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My POSSIBLE new Avalanche


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It was the Detective with an envelope in his hand. He handed the envelope to Freebird and Eileen and told him that he was glad to see the Bird finally coming to his senses and wearing a shirt that proved it was so. Thousands of faithful V-4 riders and even a number of Harley, Wing, Spyder, Slingshot and other bike riders broke out in a cheer that could be heard for many miles and gathered around the lovely couple as they opened the envelope to find the two round trip tickets to Paris still intact!! With a his tummy filled with Banana Nut ice cream, sporting the beautiful shirt with a Blue 1st Gen Yamaha Venture boldly printed on the front of it that Eileen had given him, the Bird felt Free again. He held out his right arm to his lovely wife. She grinned from ear to ear as they stepped inside their new Avalanche and headed for

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which was kind of strange because under normal circumstances, a left over Hot Dog at a Venturerider.org gathering is a very rare occasion. The Detective was called to the table to investigate this malady. First thing he did was tape off the area with yellow police tape, then he broke out his crime scene investigation kit and pulled a chair up to the table near the beautiful Hot Dog. Wondering what was in the kit, the crowd gathered around to watch the Detective in action. As he opened the investigation kit, they were all surprised to see

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as the color of the Blue 1st Gen now displayed boldly on Freebirds chest. The Detective dusted the Hot Dog area for prints with the Blue dust but found no prints. He then pulled another package out of his kit that had these letters stamped in the top of it - I.M.F.H.D.A. (Impossible Mission Force Hot Dog Analyzer). The crowd watched as the Detective removed a simple napkin from the package, placed it around his neck and began professionally testing the Hot Dog by

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the Detective announced that it would probably be a good idea for anyone that wanted to go to the airport and wave bye - bye to Freebird and Eileen as they flew off to explore Paris to head that way. He pulled the Blue 1st Gen forward and turned on his police lights. The masses formed a two by two line behind the Detectives bike and then they all

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and trying to catch itself a Yamaha Venture.. Peeking back in his rear view, the Detective could see that the slower 2nd Gens were having a hard time getting past the slimy Pond Monster so he motioned for the bikes following him to continue their forward trek toward the Airport while he swung the gorgeous Blue 1st Gen around and headed back to

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and it appeared it was headed toward the Airport that Don and Eileen would be departing from. Security was tight when the massive gathering pulled into the airport. The Detective flashed his badge to the guards at the gate and was able to clear the group until a varmint named Raggy started to pass. The guards signaled him to pull to the side and they began to

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quickly flashed his official G-Man U.S. Marshall shiny badge at the guards and told them that Raggy and his motorcycle had been scrutinized several times by guards at the US Custom's office not to long ago and that he would vouch for Raggy's harmlessness. The guards looked at the badge, looked back the smiling Raggy, shrugged their shoulders and motioned him thru. The two of them parked by the other bikes gathered in front of the airport terminal and walked inside just in time to see Freebird and Eileen waving to

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I hate flying over the ocean in one of these little 4 seater, twin engined Piper Cub's". The Bird told her he knew exactly how she felt as he hoped the 1st Class tickets for the flight to Paris in the little Cub included some really good Hot Dog's and Rocky Road ice cream for dinner this time because he had to leave his unfinished dinner setting on the table back at the VR party. A stewardess with a crooked nose and horn rim glasses crawled into the passenger seat beside the Pilot and closed her door. The Pilot, who looked vaguely familiar to the lovely couple, leaned back and announced "This is Captain FlyinFool speaking, please turn off all cell phones, fasten your seat belts, cross your fingers and hold your breath - we will be

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please feel free to take a complementary copy of "Speaking French" found under your seats. FlyinFool Express Inc. would like to thank you for choosing our Airline." Ocean waves skimmed the tires on the little Cub as it fought with all it's might to gain airspeed. The Bird was fairly impressed with the thrust that the twin 20 Horse Tractor motors mounted on the wings of the aircraft produced because he was

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