at. I then left the dealership. Unfortunately they are the only BMW dealer here in the South but I won't be going back there.


I'm not sure if there are any rules for test riding bikes in Indiana. It's certainly a risk for a bike shop to let people ride them first.


I bought my bike at Max Pitts. The Midnight was on display in the front and I mentioned that I was very interested in it. They offered to let me test ride one of the two used Ventures that they had and I was good with that. After the ride I told them that I wanted the new Midnight and they had to take it in the back to prep it. So, I don't think the new bike was ready to ride until someone actually bought it.


In Michigan my dealer told me that as of 2008 Yamaha has approved each dealer 1 or 2 bikes to use as test ride models. Each dealer will not always have the same models.:confused24:


When I was looking to get another bike last year, I went to the local dealer here that sells 4 brands, the salesman asked me if I wanted to dema a couple of bikes, so I filled out a form and he gave me the keys to a Vstar 1300 and an 06 Roadstar and told me to take my time and have fun........It didnt take me long to return the Roadstar, but I really didnt want to take the 1300 back, I kept it for a couple of hours and he was surprised when I brought it back the same day, I think he expected me to keep it for a day and put some real mileage on it....But the Yamaha's were the only demo bikes they had...............go figure.



Dealers get away with refusing to give test rides because too many people are willing to just bend over and take it from them. If people would just stop buying a bike that they are not allowed to test ride, then the dealers would change pretty damn fast.


There is absolutely no way I will give my money to a dealer for a bike without riding it first. Sometimes it has taken a little negotiating, but I either get my way or I walk. I recently bought a virtually new 07 RSV sight unseen from another member here up in Michigan, and I got screwed on that deal, but I knew the risk I was taking. I chose to put a bit more faith in our members, even at the risk of getting burned. I personally would NEVER take that risk from a dealer. They are in business to make a profit, and letting a prospective buyer test ride/drive a vehicle before they buy is a part of that business. Just my :2cents:



When I was looking, I could demo'ed a new BMW, Goldwing and an Ultra Classic. Could not find a dealer in Dallas that would allow a ride on an RSV. Couple of dealers had them, but no rides.


BMW dealer gave me the keys and told me to be back before closing. Honda Dealer did the same. HD dealer had the salesman ride along side me on another bike over a 10-15 mile route that include about all kinds of road conditions. A couple of people on the site volunteered to let me ride theirs which I very much appreciated. To ride the HD, I had to show proof of motorcycle insurance and a license. Same at Honda, just a license at BMW. I did have to sign waivers at all dealers. I am honestly not sure I would ever buy a bike I could not ride first. Kind of like a car, I want to see how it fits me.

When I was looking, I could demo'ed a new BMW, Goldwing and an Ultra Classic. Could not find a dealer in Dallas that would allow a ride on an RSV. Couple of dealers had them, but no rides.

I was able to test ride the 05 RSV at both Arlington and Hurst Yamaha shops in the Dallas area - both initially said no, but gave in after some discussion. The Arlington shop would have sold me the bike, but after letting me test ride it, he wouldn't deal on the price. Oh well, his loss... Hurst shop made me a deal that beat the best internet price I had found (and that was a very good deal).


I was able to test ride the 05 RSV at both Arlington and Hurst Yamaha shops in the Dallas area - both initially said no, but gave in after some discussion. The Arlington shop would have sold me the bike, but after letting me test ride it, he wouldn't deal on the price. Oh well, his loss... Hurst shop made me a deal that beat the best internet price I had found (and that was a very good deal).



Guess my problem was that I just wasn't in the mood to argue the days I was looking. Hard not to do when you are buying a car or motorcycle. I call them all - most did not have an RSV and the ones that did just flat out said no. Told them I was serious, but not without a ride. They basically told me to bad they could sell to someone else. I called both of the dealers you listed. I have no problem with their policy, as long as they do not have a problem with mine - no demo, no purchase.

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