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Sorry no Peanut Butter pie at Maintenance day this year. I really was serious FreeBird. You will have to come to the WV Skid In or Ashville NC if you want Peanut Butter Pie. :whistling: I am going to the BEACH instead. :cool10::cool10::cool10: Will be on Hatteras Island NC June 7-14. Ventureriders Welcome. Come visit us at the rental.

But Someone will have to make up for me not going YamaMama or Mini will have to go in my place or both.:stirthepot: Don't forget the camera and some kind of pies. Those are a requirement for a replacement for this Biker Chick:rotf::rotf:oh and don't forget to cause trouble:stirthepot::stirthepot::stirthepot::rotf:that will be expected too.


Hey I am ready for a Maint. weekend, hope the weather cooperates. Guess we are going to miss the "polishing clinic" at the hotel:cool10: Craig


Well I'm going Ramona so I'll try to make up for you not being there. I hope Peggy gets to come. Though she is suppose to be there for her spanking, tattooing, and piercing. I'll take plenty of pictures, but I'm pretty sure Bobbie will be there too. Guess the only other thing you asked for was pie making, so I'll try to do something there as well.

I'll also stop by to visit you all at the beach. I'll come earlier then we did last year.




OK. I confess:crying:. I had my head in the sand:bang head:. When and where is Maintenance Day and what do we bring:think:? (sides food, fun and laughter:thumbsup2:?)


Boy am I gonna show my ignorance here, but where is Oberlin OH?????


And Mini-Muffin. I have a question for you. Are you as sweet and innocent looking in person as you are in that avitar pic:think:??????:whistling::innocent: :stirthepot:


ONLY 2 MONTHS!?!?!?!?!?!?! Better get busy on the bike........ By the way, you better watch out for Muffinman, Minis other half------ he might not colortune yer bike for 'ya, or then again, he could and really screw it up!!!!





OK. I confess:crying:. I had my head in the sand:bang head:. When and where is Maintenance Day and what do we bring:think:? (sides food, fun and laughter:thumbsup2:?)



There may be a couple of us from KY heading that way for Don's gathering. At least that is the plan this far out.


One from E-town and myself from LaGrange FYI....

Guest BluesLover
Boy am I gonna show my ignorance here, but where is Oberlin OH?????
35 miles to the west of Cleveland, about half way to Sandusky.




I wish it would of been in April or May again . This would of been four in a row for me but my daughter is graduating on the 7th and Ive been warned by her that I better be there. Like I would miss it.

By the way, you better watch out for Muffinman, Minis other half------ he might not colortune yer bike for 'ya, or then again, he could and really screw it up!!!!







I'm more worried about Mini. I can give Muffinman a plate of ribs and then hobble off safely.:rotfl::stirthepot:

I'm more worried about Mini. I can give Muffinman a plate of ribs and then hobble off safely.:rotfl::stirthepot:


Now why would you be worried about little me?:whistling: I couldn't hurt a fly. :whistling:Of course unless I had a big ole fly swatter.



I wish it would of been in April or May again . This would of been four in a row for me but my daughter is graduating on the 7th and Ive been warned by her that I better be there. Like I would miss it.



Were gonna miss you there Bro...BTW where the hell have you been, haven't seen a post from you in months it seems like :confused24:

We have to get the bikes rolling together here soon :happy34:


hmmmmm-------1200,mls ---------going---------been there last two yrs--------------maybe a record-----------who needs records-------------with frends likes the vr group:bighug:


Maintenance Day? AH yes I do believe that I have heard of this event. I can bring a pie but I do not know how to carry it there, we do not have a trailer. I think we would bring out tent and camping equipment.

Trouble? I do not know if I am capable of causing much trouble. I am really backward and shy. I might have to leave that to Mini. I will just stand back and observe from the expert trouble makers. I might just bring my sewing project and help serve the food. Just stay out of the way. Not doing anything. Wash dishes. Check the oil in Don's lawn mower.

Bye myself. All alone. I could watch them work on bikes I guess. Out of the way. All by myself. Alone.

Nope it just will not work.




Maintenance Day? AH yes I do believe that I have heard of this event. I can bring a pie but I do not know how to carry it there, we do not have a trailer. I think we would bring out tent and camping equipment.

Trouble? I do not know if I am capable of causing much trouble. I am really backward and shy. I might have to leave that to Mini. I will just stand back and observe from the expert trouble makers. I might just bring my sewing project and help serve the food. Just stay out of the way. Not doing anything. Wash dishes. Check the oil in Don's lawn mower.

Bye myself. All alone. I could watch them work on bikes I guess. Out of the way. All by myself. Alone.

Nope it just will not work.





Hey Peggy, i'm really sorry, but this brings up a Question ?



How come, that you can't bring a Pie, because of limited Space Reasons and on the other Hand you want to bring your Scuba Gear for checking the Oil Level on Don's Lawn Mower ?







:D :D :D


WELL...I don't think THAT was necessary. :) HEY....I kept the mower out of the pond all year last season. Now the lawn vacuum....that's another story. :whistling:

Hey Peggy, i'm really sorry, but this brings up a Question ?



How come, that you can't bring a Pie, because of limited Space Reasons and on the other Hand you want to bring your Scuba Gear for checking the Oil Level on Don's Lawn Mower ?


:D :D :D



WELL...I don't think THAT was necessary. :) HEY....I kept the mower out of the pond all year last season. Now the lawn vacuum....that's another story. :whistling:


Sorry Don, i didn't want start picking on you.



But sincerly, the Question really came to Mind instantly.



Other than this, i soooooooo envy. :( :( :(


If i would be on the same Continent, i'd bug y'all with my Presence without any Doubt and Hesitation.

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