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What a day man, almost got ran over, dad called and asked me to sell his bike, I don't know what to think about that one, got home and found a water leak under sink, and lost one of my dang house shoes, so walking around with just one, till I remember where the other ran off too, oh and tripped over the the Brown brake fluid I bleed out of the clutch earlier today, any one got a joke to tell?????


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Whats with all the racket down there?!


Can't you tell us neighbours up north are trying to relax?! Peace & quiet, summer time and vacations and all......Now tone it down a bit....I'm talking to you Puc :ignore:


Crusier I will say :sign16: from the not so white (at least right now) north :canada:


Sorry didn't mean to complain lol, right now I'm thinking on going for a ride to diary queen or Braums for a banana split or just chocolate chip ice cream, hmmmm, yeah I believe I will lol😎


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But I'm still lost here, the tooch, but the ice cream really helped😇 .......whistling


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Welcome from the grand state of South Dakota! Things are gonna get lively here in a few weeks. I'm gonna have to practice up on my motorcycle wave as there will be a few more than normal bikes riding our roads!


Thanks brother, be safe out there, oh heck yeah I just found my other house shoe under the table where the other one was, I just knew it would show up😂


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Posted (edited)

Oh noooo :doh: Another new comer now cowpuc is going to start retelling all his stories again cause he got a fresh pair of ears(ok EYES).bang%20head.gif

Welcome to the form. :beer:

Oh and by the way Flyn Fools aim ain't as good as he lets on. Sure he hits what he shoots at but collateral damage is horrendous.:yikes::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::cold::cold::cold:

Edited by saddlebum


Oh noooo :doh: Another new comer now cowpuc is going to start retelling all his stories again cause he got a fresh pair of ears(ok EYES).bang%20head.gif

Welcome to the form. :beer:

Oh and by the way Flyn Fools aim ain't as good as he lets on. Sure he hits what he shoots at but collateral damage is horrendous.:yikes::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::snow::cold::cold::cold:


That @saddlebum is the one you have to watch out for. We finally figured out that he is the one that keeps leaving the back door open and letting all of that cold frigid Canadian air come pouring down here. If it weren't for SaddleBum always leaving the back door open to supply me with that cold frigid Canadian air, my infamous Whitewash machine would be a useless collection of assorted machine parts rusting away under warm sunny skies, and then what would @cowpuc have left to complain about.:stirthepot:


So now I may have to go and open up the choke some more, see if I can get a wider dispersal pattern to add some fact to your fiction.:rasberry::moon:


I heard that the last of the snow in Boston just melted this week, that was a job well done.:rasberry::snow2::snow::snow2:


I really don't mind some cold air around here, it gets hot down here in Texas, and right now I sure wish someone would turn on that big o fan up north and turn it my way, the past couple of days I'm still sweating even cruising at 70mph, on the highway, all next week it's going to be in the 100 degree mark, but not stopping me from riding lol, and tell all the stories you guys want I'm all ears lol


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Hey welcome, I see that you have been assimilated, resistance is futile.


Now that you are a member we can let you know that there is no escape.


We can teach you all kinds of bad things, hopefully you can teach us a few toooo.:stirthepot:


Well there's no turning back now, lol, flynfool and with no regrets all I can say is thank you is I'm just getting started, 😈😎


Hey Wow another big spender!:mo money:


Best 12 bucks you'll ever spend to get abused! :Avatars_Gee_George:


Really you have come to a great place and again welcome, now that your all official like.:sign outstanding:

Man it is so hard to post any pics, there all upside down😡


Sent from my LGL34C using Tapatalk


Tell ya what I'll do for ya cruiser my man.

I'll loan you my Aussie camera to take your photos.

That way, when you load them (given we live on opposite sides of the planet), they should appear right way up.

Failing that we can always wait until we're drunk and fallen down, then have a look at the shots.

Sounds perfectly logical to me!!




Your 1997 in fact is not a 1st Gen. 1st and 2nd Gen's are referring the Venture bike. 1st Gen was from 1983-1993, 2nd Gen was from 1999-2013. But, your bike being a 4 banger Royal Star qualifies you to be adopted into this whacky family called Venturerider.org. There are a substantial number of us on this site that do not own Ventures. I own a 2007 Royal Star Tour Deluxe. Go up to the top of the page and click on "History" and read all about the different years and bikes that this site is dedicated to. You will find it very interesting.

But, as others have already said, we really don't care what kind/brand of bike you ride, just hang out with us and have fun.

Just look up Royal Star Venture on Wikipaedia - I don't know who started the article but I'm doing my best to keep it as comprehensive and up-to-date as possible.


Regardless I'm still proud, and love her, I see so many good times ahead, and this is the best web site ever, I'm here now for life, so watch out brothers cruiser has showed up!


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Now I have to give so much thanks and cares and wonderful warm welcomes, thank you to, rbig1, flyinfool, definitely freebird the boss, great white, if I missed you plz correct me, thanks so much guys, I wonder where Yamaha mama is never heard from her, anyway gotta keep the family true, life is a ride so let's ride!!##


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Wait Wait also the one the only BIG TOOCH, ( applause) yeah man yeah, ( can we still go to DQ ? )


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