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I have taken the cover off and looked under the clutch Basket and can see one pin is missing, first question is, where did it go? Next question is, now what do I do to go about fixing it and where do I get the parts that have been mentioned that supposedly upgrade this issue. It scares the heck out of me to think about pulling all the plates off and trying to get them back on right, I'm not saying I can't do it, it just frecks me out, The parts were listed on another post as 1 of one length and 5 another length and a gasket however the pictures in the Thumbnail showed what looked to be a one piece part. Any advice and help would be greatly appreciated


The improved one piece cam segment still needs you to install the 2 different length pins. The lost pin is in the pan, and won't cause any issue to leave it. many posts list the parts required. search for shift cam


Had that happen to me down in Mexico on an '83. Found the pin and reinstalled it and bent the tab back.


Couple of years later, happened again on an '84. Guy with us has a set of numbered drill bits. We took the biggest one that would fit, cut it to length and installed it. Bent the tab back.

When we got home, I make sure the tab was down tight and ran a small weld bead across the tab. Also bought the new fix for it, which I still have. Never needed it for the next 56,000 miles.

This only happens when you kind of miss a shift and kind if force it. Shift finger catch's the tab and bends it open.


You can have the kit, if I can find it. I see it from time to time.

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