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I finally got to take my new to me scoot out today. I have been doing a lot of work to it since I got it home. It was only 6C today (I think that's about 48F) but I really enjoyed the 25 miles I got on. Most everything worked well! Problems with the cruise control..got it to work once and then it quit. I believe the problem is in the clutch lever switch. I did get the cruise to work momentarily and set it about 35 mph and let go of the handlebars. MAN DID I GRAB THEM FAST! This bike has the dreaded steering head shake at the lower speeds and it gets hairy really fast. I had a 96 Royal Star that barely had it and you could let it go quite awhile, but not this bike. With my hands on the bars I did not notice anything else. Couldn't let go at higher speeds...and after a bit of slower miles took it briefly up to about 75 mph. No problelms. Bike is really nice, and rider is quite protected.


Hopefully with a new front tire, and some steering head tightning things will get better. Question. If the low speed steering head shake is evident, will there also be a high speed one? Will it be at some muliple of the original speed? Probably a dumb question but I gotta know! Thanks.


Sure is good to get out, pulled mine from the barn last week and felt like I was in heaven!


If I’m not mistaken the cruse only work above certain speeds and in the upper gears. I’m not sure what the particulars are, unfortunately my manual is in the shop and I don’t remember off hand but check it.


For the steering if you haven’t already I would suggest checking the fork, rear shock and tire (front and back) pressures along with the steering head. Also look at the tire condition and check for any cupping... did I mention keep your hands on the wheel??


Ride safe my friend, many good days ahead!


I had a similar problem at around 30-35 mph on my bike. It was the tire. Had it replaced, no more shake. The only other suggestion I have is maybe it's out of balance. Might have lost a wheel weight, if it had been balanced previously.

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