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Glad you have the spirit....how are you at the STROLL......LOL


Johnny Strabler don't do no stroll.

I might ride the bike onto the dance floor, though.

I think I will take the mufflers off first.



Kathie Bleeker: Well, what d'ya do? I mean, do you just ride around or do you go on some sort of a picnic or something?

Johnny: A picnic? Man, you are too square. I'm... I... I'll have to straighten you out. Now, listen, you don't go any one special place. That's cornball style. You just go.

[snaps fingers]


Kristjan the Fearless Silent Viking is arriving at my house in Reykjavik Iceland Thursday night the 13th. of August. We are gonna have a "Samuel Practice Evening" :beer:. Heading to Boston, MA on Friday and landing in Buffalo same evening at 18:29 (with JetBlue Tom ). We need at least five nights of "Samuel Practice" before the Rally. :beer:

Looking forward to it and counting the days !:)

Tom ! - is Max all shined up ? :buttkick:

Kristjan the Fearless Silent Viking is arriving at my house in Reykjavik Iceland Thursday night the 13th. of August. We are gonna have a "Samuel Practice Evening" :beer:. Heading to Boston, MA on Friday and landing in Buffalo same evening at 18:29 (with JetBlue Tom ). We need at least five nights of "Samuel Practice" before the Rally. :beer:

Looking forward to it and counting the days !:)

Tom ! - is Max all shined up ? :buttkick:


Max is right where you parked it and in the same conditition you left it in....filthy... I dont clean mine, why would I clean yours...my name is NOT CEEDO...sorry Craig..lol

Going to need some Judges for the costume and stroll contest on Friday night.....


Let me get this straight......"Isn't the band made up of Judges?! :think:

Let me get this straight......"Isn't the band made up of Judges?! :think:



No just the leader.....the rest are attorneys......they could never agree on anything....they would spend months arguing about a winner and then take 33% of each prize fot themselves....

Mad I can't dance..... Happy to do some judging


Your in Annie....... but if I dont win you need a new place to stay.....lol just saying !

I can't dance either,, so can I sit beside Annie???? I can't see too well but I can talk lots!!




Ok, you and Annie are the judges for the best strollers and costumes......Thanks for volunteering.........you both rock ! And roll lol wait......I need a tie breaker judge, Annie will you volunteer ELLEN also as our third judge ?

Good we are all set then.....


A band of Judges and lawyers???????????? Well at least there will be music while you get sc...wed!!! LOL Did you have to give them a "retainer"? Will they provided discounted representation if someone gets in trouble? Inquiring minds want to know.

No corruption,,, none at all,,, that's why Tom choose the 'off-shore' help. :australia: :63:



Yep, thats the reason....and I wanted to see who could outtalk who......love ya Annie lol

I smell corruption here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Hey, mind your own business here.......Taters and I will win this because ! Well just because.......thats why..!

A band of Judges and lawyers???????????? Well at least there will be music while you get sc...wed!!! LOL Did you have to give them a "retainer"? Will they provided discounted representation if someone gets in trouble? Inquiring minds want to know.



No retainer needed.......and if anyone is looking to get into trouble....they have to deal with me first........lol let the good times roll.......

No retainer needed.......and if anyone is looking to get into trouble....they have to deal with me first........lol let the good times roll.......



Let the the games begin...I'll take that challenge, let's dance:cool10::cool10::backinmyday::backinmyday::rasberry::rasberry:


I am still a maybe on calender but it looks like I will be coming because boss has me off Fri. and Mon. but working on Sat. which is mandatory overtime. So he is working on it and I said I probably won't be at work anyways.

I am still a maybe on calender but it looks like I will be coming because boss has me off Fri. and Mon. but working on Sat. which is mandatory overtime. So he is working on it and I said I probably won't be at work anyways.



Don't forget to sign up for the BBQ.....hope to see you there...

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