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Lessons Learned - Under Water Bridge


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The wife and I took a trip down to Witchita Mountains by Lawton Oklahoma. The GPS took us to some campground in the middle of nowhere which had a sunken concrete bridge with 2 inches of water flowing over it. We made across the first time but on the way bake the bike came out from underneath us. Luckily Diane and I got off with no injuries. It was so slick I could barely get the bike up and hold it. As we tried to pull the bike out, the water pressure was enough to scoot the bike across the slime and the front wheel slid off the bridge. Thank goodness there were a couple people that live right there and came out to help us. Bike survived with nothing but a small scrape on the bottom of the exhaust. So never cross an underwater bridge on a motorcycle.



Edited by Kozubek
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Glad your OK. Lots of those type crossings in Oklahoma and Texas in them parts. Usually there is a large yardstick type thing close by so you can see how deep it is. Being i t has been so wet out that way may be why water and moss is still on it. Usually by this time of year its been 100+ for a couple months and water would normally be long gone I would think.

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Looks like your wife is just fine,,, didn't even get wet,,, what ever you did, you did it right.


She got wet you just can't tell from the back. She was a trooper though, jumped right up to help me pick the bike up.

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No wonder you slid off, that's not a bridge, it is a waterfall. It only looks like a bridge if I turn my laptop up sideways.

Glad you did not tear things up worse.



Not sure why it tuned my picture like that.

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