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I got like a rumbling sound from where the stator is when I let off the clutch lever, and also have a tapping sound from the clutch basket it's driving me nuts help me I need advice, I'm scared to hurt my baby


has your clutch fluid turned brown. Does it slip in high gear hard to shift. The stock spring is weak from factory. How many miles are on bike


Sorry she is a 97 royal star, no slipping of the clutch, but she shifts hard it's like almost grinding the gears now that you ask!


yes new fluid will make a big difference. The slave cyl may be hanging up or fluid is compressing. Easy to change just don't get it on bike. In tec there are some good write ups on how to do it. If other fluid is brown change them, after you correct this one probably same age.


Okay, I will change it, I just got her about a month ago, I traded my 04 sportster straight up, I wanted a bigger bike, so started doing some homework on finding a good bike for me and my family to ride on, so I came across my 97 royal star and love her, I do believe the guy who I traded didn't take good care of her, I noticed that the front end felt like it was dragging, when I got her home checked psi and found 15psi when it says 40psi


Sent from my LGL34C using Tapatalk


Here are a couple.




These are for bleeding the air out of an empty system. but it is essentially the same process for a fluid change.

Since you are doing a fluid change you will not have to deal with air in the system unless you let the reservoir run dry.


Start by covering everything with towels and sheet plastic. ANY brake fluid that gets on paint or plastic will destroy the paint or plastic.


Remove the old fluid from the reservoir.


Fill the reservoir with new fluid.


Find the bleeder under the rubber cover that is between the two side covers.


Connect a clear hose to the bleeder and put the other end in a jar or can.


SLOWLY squeeze the lever while opening the bleeder. (Fast movement of the lever will squirt fluid everywhere.)


Close the bleeder.


SLOWLY release the lever.


Repeat pumping until clear fluid is coming out of the bleeder tube.


Keep an eye on the fluid level so you do not suck air into the system.


If you want to identify exactly where engine noises are coming from and what they might be, use a long screwdriver (preferably metal thru the handle or plastic) or a socket breaker bar as a 'stethoscope". Place your thumb over one end and stick it in your ear. With the engine running stick the other end on the suspected noise location. With practice you will identify bearing rumble, pin slap, valves and other mysterious sounds.

Remove thumb from ear when finished.


these bikes have a wurrring sound that is normal. and you can hear valve clearance. But you get used to it. You might as well sign up there is a wealth of info here. Put year and make on your signature. These puppys like rpms also.


I have been reading on how noisy these bikes are and what maybe normal, I can't afford the dealer to look at it, at there rates I could buy two bikes, thanks guys I will take your advice, after I change the clutch fluid😃


Sent from my LGL34C using Tapatalk

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