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This morning I filled up on the way in to work at $2.51. On the way home gas skyrocketed up to $3.29. :scared:


A jump of $0.78 in just a few hours, all brands shoot up at the same time by the same amount but there is no price fixing in the gas market..........:mad::soapbox:




Whiting Indiana (10 min from my house, and I know a few of the plant engineers) BP Refinery is down like 40% of production...All while having low crude prices. No, there's no price fixing going on.


Prices around here went from $2.41 to $3.19

This morning I filled up on the way in to work at $2.51. On the way home gas skyrocketed up to $3.29. :scared:


A jump of $0.78 in just a few hours, all brands shoot up at the same time by the same amount but there is no price fixing in the gas market..........:mad::soapbox:




Kinda make ya wonder if your gonna be able to afford to run the ol Wisconsin White Washer this year Fool? :big-grin-emoticon:


We saw $3.65 in Sturgis and got home, Fuel is $2.12. Crude is at $42 and change this morning . Im liking the cheap stuff as long as it burns ok. That Sturgis fuel made my bike not want to idle, it cleared up and ran great about 100 miles away.



Kinda make ya wonder if your gonna be able to afford to run the ol Wisconsin White Washer this year Fool? :big-grin-emoticon:


Not a problem there my good buddy @cowpuc. My machine is now wind powered with a high capacity battery backup. I no longer have to consider the cost of running it. :thumbsup:


I will never again have to shut it down just to save some fuel.:big-grin-emoticon:

2.13 here. Being close to the gulf and all those oil rigs has it's priviledges.


Yeah, that really ticked me off the last time I sailed out of Galveston....

Yeah, that really ticked me off the last time I sailed out of Galveston....


You're right. When we cruised out of Galveston, we were shocked at all of the oil rigs. It was like we were floating by small cities all night the first night we sailed. There are 4000 oil rigs in the gulf. Makes it ugly.


:sign yeah that:


Funny thing...go up to Big Spring and check out the gas prices as you drive by the refinery. Some of the highest prices I've seen in Texas were in the gasoline alley from Big Spring to the Monahans. Guess they must ship that stuff to LA and then back!


Don't feel bad, gas has dropped to 1.03 cdn / ltr up here .... equivalent to about 5 bucks a US gallon ... feels good. :bang head:

The BP Whiting Refinery in northern Indiana shut down the largest of three crude distillation units Saturday for what the company calls "unscheduled repair work," according to a statement. BP said the rest of the refinery is operating at reduced production.


Interesting how the "unscheduled repair work" and the "operating at reduced production" has occurred smack damn in the middle of the summer traveling season.....

At $1.13/Liter...works out to $4.27/U.S. gallon. In U.S. $ that works out to about $3.25/U.S. gallon. And for us....that is a cheap price for gas. Price per liter has ranged from $1.06 to $1.19...or about $0.50 swing per U.S. gallon. To fill the bike from near empty - 19 liters.... works out to about $21 CDN at $1.13 (current price in Kitchener)


(3.785411784 liters/U.S. gallon)


BTW....when is the U.S. going to adopt the International metric system? Gets confusing for us when we have to deal with liters, Imperial gallons, and U.S. gallons.


and then there's that bonus 25% exchange rate (and dropping) travelling on the other side .. ( ¢76 on the loon this AM ) :sign67:

and then there's that bonus 25% exchange rate (and dropping) travelling on the other side .. ( ¢76 on the loon this AM ) :sign67:

Actually, we're an oil exporting nation so the exchange rate doesn't come into play so much on fuel.


Although, I can't understand why our fuel is so frikin' high being an oil exporting nation.


Well, except for the Tories and provinces rediculously tax rates on fuel....



BTW....when is the U.S. going to adopt the International metric system? Gets confusing for us when we have to deal with liters, Imperial gallons, and U.S. gallons.



Don't hold yer breath, they're pretty stubborn down there.....:stickpoke:



Actually, we're an oil exporting nation so the exchange rate doesn't come into play so much on fuel.


Although, I can't understand why our fuel is so frikin' high being an oil exporting nation.


Well, except for the Tories and provinces rediculously tax rates on fuel....


True that brother...

my reference was more or less for Canucks like myself that travel mostly south forking out 25% exchange & 1.5-3¢ bank fee on the Cdn buck. Comin' & go'in.

We export oil (owned by China) to the U.S. and buy back gasoline from them.


Nope, not completely.


Irving has refineries on the east coast. Can't say for the rest of the country though.


But when you're talking "Irving" you ain't getting nothin' at a fair price......

Don't feel bad, gas has dropped to 1.03 cdn / ltr up here .... equivalent to about 5 bucks a US gallon ... feels good. :bang head:

You guys think you're doing it tough. Unleaded fuel is currently $1.28 PER LITRE in my area. That's Au$$ie dollars!

By tomorrow night it will jump to around $1.50 per litre and slide down again in the middle of the week.

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