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Questions that will be with answers for Up coming Agenda's

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Just Thinking ( Most of the time gets me in trouble )


what would spark your attention or Interest or even ( a local happening ) to bring people together for a M&G ( incorporating )


He in Florida our riders are all spaced pretty evenly all over the state. so when we have M&G&E's we first find interests in going, then base a location in a center location based on peoples reply's.


trying not to have one or two people having to travel 250 miles to get to one ( It's not fair )


so what would spark your interests in coming to a M&G?

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Motorcycles, lots of motorcycles.. Friendly people, lots of friendly people.. Lady passengers/riders, lots of others to bring their lady passengers/riders so Tip has someone to play with. Hot dogs, lots of hot dogs.. Ice cream, lots of ice cream.. Weather, lots of good weather.. Quiet places to tent camp, lots of quiet places to tent camp.. Stickers of the area, lots of stickers of the area.. Cheap gas, lots of cheap gas..

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Personally I think the Goldwing riders group does just right.

Someone decides he is going for breakfast or lunch somewhere, posts where he will be be and when, if others chime and and want to join they say so, if not he eats alone. No fuss no muss, simple say what you are going do and do what you say, done.

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Personally I think the Goldwing riders group does just right.

Someone decides he is going for breakfast or lunch somewhere, posts where he will be be and when, if others chime and and want to join they say so, if not he eats alone. No fuss no muss, simple say what you are going do and do what you say, done.


I like this personally. It makes it more "impromptu" style i.e.,,, if you show up at said time and place, we'll ride together, if you don't show up until destination we'll see you then, and if you don't show up at all we're goin' anyway.

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FL. is one of the three states that I have not been to on the eastern half of the country. I would like to go there but it would have to be for more than a one day visit. Lets see, If I take a trip to Daytona for the race I could stretch that into a week. Do you think that would work? :rotf:

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FL. is one of the three states that I have not been to on the eastern half of the country. I would like to go there but it would have to be for more than a one day visit. Lets see, If I take a trip to Daytona for the race I could stretch that into a week. Do you think that would work? :rotf:


that would work. I'm 1-1/4 hrs south of there

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FL. is one of the three states that I have not been to on the eastern half of the country. I would like to go there but it would have to be for more than a one day visit. Lets see, If I take a trip to Daytona for the race I could stretch that into a week. Do you think that would work? :rotf:


That could work, I am only 25 minutes south, and where I work is close enough to the speedway that I can hear the cars running while I am in my office, you better belive that makes it hard to stay at work.

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FL. is one of the three states that I have not been to on the eastern half of the country. I would like to go there but it would have to be for more than a one day visit. Lets see, If I take a trip to Daytona for the race I could stretch that into a week. Do you think that would work? :rotf:


I think that would work Roller.

Some tips from your buddy.. Tip and I rode down to those swamp lands a few years ago.. Continue to Key West after Daytona, those long bridges are awesome.. Come back and take the alligator road from Miami, across the Glades to the other side (Marco Island?).. Make that part late in the day, about half way across on alligator road there is some kind of an Art Gallary on the left, camp in their little parking lot (nice people) - gators crunching birds will keep you up all night (swamp night life is awesome). Tippy believed me when I told her the gators would not crawl into the parking lot but she didnt believe the snakes wouldnt - glad zippers on tent still worked. Two tracks in the Glades get remote really fast, big pot holes with water can get really deep too. Indians make gator meat really tasty. Watch ditches, lots and lots of REALLY BIG fish in them!! Also Manitee swimming in little narrow river along Gator Road!! REALLY NEAT!! Would go back in a minute!!

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FL. is one of the three states that I have not been to on the eastern half of the country. I would like to go there but it would have to be for more than a one day visit. Lets see, If I take a trip to Daytona for the race I could stretch that into a week. Do you think that would work? :rotf:


that would work for me. Im about 3 hours west of there, but any excuse to go to Daytona, Ormand beach and to hang with Steve is always a great ride

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