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Run Off VOTING for 2016 International Rally Location

Please select your preferred location for the 2016 VentureRider International Rally  

141 members have voted

  1. 1. Please select your preferred location for the 2016 VentureRider International Rally

    • Viroqua, WI
    • Davis, WV

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You will like the stretch from Roanoak VA. to Davis,WV. So here is a little heads up. The stretch from Davis WV.to Wardinsville WV. is a new four lane that they are working on at this time. It should be complete by next fall.


I have had enough time to just check the votes with work and getting ready for 2 weekends away one of them being the Leaf Lookers ride. Do have to say its been fun and am glad to of give people a choice.

I said at the start that I was going to keep it simple a place for everyone visit relax and enjoy each others company and get to ride in some really nice country on some really nice roads. And of course there will be good food and can never leave out the icecream and Wisconsins famous cheese and beer.

I dont think that anyone would be disapointed attending a good old fashioned Wisconsin get together.

Thanks Puc and Moe for all of the work, who would have thought Moe would have become a famous goat.

And Thanks to all that have voted and is still to vote.



Don if you or anyone would like to come to this area to ride for a couple days during the summer months I would be happy to meet up and show you some of the roads. I am only about three hours from there and I grew up riding those roads.


Are members voting because it is closer to them and is the membership higher out east. I voted Wi because it appears to be nice area and it is a 10 hour ride for me opposed to a 24 hour ride to WV. I live in the middle of Canada so the members west of me have an extremely long ride. Also the month of September is really pushing it for the members out west as they have already had snow a few weeks ago.

Are members voting because it is closer to them and is the membership higher out east. I voted Wi because it appears to be nice area and it is a 10 hour ride for me opposed to a 24 hour ride to WV. I live in the middle of Canada so the members west of me have an extremely long ride. Also the month of September is really pushing it for the members out west as they have already had snow a few weeks ago.


Well put Dana and totally understood:thumbsup:

It didnt go far the last time I mentioned this but I honestly still think it would be cool to have an International Rally located as close to the center of North America (Canada/USA) as possible. I am sure part of the reason that this would never work out is because the bulk of our membership (if looking at the members map is accurate) is in the south eastern U.S. (strickly an opinion I formed by looking at the map) and because no one has volunteered to host one (pulled that thought from reading what Freebird has written in asking just that)..

In the end, I personally looked at Orlin and Sharon's offer to host the International this year in Wisconsin thru the very lense that you are speaking of and saw it as closer to ground zero than any of the other choices. That is one of the main reasons I voted for them (besides the fact that they do have some AWESOME riding right out their back door) - fact is I think it would be WAYYYYY cool to have equal representation from all corners - southeast and southwest Us to Northeast and Northwest Canada:thumbsup:


I know,, I am crazy,,,,,, a lifetime of attending that big centrally located Sturgis Rally out in South Dakota and meeting folks from all over the world can do that to a guy:big-grin-emoticon:


Yes, Slowrollwv has volunteered to be the point person. He has told where it would be based and what facilities are available there.


I feel that both volunteers have done an admirable job in providing the basic info. We should not expect detailed schedules and planned events at this time. That takes a good bit of time to put together and is typically not done until the location is decided upon.


All i have seen from WV group was links and suck no firm plans.


If WV is the location for the rally. The place I would hold it is http://canaanresort.com/13/home/ it has camping, lodge and cabins, the cabins have 1 to 4 bedrooms. The time frame will be Sept. 26th - 29th. Sunday the 25 th would be arrival date and Fri. 30 would be departure date. Go here for some of the area attractions. http://canaanresort.com/13/activities/area-attractions/


Chuck (slowrollwv) has agreed to host the WV event. He has outlined dates and also a location that works for motelers or campers. As for planned rides... he knows this area well as he grew up there. So he knows the good roads and attractions. Furthermore, I have agreed to assist him as he needs it. I have hosted at least 4 events in this same location and also know the area well.

What exact firm plans are you looking for? Whats for breakfast?? :confused07:


As for September being a late time for an event, that of course is your opinion and you surely have your reasons for it. For me, fall is my absolute favorite time to ride and camp. No insanely hot weather. Usually a bit drier. Less kiddies at the campground and attractions. and... NO BUGS.


I'm voting for Wv, dunno if we will make it, but this way if I wanna go beat Dan with my skillet I have an excuse..."I was just in the area and thought you needed a lesson in behaving..." Lol

Don if you or anyone would like to come to this area to ride for a couple days during the summer months I would be happy to meet up and show you some of the roads. I am only about three hours from there and I grew up riding those roads.


I'll come also. Been riding in WV for a lot of years.


Long Tall

Lynchburg, VA


Shoot...I'm just 35 minutes from your route as you go through Roanoke. We could hook up on the way. I know the way up there in my sleep...


Long Tall

Lynchburg, VA


several of us met up in marlinton, wv several yrs ago, and rode to Cass and rode the train up to the top and looked at all the area they use to cut lumber, very big operation, went to new river gorge bride and rode down the old Hwy 19, which has a lot of switch backs and a iron bride that goes over the river at the bottom. also went and sean the largest radio telescope in the world. lot of great riding in the area.the guys that lead us around was originally from there and their 80 yr old dad was riding with us too, he hung right in there with them during all our fast riding. I hope we can make it up there.


I don't know if the same gov is still in office but when we went there, the govr was openly welcoming bikers to WV for the riding, they were redoing a lot of the roads to make them more open to bikers. they have a good web site,


I always like for someone from the area to helps out, they can show you more places that you may miss and places to avoid.

SLOW ROLL, it's your turn to show us around your area!! LOL!!

barber's 2011 177_crop.jpg

I don't know if the same gov is still in office but when we went there, the govr was openly welcoming bikers to WV for the riding, they were redoing a lot of the roads to make them more open to bikers. they have a good web site,


I always like for someone from the area to helps out, they can show you more places that you may miss and places to avoid.

SLOW ROLL, it's your turn to show us around your area!! LOL!!


You got it. You make it up here and I will show you roads that most riders avoid but don't know what they are missing.

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