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My POSSIBLE new Avalanche


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To which the Warden gently and tenderly replied "NO - but now that I know that's what your thinking - it does mean you can knock off this silly Detective business and get back to work on the new property AFTER you go find Don and Eileen and return their plane tickets to them".. The crowd listened intently as Yammer explained all this to Squid while searching over the huge gatherings of vehicles, attempting to locate the Freebird families new Avalanche.

Remembering the Warden's last words and unable to locate the Avalanche, Yammer restarted the Blue 1st Gen, turned the lights back on and took off in hopes of locating Don and Eileen at the local Dairy Queen. Little did he know that Don had spotted him at the Meet and Greet and was now

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Having noticed Don's dismay, our good friend from Iceland wondered over and offered to make Don a real Freebird by taking him for a flight in his twin V-4 flying contraption to catch Yammer Dan's 31 year old Venture. As Don and Jonas sat in the evil looking machine preparing for launch, a person stepped out of the crowd that had gathered to bid them farewell. The smiling chap with what appeared to be a miniature snowman frozen to the top of his head handed Jonas a box containing some odd shaped balls of dough that had a very strong odor - the fellow whispered something in Jonas's ear as he handed them the box - Jonas smiled and simply said "you really are a flying fool - that is a GREAT idea". Don glared into Jonas's eyes as Jonas dumped 2 gallon's of Black Death into the fuel system of the machine, hit the throttle and got a lift off.

Once off the ground Jonas and reached back and dropped one of the smelly balls into the intake of the now air born machine and

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a flock of crows flying near by disappeared with nothing but a few feathers floating down from the sky where they once were remained. Don plucked a couple of feathers from his quivering bottom lip, looked at our hero Jonas and said "kinda gives a fellow a good understanding of why they call that stuff Black Death don't it?".. Jonas fought the G-force to smile at Don while he replied "pretty potent stuff when ya toss in one of Flying Fool's dough ball concoctions aint it?"..

As they approached 12000 feet in altitude they could see that the sonic boomed had also caused a malfunction in the electrical power grid on the planet beneath them as the only lights they could see below was that of the bon-fire had lit on launch where 500 of their friends were now roasting hot dogs and the flashing blue/red lights on the Blue 1st Gen that housed Don and Eileen's tickets.. Jonas spotted the 1st Gen, took aim, dropped another Flyingfool doughball into the intake and

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as Don was trying to answer Jonas's question by saying "I know it wont be Harley cause I have tried that, a MK1 1st Gen is the only thing on the planet that would do it but we would have to get a hold of Skydoc and stiffin the clutch springs first".. Before Freebird could finish his sentence, the Flying Fortress they were riding in ran out of the NOS effect of the funny smelling Donut Dough and Jonas lowered the craft to align it with the envelope. As he did, Don reached out with a fishing net he had removed from the Batman and Robin survival belt he had been wearing since childhood and reached out to net the envelope when

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even closely to the speed of the returning Blue 1st Gen, the bike and Yammer Dan were there right beside them. As Don tried to retract the net with the envelope inside it he felt the ice cold steel of a set of official Detective Handcuff's snap against his wrist and he heard the "click" of the jaws as they snapped shut around his right arm. THe sound made Freebird's mind have flash backs of a long time ago when

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by the Florida Department of Fisheries when he was a kid. At that time he had a 9 foot Sand Shark in his fishing net but had no fishing license. Now that same net that he had removed from that same Batman and Robin Tool Belt once again had gotten him in trouble. Only this time he was dealing with someone who had 1st Gen Yamaha Venture that had proven itself 10 times faster than a Sand Shark and its owner was twice as

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