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Guys ONLY,, again,, this thread is for GUYS ONLY!!

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Now that I got your attention GUYS,, Menard's has gutter covers (you know, the stuff that keeps the Fall leaves out of the gutters) for FREE this week!! Store rebate after purchase for FULL amount!!

Tippy is an avid couponder and LOVES Menards rebate program which is FANTASTIC but,, sales like this can sure add to the "Puc honey,, do this list". Thats why I thought best to make this a Mens Only thread. A simple "well thank you Puc for having your brothers backs and posting this valuable thread in this manner, will do..:witch_brew::rotf::stickpoke:


Oh yea, PS = At first I was all poochy lipped - standing on a ladder in this GORGEOUS sunshine, buddies going by waving at me on their bikes and all that.. Then it occurred to me, with every section of the gutter cover I put up now - it means in the future years I - THATS RIGHT - I can be out riding my bike while the leaf's are no longer finding home in my gutters:178::guitarist 2::whistling::thumbsup::big-grin-emoticon:

Whats this falling leaves thing your talking about?


Dj, up here in the great northern state of Michigan we have a fairly good fishin pond known as Lake Michigan. While our pond does not have sharks in it like that bigger fishin hole you folks have down there, it does have something that yours doen't. It has something called a @Flyinfool who lives somewhere on the pond's western shoreline.. This high flying Fool likes to mess around with diodes, triodes, astrogenetics, jet streams and many/anything else that he can get away with while he tinkers in his basement.

Many years ago, Mr. Fool got some wires crossed while in his man cave working on something called his Wisconsin White Wash Machine (it's a device that turns green lawns white and makes it very difficult to drive anything other than a vehicle with true four wheel drive). The resulting eddy currents associated with the crossing of those wires caused some kind of a magnetic paradox in our atmosphere which, besides an occasional case of Northern Lights (those are really pretty), this caused our trees to shed their leafs and go bald. Its kind of strange because both the Northern Lights and the trees going bald happens pretty annually these days. Unlike yours truly and the bald spot on my head, our Michigan trees seem to be fairly tough and always seem to regrow their leaf's every year..

Oh, wait a minute,, that might not have been the answer you were looking for,:think:,,,,,, maybe you are asking the tougher question that has to do with why leaf's fall down instead of floating in the air? No idea if thats the question but I can tell you one thing - be glad they dont float and end up in Florida cause they sure can be a pain in the neck to clean up:backinmyday:


Thanks Puc. I have these useless trees here called Palms. Very slender tall things, not much good for shade. Although when thier leaves fall of some of them can be 4 or 5 ft long. The seeds of them look sort of like grapes but are orange and hard as a rock. They make a lot of racket when you run them over with the moing machine.

Thanks Puc. I have these useless trees here called Palms. Very slender tall things, not much good for shade. Although when thier leaves fall of some of them can be 4 or 5 ft long. The seeds of them look sort of like grapes but are orange and hard as a rock. They make a lot of racket when you run them over with the moing machine.


What is this moing machine you speak of.

:snow: don't need moing.


Puc, use chicken wire, with a radius fold so leave can not enter the gutters, its cheaper then buying the plastic stuff they have at home depot, and will not crack or become brittle in the winter.




:think: You folks in FLorida must also have some pretty small chickens though,, not sure that chickens up here in the north would like living in gutters or even fit in em for that matter.. BUT!! :lightbulb:betcha the gutter downspouts make excellent egg chutes :lightbulb:

I dont have chickens so I can't try it out,, maybe next time I go visit Moe in Viroqua I will talk to Orlin (he and Sharon have chickens I think - if not I will check with @eagleeye cause I KNOW he does) and see if he wants to give it try..


Seriously though bro - good idea - never thought of that!!

What is this moing machine you speak of.

:snow: don't need moing.


This is a mooing machine and just like a moing machine,, it dont moooo much when da fool starts with the:snow: :cold: either:happy34:..





Sorry. mowing machine. Kind of like the snow blower only the blades lay flat against the ground and chew grass. I try not to use mine much so it will last longer. lol

Sorry. mowing machine. Kind of like the snow blower only the blades lay flat against the ground and chew grass. I try not to use mine much so it will last longer. lol


Dont let that Fool fool ya Dj,, he knowed exactly what ya be talking about.. That lop eared varmint is just getting :stickpoke:and :banana:cause he thinks its almost time for him to

:witch_brew: with some :snow: as soon as those Canucks start trying to :cold:us out.. Got news for em all though - this is gonna be one of those :scorched:winters in prep for next years International :backinmyday:



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