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Hi all. Just joined today. I have been in touch with Ruffrider who turned me onto this site. He has helped me to locate some needed parts for my 86. Im still looking for one more part. Im in need of a left side upper fairing for my 86. Its black urshi but any color would do. Mine is pretty cracked up. If you have an extra laying around I might be interested. Thanks, Benny


Welcome to our site Do, we are glad you are here. Jump in anytime you have anything to ask, or add or anything. We always love to see MORE 1st gen guys come aboard.

As you probably know, ebay is usually the place to go, but sometimes you luck out on here and members can help you out.


Hi all. Just joined today. I have been in touch with Ruffrider who turned me onto this site. He has helped me to locate some needed parts for my 86. Im still looking for one more part. Im in need of a left side upper fairing for my 86. Its black urshi but any color would do. Mine is pretty cracked up. If you have an extra laying around I might be interested. Thanks, Benny



Benny Welcome to the site :15_8_211[1]:and we wont even hold it against you for knowing Ruff:whistling:




here's one for ya.http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Venture-left-side-fairing-black-1983_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ35583QQihZ013QQitemZ230236716156QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW




Man -- welcome to the site! I have learned a lot about these machines and met some great folks through it. You'll love it.


:welcome1: Great to have you here!


Be carefull however, April 1st was a turning point for YAMA MAMA! So I'm not sure you can trust her:whistling::stirthepot::rotf:, but everyone else here is GREAT!


Good to have you here Benny and seeing you have jumped right in and introduced yourself. We might be a bit skeptical around you at first seeing you admitted to knowing Ruffy...but I'm sure you'll fit right in


Hi all. Just joined today. I have been in touch with Ruffrider who turned me onto this site. He has helped me to locate some needed parts for my 86. Im still looking for one more part. Im in need of a left side upper fairing for my 86. Its black urshi but any color would do. Mine is pretty cracked up. If you have an extra laying around I might be interested. Thanks, Benny


Hey Benny!! I am new around here as well about a month or so. So let me WARN you, this place is addictive. There are so many helpful people and so much information that it checking in here will become an obession!!:smile5:




Wow, when i first looked at this link it was at 62.00. It finally sold for 182.00!! Much more than I had set aside. So, im still looking for a left fairing at a reasonable price. I dont care about the color as long as its intact. Thanks-Benny


If I could pull the left farring of of Brad's bike without him knowing.....:whistling:


Go for it...ill protect ya. Ill keep him stuffed with fresh donuts. He will be on such a sugar high he wont know a thing. Ill even put my favorite pink frosting all over them. :rotf:

Go for it...ill protect ya. Ill keep him stuffed with fresh donuts. He will be on such a sugar high he wont know a thing. Ill even put my favorite pink frosting all over them. :rotf:


OH, NO!!!

not another "pink freak!!!:whistling::whistling:

welcome to our house, benny!

please tell me your donut glaze IS NOT "hot pink"!next thing you know , some of these guys will be carrying "man purses"!




just jt


If I could pull the left farring of of Brad's bike without him knowing.....:whistling:


I'd turn the tables and pull the fairing off of RandyA's bike--------he probably won't miss it!!!!! After all,,,,, he didn't know Squid had the side covers!!!!!





OH, NO!!!

not another "pink freak!!!:whistling::whistling:

welcome to our house, benny!

please tell me your donut glaze IS NOT "hot pink"!next thing you know , some of these guys will be carrying "man purses"!




just jt



Yea, and NO SOLICITATION! Or you will have to deal with JT. :sign20:

Welcome DonutHole,

Glad you joined. Warning! This can become a habit; but not all habits are bad.


Yama Mama:223:


And Yama Mama would know.... :sign20:

Be careful... Ruffrider is a bad influence....:whistling::rasberry:


Compared to who ? ? ?


Welcome Mr. Donuthole. Or should we say Timbit, or Mr. Simpson, okay then Donuthole it is.


Anyway glad you joined and jumped right in, but we have rules and No. 1 is pictures. So when you get your fairing and all is well you'll have to post some photos



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