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Hell, I even wave to guys on scooters if they want. Gave the hand to a guy on a scooter just today. Maybe the guy wants a "real bike" but can't afford one. Or the guy on the trike may just not be able to get it up anymore, or perhaps he's physically disabled. No sense leaving them out because of their condition or financial standing.


To me its about acknowledgement of common ground. Something different than everyone else on the road. Being on two wheels, out in the environment, the vulnerability, Reducing traffic, saving fuel, whatever you want to look at it as.


That being said, if a guy doesn't return the "wave/nod/sign" (as long as it is safe to do so), I just say a quiet explicative to myself about him and move on. If he doesn't want that part of the experience then so be it. Got better things to do with my time.







Actually, now that I think of it, there is one group I've stopped even trying with: Spyder riders.


I've yet to run across one who even looks across the lane, let alone wave. I guess they don't consider themselves riders....or maybe they think "something else" about themselves. Dunno. Don't care.


All I know is I don't even bother to try with those road going snowmobiles anymore.


Geee you said that and MarCarl didn't have a reply! :yikes: He must be soooooo mad he can't speak or he's too busy on the spyder forum to bother. :stickpoke:


I don't usually wave first - but return all with a wave or big smile. I haven't found any type of discrimination from any other types of bikes if I do wave first. They've all waved back. My pet peeve is that most threads at some point bash HD. What about it doesn't matter what you ride, but that you ride? (steps off soap box)

Riding a hack, I've gotten quite a few thumbs up from other riders. When my teenage nieces ride with me, they give fist pumps to oncoming riders. :)

So my 50+ years on two wheels is negated by my need to move to 3 wheels, and I therefore no longer meet your definition as a rider? Just make sure you don't accept any help from any of us who are not worthy of your approval. :puzzled:

Wave or don't wave. It makes no differance. But to exclude someone because they don't ride like you IS being a jerk. :moon:

Me? I wave at everyone. Kids, Harleys, Spiders, Sportbikes, Cops, etc. Most wave, some don't.



Now here is the problem as I have experienced it. You take offence because an individual like myself will not initiate a wave to a group of riders of a specific model or brand or machine who in my experience till as of yet have not returned a wave to me during time riding a motorcycle. I have heard Harley riders are bad for this but honestly I have had not had a wave from one three wheeler aside from trikes which I wave to. I DO return to waves to those who initiate it first unless it is an electric scooter or low speed vehicles that are seen in my area with the pedals removed and two riding on a one person machine illegally, or wrong way down the road ( you see that crap more than you think in my area). I have had one other ride up in a parking lot beside me and ignorantly tell me it must be nice to ride a Harley (I was riding a Virago) and had quite a few idiots on the road with on these non insured or licensed bikes (not required) or bigger scooters who use the bicycles lanes, do not follow rules of the road and have no license to lose and you think I am supposed to initiate a wave? My point is I will wave back to almost anyone who rides but rarely initiate a wave to those groups who I previously have had negative experience with. I can clearly see my lack of clarification of not whether I initiated a wave or returned a wave has upset you and shown me you only see it one way. Such is life, even though I have been riding a far shorter time than yourself I may have had different experiences that have made me make different choices and I know some great people riding machines I do not initiate waves to but it is not meant as an insult to them. If you judge me a jerk due to this than so be it. Everyone's riding experience will vary, ride safe.


be careful what you ask for:

yup your a jerk.


if it's not a safety thing and it's not a lack of paying attention, and it's not a brand bashing thing, then it's a choice to not acknowledge someone offering a kind gesture or hello to a stranger. now before you beat me for my reply!! you asked the question and I did not sugar cote the answer. and yes I will still wave at ya.


I will usually wave when possible or at the least nod my head acknowlegeing the person waving at me. However I do get an uncomfortable feeling when certain riders pull the waive when they realize my bike resembles a particular style of motorcycle. I feel it's about two wheels, or three, not the brand you ride.

Geee you said that and MarCarl didn't have a reply! :yikes: He must be soooooo mad he can't speak or he's too busy on the spyder forum to bother. :stickpoke:


meh, maybe it's a local thing with spyder riders here.


Dunno, don't care.


All I know is not one has ever thrown the sign or returned it....not one.


Maybe it's becuase there's not many compared to "regular" bikes and the few around here just don't wave.




OK Hugger,,, I'm here,, finally,,, both barrels loaded!!!!!! 12 gauge and cocked!!!


Patmac: You asked the question, you seem to have a feeling that you aren't so happy with,,, so,,, wave and get rid of the feeling,,, now you can be happy.


Brenner: Spyder riders are the most friendliest bunch of folks on the road. Initially we waved at everybody,,,, mostly because we couldn't figure out who rode what and what belonging really meant. We wrongly thought that a bike and a trike were all the same,, but the new translation seems to say that in order to be classified as a trike there needs to be 2 wheels on the back,, so Spyder riders were out of luck so to speak, because if we put another wheel on the back it would now be a 4 wheeler,,, and we would be soooo different.

During the short time that us ryders of REAL bikes,, lol,,, have been available to wave to, there are a few that have not figured out yet that we are actually riders,,, not drivers, but riders. So very often we would bless others by the wave of our left appendage and receive nothing in return. Therefore being somewhat new to this way of life, we took it to mean that it wasn't proper to reach out to the under-privileged,,those having only 2 wheels to ride on. It seems though, that we were a bit hurried in our assumptions, and that it doesn't really matter whether there are 2 wheels on the front end, or 2 wheels on the trailing part,,, a trike has 3 wheels and therefore the odd creation called Spyder is in fact a trike, and so deserves the designation of Trike, and that of course would mean that Spyder Ryders need to be waved at. Now that may have been established by the higher-ups, but takes a bit to get to the rank and file. So keep waving at those Spyder guys Brennner, sooner or later we'll park that machine long enough so that together we can have conversation and explain that it's a limit on available production that has only a select few riding these machines at present,, but as time goes on and production increases, everybody will be able to have their very own Spyder on the road. When that happens, there won't be any more worries on the part of 2 wheelers,,, whether to wave or not to wave,,,, even The Brand will succumb and have their very own edition,,,,, oooooo that will be fun!!!

Posted (edited)
..., but as time goes on and production increases, everybody will be able to have their very own Spyder on the road...


Meh, I dunno. I've ridden a Spyder. It was OK, but didn't float my boat. Felt just a bit too disconnected from the motorcycling experience. Cornering was weird too, just didn't feel right. Felt worse at higher speeds. Handed the key s back at the end of the demo ride and when the salesman asked "what do you think of it" he didn't like what i said about how it felt. He almost attacked me with stats, reasons and opinions. Hey bud, I just said it doesn't feel right, I'm not saying your mom wears army boots!


That was two strikes against it right off the bat: felt really weird and high pressure salesman.


Third strike was I just couldn't get past the feeling I was on a snowmobile with wheels. It just didn't feel like I should be on the road, more like ripping across a grass or snow covered field.


I also never felt like a part of it on the demo ride like I do on a bike. I felt like it didn't matter whether or not I was on it to operate, where a bike and rider has to reach a certain degree of symbiosis or neither are going to be upright for long....


Maybe when I can't stand/walk without assistance (cane, walker, hot nurse, etc) it might make more sense, same reasons for needing as a "traditional" trike I'm thinking.


I'm sure those that have them must like them and that's fine. I would hope they like them, they sure cost enough!


It's just not for everyone I guess...it just didn't fit for me.



Edited by Great White

Ha Ha Ha.....

To those who've tweeked a nose here or feel as if they've had their nose tweeked...it was kind of the point of the post....I find it interesting how many will explain how thoughtful, kind, and outgoing they are all the while they'll point out what a jerk "Those other guys are".

I ride because I like to ride...I haven't lost any sleep....and I probably won't wave at you.....And even though you may think I'm a jerk as I ride by, those that know me might disagree.

As you were.....

Meh, I dunno. I've ridden a Spyder. It was OK, but didn't float my boat. Felt just a bit too disconnected from the motorcycling experience. Cornering was weird too, just didn't feel right. Felt worse at higher speeds. Handed the key s back at the end of the demo ride and the salesman didn't like what i said about how it felt. He almost attacked me with stats, reasons and opinions. That was two strikes against it right off the bat: felt weird and high pressure salesman.


Third strike was I just couldn't get past the impression I was on a snowmobile with wheels.


I also never felt like a part of it on the demo ride like I do on a bike. I felt like it didn't matter whether or not I was on it to operate, where a bike and rider has to reach a certain degree of symbiosis or neither are going operate well.


Maybe when I can't stand/walk without assistance (cane, walker, hot nurse, etc) it might make more sense, same reasons for needing as a "traditional" trike I'm thinking.


It's just not for everyone I guess....:)


Ya my thoughts exactly a couple of years ago,,,, but then I closed my brain, (never mind your comments Ben) and bought one anyways. Bought the RT, which is the real 2 people touring model. Had to ride it now that this Dutchman spent the money. Put on a couple of thousand km before I somewhat got the hang of it. After 12k I wouldn't trade it back again. Nothing wrong with my legs or the ability to hold a 2 wheeler up, and sometimes I look at a Venture and have a yearning,,, until I get back on the Spyder, and then I forget all about those two wheels. Not an ideal machine for long legged folks though, although the F3 does address those issues but they don't have a touring model in the F3 yet.


I wave at most all I see, including scooters and trikes. If they choose not to wave back, that is their option. However, if I feel like they saw me wave in plenty of time to wave back, and they choose to not return the wave for whatever reason, I do often think to myself, "What an a jerk". Just being honest.

be careful what you ask for:

yup your a jerk.


if it's not a safety thing and it's not a lack of paying attention, and it's not a brand bashing thing, then it's a choice to not acknowledge someone offering a kind gesture or hello to a stranger. now before you beat me for my reply!! you asked the question and I did not sugar cote the answer. and yes I will still wave at ya.



LOl..... thanks for the grin I guess I's am what I's am.... But honestly I have met many riders or claim to be riders who think they know the only way it is.. Well to each their own and I can honestly say I see many who claim they ride and for "X" number of years but from what I witness only ride coffee shop to coffee shop or never see any real mileage, garage queens, and more often than not they seem to be those who have a mindset on what it right and what is wrong. Hey again to each their own and I am coming to realize I have more than a few strikes against me according to the consensus being a multiple Harley owner, a rider who is pushing himself to be the best rider he can be. I may never be the rider these people think they are but honestly I do not think I would want to be so it works out just fine for me.

MarCarl my friend, I see it in your post you understand my reply. I knew you would and yes if I get to know your ride yes i will wave at you.. lol..


Hey maybe time for us to put the spoons away and to stop stirring the pot we should all recognize that the riding experience is different for each and every one of us. Lets all keep the rubber on the road and worry about how we reflect this hobby and not how others do.


Peace to all...


I wave all the time. If someone doesn't reply, I think they either didn't see (most likely) or are a jerk. Of course if we are curving through the mountains I understand 2 hands on the bars.

Also...most HD riders do respond. To me, those most likely not to respond are sport bike riders. To big for their high tech riding shorts and tshirts, I guess.


I definitely understand the decision not to wave for Patmac. If I lived in the MKE area I would not remove my hands from the bars at all. They would have to pry them off when I stopped. I always got nervous driving around there on 4 wheels.:yikes:


Now, if I were 20-ish again, that would be a different story. Back then I was indestructible.:superman:


don't get all butt hurt with honest responses to a closed ended question folks, I wave at jerks all the time!! lol


lighten up francis and lick the spoon!! ride safe everyone!


I try to wave but sometimes you are just too busy with traffic or corners and sometimes I don't even notice the on coming bike. If I can't wave then I at least try to smile and nod. I think everyone understands that you can't always wave even if you want to.

I find Spyder riders do wave. For those that don't...maybe they only wave back at snowmobiles ?

Had one flash his lights at me this weekend while the 2 wheelers he was with waved at me. :)

I find Spyder riders do wave. For those that don't...maybe they only wave back at snowmobiles ?


Oooooooo!!!!,,,, where is it that you live????? I mean,,, well I meant to mean,,,, well that's just mean,, is what I mean,,,,, good party though,,, getting married again soon??? could use another beer and try some more Apple Pie,,,, oh ya,, the recipe?

Had one flash his lights at me this weekend while the 2 wheelers he was with waved at me. :)


Wondered what that flashing button was for,,,, what a site, I get smarter every day.

Still have about 2 1/2 gallons of apple pie and a couple cases of beer. What can I say...the people that attended weren't big drinkers !


As for another party....don't think Nancy will let me get married again...but we do have a couple coupons (they must have been stuck together when you put them in the envelope....or Marca did it) for some "Choice Meats".


Maybe it is just the Brantford Spyder riders that don't wave....or they like the colour of my bike. The glare of the sun off all the chrome maybe confuses them and they can't tell it only has 2 wheels????


Glad you enjoyed the party !


Man brother, you should have invited @StarFan and @Monty to your party - those two were the last men standing (besides me but I dont consume = long story) at Dons MD - I am sure they would have gladly helped out making sure you didnt have any leftovers and still been able to entertain socially!!

Congrats again to both of you XV!!


a wave a nod or even two fingers raised on the handle bars. its all the same. but its a choice thing. Don't over think it.

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