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I purchased a running 1983 Venture last year and a running 1989 last week. I only ride the 1983 one time before the back brakes locked up on me and after the Winter I noticed there was a thick crust running down the left side of the motor. To make matters worse a couple of cylinders wouldn't fire and the clutch does not engage. The 1989 runs and drives. It makes a loud clunking noise when I hit any substantial bump. The speedometer doesn't work but the rest of the gauges are fine. It takes a long time to warm up and has an oil leak. I believe that the 1989 will be easier to get road trip ready but the Ventures are pretty complicated to me so I'm pretty intimidated.




Can anybody tell me what the small box with the small toggle switch and another switch is on the left handle bar does?image.jpg



rear brake

read this http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?12536-Stranded-with-brakes-sticking-and-heating-up-Read-this


Its also entirely possible that the caliper pistons are sticky. Either way, if the brake pads are not releasing - getting hot - lockiI ng up can happen. Tongue n cheek = the ability to actually lock the rear brakes on an 83 is something most of us can only dream of :big-grin-emoticon:

To cylinders not firing = possibly carb diaphrams have fallen apart - I rode my current 83 (Tweeks) home from purchasing her several years ago in that condition with well under 30k on her. Repaired diaphrams = still hitting on all four and well over 300k on her. May also be ignition, pull plugs - ground em and see what cha got. Could also be plugged carb jets/not getting fuel.

Clutch = never did have good clutches = need up graded springs. Is it out of fluid in the master? Got air in the line? Can you feel any resistance when you pull the clutch lever?



Picture appears that fork springs are sacked. This makes limited travel of fork tubes into legs - hit small bump and CLUNK is common. Replace springs with Progressives. Also check neck bearing tightness - could be sloppy enough to make noise but this usually occures while braking over bumps with front brake.

Long time to warm up is subjective, 2 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes? Could need good carb cleaning. Does it respond well to choking on all four? Might try getting some miles on it with in tank cleaner like Sea Foam - some have had good luck with it. May also double check air filter and make sure its got one in it.. Bought one once that was missing air filter - ran like crap.. Talked to PO couple weeks later - said he removed it to make bike faster - argggg...

Oil leaks, crud flowing down motor = old bikes sometimes do that:big-grin-emoticon:

Make sure to never fill oil above mid sight glass on level bike - will aspirate to airbox and cover engine with oil. I have personnally seen MANY of these older scoots with LOTS of miles on them with spotless motors! BUT, I have worn out 5 83/84's and can tell you I have yet to have one that didnt leak at least a little oil.. Current bike uses almost a Quart between Michigan and Sturgis SD if I run her hard (which I normally do). I am probably not the right guy to tell you exactly how to trace oil leaks :big-grin-emoticon:

:fingers-crossed-emo Hopefully one of our resident oil leak experts can help with that..

All above written as opinion, consider the source and BEST OF THE BEST with making em go Jdubb!!!:thumbsup:



By the way, if I were gonna keep one to ride and wasnt real sure of myself around this stuff I would keep the 89. The 83's had the tranny issue, stator issue, plastic water pump impellers and cannot be fitted with some updated R6 good stopping front calipers without a lot of work.. Also getting an xtra 100cc's and a few years newer on all those rubber hoses and stuff. Of course,, they are still a little slower then the 83's (well,, according to some people, the Blue MK 2's like you have are just as fast but everyone knows ya cant believe everything ya read on the net, even here on VR:stickpoke:). Both good looking scoots ya landed there!! :2cents:

Can anybody tell me what the small box with the small toggle switch and another switch is on the left handle bar does?[ATTACH=CONFIG]102196[/ATTACH]

Thinking we are talkng CB/Radio controls....

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