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Last ride of the season


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I took what appears to be my final motorcycle ride of the season here in Minnesota as it was a nice 60 degree sunny day. Was able to get just a bit under 100 miles in and topped out the tank with seafoam and good gas. I would have gone more but yard work was calling and needed to be finished. I still have it sitting ready to ride again if I have another sunny day I might get take it out again as it isnt very often we get motorcycle riding up here in November.

Rick F.

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I hear you.

My idea of storing the bike is some ethanol free gas with some Sea Foam, so it is ready to go at a moments notice.


But this year it got put away for the long haul, last week it ate a front wheel bearing. So I have added that to my winter list of things to do. One never knows when we might sneak in a nice day or 3 around here.

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Same here in New Brunswick. Took what may be last ride on the 11th. 200km round trip to the Cenotaph in Woodstock to pay my respects on rememberance day. Was sunny but cold at just 5celcius. We are in a cycle now of weekdays, ie workday being sunny and 10 to 12 deg and weekends at the freezing point. Keeping it ready for another ride this season but it does not look promissing:crying:

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