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I think I'll take the truck to work today.....

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Supposed to be 100 mm of rain coming today.


That's just a bit much for me to ride in wearing work clothes. Even if I do wear the frog toggs..


It's the truck to go to work today for me. :(


Sure glad I got the roof on the shed yesterday. I guess it will get a good "leak test" today too!



YUP parked the bike too today - good timing as I am opening it up to do the Barnett Clutch Upgrade.:dancefool:


What you going to do with the rest of the time you will have on your hands? It only takes about 45 minutes to do the up grade. Brink :beer:? While your at have one for me. :duck:

What you going to do with the rest of the time you will have on your hands? It only takes about 45 minutes to do the up grade. Brink :beer:? While your at have one for me. :duck:



LOL, was at work today so no :group cheers: yet. Still waiting for gasket before I can open her up. Hopefully before the weekend...it should stop raining by then...:confused24:

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