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He's baaaaacccccckkkkkkkkkkk


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After selling my MM in February,:bawling:I just picked up and old friends 07 Midnight to ride for awhile...:Venture:... Again. You may remember I rode this bike for a couple years before returning it to him two years ago. He hadn't ridden it since and it was deteriorating in his carport.:crying: So instead of letting it go down hill any further, I went and got it to resurrect and ride it for awhile.:clap2:


So far, a new battery and windshield, pumping the tires up and several days of painstaking detailing washing and polishing, Shes good to go again.:thumbsup2:


So, I figured what the heck, I would re-up my dues :mo money:and catch -up with my Venture riding buddies.:680::beer::biker::buttkick::canada::Cartoon_397::confused07::cool10::cry::8::fishin::banana::rant::rasberry::stirthepot::backinmyday::usa::moon::bighug::witch_brew::superman::Avatars_Gee_George::cool18::Cool_cool36::dancefool::hurts::smile5::snow2::group cheers:


I'm Back........ Whudsup

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So why dont this cat just sell you the scoot. Or at least let you hang a for sale sign on it for him while you are "advertising it".
I think thats the plan. I don't think I want to by this one. When I buy another one it will probably be a Goldwing.
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So, I figured what the heck, I would re-up my dues :mo money:and catch -up with my Venture riding buddies.:680::beer::biker::buttkick::canada::Cartoon_397::confused07::cool10::cry::8::fishin::banana::rant::rasberry::stirthepot::backinmyday::usa::moon::bighug::witch_brew::superman::Avatars_Gee_George::cool18::Cool_cool36::dancefool::hurts::smile5::snow2::group cheers:


I'm Back........ Whudsup


Heyyyyy,,, Slayman,, wassup bro!! Long time no have seen!! :welcome1: back brother:group cheers:,, missed ya!!


Just to bring ya up to speed:


Silver tossed YammerDan and we are waiting for him to heal.

We finally gotta break from the :snow: cause Fool hadda go get his heart fixed.

EagleEye stayed a night with us and brought Tip and I some REALLY good Wisconsin Cheese and some AWESOME home brewed eggs.

Squidley and Sweet Nothin (totally a wrong name for that lady IMHO) made a surprise attack at Don's MD, the Squid came over and stayed over night with us. He is a little crazy - really smart and very kind hearted but still kinda crazy from my spective..

I bought Dan some tickets at MD and he won a new tank bib for his smashed 2nd Gen.

Monty won the big raffle - some kind of a modern day camera thing that I wonder if he will ever figure out how to work it.. Last I saw him Freebird was trying to splain to him how it works - cause of that - doubt we will ever see any pics from it.

Speaking of MD in Ohio - biggest bunch of lop eared trouble makers ya ever did see in your whole life (aint telling you nothing ya didnt know - you probably know those folks farrrrr better than I).. Only thing missing was Slayman's humor..

Sold Olivia - the old warbike - to pay medical bills. The guy that bought her brought her to a MD dinner thing and I got to ride her again..

Starfan and Gretta brought me some gorgeous stickers from a place called "Iceland" - TWEEKS LOVES HER NEW ICELANDIC FLAG STICKER..

We had to push start SlowRoll's bike to get it to start down there, I was lazy and just watched the pushing and video taped it for you..

A bunch of us got really really wet down there..

Tooch and Eagleeye also had spills on the way out of MD - they faired better than Dan but their scoots needed fixin..

Rode over to a place called Viraqua Wisconsin for another MD - place is AWESOME!

Another really good friend of mine named Orlin and his precious wife named Sharon put on that MD. Should see where they live!! TALK ABOUT AWESOME!!

Made friends with a REAL lopped eared varmint named Moe - he is really cool - fell in love with Tweeks cause of her horns and even peed on her - guess animals do that kind of thing to mark their territory or something..

One of the guys (Kenny) attending the MD had a thing called a "Color Tune" = wayyyyyyyy cool!! Basically a spark plug with a window into the combustion chamber. LOTS OF FUN!!

Guys at Orlin's told us we needed to ride the Wildcat while over there. Kenny - the guy the color tune also had a thing called a map :scratchchin:, all those guys showed us exactly how to get there on the map thingy - very very tough directions but we finally found it!! It was AWESOME - kind of a short version of the Dragon.. Matter of fact that whole area reminded Tip and I of the Appalacians that you and I love riding so much..

Came home and found out I have Cancer.. Now we are CTmedicalFW as well as normal everyday CTFWing... Oh,, forgot,, you may not know what CTFW is? It stands for "Chasing The Front Wheel" = something you are very very very well versed at!!


Hope that helps answer your question of wassup. Glad your back and you at least have something to ride.. Sounds like your buddies bike is just dieing to get the socks run off her,,, you of all people know how to fix that:cool10:


Welcome home Bob!!

Your ol buddy


Edited by cowpuc
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Heyyyyy,,, Slayman, Hey Puckster, It sure am grand to be hearing from ya, thanks for the shout out, :thumbsup2:wassup bro!! Thats a long story, I'll be gettn to that in a minit, Long time no have seen!!I still been being seen, almost everyday but, jus not so much on here. They aint got around to viewing me yet,:thumbsup2: but i figure thats jus a matter of time. Truth be known, I'd a whole heap rather be sead and not viewed. I recon since last we talked theres been a few viewings around here and I hear tell theres another un coming up this week for one of my poor ole drinking and gripeing and riding buddies who jus passed away quickly from a fast moving failing.:bawling: He really wernt much of a riding buddy as much as he wus a drinking and gripeing buddy. He did have a little scooter thing and a buckskin leather jacket with fringes on it. He always used to luv to leave the bar weaving back and forth on that little scooter. He said he did that to make the fringes wave back and forth so it would look like he wus going fast. In fact the last thing i recall him gripeing about was about how those big rigs would blow past him tooting them big horns while he was trying to negotiate spagetti junction trying to get to the bar. The way he told it, it musta been quite a site to be seeing him with them fringes blowing side ways and him shaking his bird finger in the air and shouting at them truckers threatning to open his large can of whoop ass all over them as he was running off into the ditch. He was a much better drinker and griper then he was a biker. In fact when it came to b*t@hing and moaning he was a world class competer. His name wer Richard Moscotello and I'll be missing him. :welcome1: back brother:group cheers:,, missed ya!!Thanks fer that warm welcome :bighug:it's good to be back I've been missing ya'll too and am proud to be wandering back this way. A lot has happened since Ole Venturingsole,Riderduke, Sleeperhawk and his alleged mechanic toted off Ole MeMee the MM one cold day last February.Most of it good :clap2:some not so much.:bawling: But, I'll be getting around to that in a minit.


Just to bring ya up to speed: Most recently, today I've been waiting for Little Miss Short Stuff to git back from the Piggly Wiggly gitting store. She's supposed to be fetching me back some Butterscotch Shell and sprinkles for my ice cream hankering. But she sure am taking her sweet time. betcha two dollars to a donut thats shes off gitting her nails did some place not giving me and my iscream hankering a second thought.:crying:


Silver tossed YammerDan and we are waiting for him to heal. Yea, I am sorry as i can be hearing about Ole Dan suffering and all, but, come to think of it, :think: it seems to me that I've been waiting for Ole Dan to heal ever since I knowed him. As I recall one of the first time I'd ever sead him he was hobling around on crutches chasing bears through the woods down ther at Vogel. Then wasn't there that time when he fell off a roof and knocked his knoggin and then later didn't he turned his ankle or something backing the scooter out of the barn. I'm beginning to wonder if Ole Dan aint accident prone or something. You don't supposed he tossed Ole Silver down on purpose do you. Seems like I recollect down there at b2mom and dad's wing ding (or was that a fish fry? or a hog pickin?), him moaning about how he didn't think he set well on a 2nd gen. I'm not sayin he did and aint sayin he didn't, I'm justa saying. That don't mean I aint feeling for Dan wid them broken ribs and all, I know how troublesome that can be havin been there myself. When you got that ailment the worst thing you can do is hafta go chuckling or sneezing or coughing. Wid dat in mind I'll try real hard to not say anything funny on here that would get him a chuckling and belly roaring or sneezing milk outa his nose or anything like that. I promise Dan.

We finally gotta break from the :snow: cause Fool hadda go get his heart fixed. I'm real sorry hearing about Fool having to get his heart fixed. You don't suppose he put his Ole pump in a strain crunking up the snow blowing machine of his do you? At least I'm glad you got some relief from that white stuff.

EagleEye stayed a night with us and brought Tip and I some REALLY good Wisconsin Cheese and some AWESOME home brewed eggs. It's been awhile since I had any of that good Wisconsin cheese but, the feller that stays over there in the next holler keeps chickens and ducks and geese that tend to drop eggs. He gave me a couple flats of them colored eggs not so long ago when I toted his mail over there that accidently got dropped off over here.

Squidley and Sweet Nothin (totally a wrong name for that lady IMHO) made a surprise attack at Don's MD, the Squid came over and stayed over night with us. He is a little crazy - really smart and very kind hearted but still kinda crazy from my spective..

I bought Dan some tickets at MD and he won a new tank bib for his smashed 2nd Gen.Sorry I missed MD at Don's. I heard it was a wet one. It's been kinda wet around here too with them afternoon pop up severe thunderstorms we've been having everyday. It's been hard timing it right to put the top down on the convertible. I got caught twice so far with the top down when it shouldn't a been.

Monty won the big raffle - some kind of a modern day camera thing that I wonder if he will ever figure out how to work it.. Last I saw him Freebird was trying to splain to him how it works - cause of that - doubt we will ever see any pics from it.

Speaking of MD in Ohio - biggest bunch of lop eared trouble makers ya ever did see in your whole life (aint telling you nothing ya didnt know - you probably know those folks farrrrr better than I).. Only thing missing was Slayman's humor.. I do love cheering up a room and by the sound of all the bad news I've been hearing, it seems like ya'll could use some cheering up around here. Yea Squid is a little crazy as I recall but, you gotta love all them lop eared trouble makers, I do and have been missing all them you being one of them (of course),and hope to be catching up with some of them at Vogel next month.

Sold Olivia - the old warbike - to pay medical bills. The guy that bought her brought her to a MD dinner thing and I got to ride her again.. I read your post about selling Olivia and as much as I'm sure you hated to see her go. It sounds like you found a good home for her and the new owner will love her and take care of her just like you did. I always loved revisiting old flames, I'm glad you got to ride her again. Lately I've been thinking about a couple of old flames of mine I'd like to go and ride again. At least the garden is putting out.

Starfan and Gretta brought me some gorgeous stickers from a place called "Iceland" - TWEEKS LOVES HER NEW ICELANDIC FLAG STICKER.. I always wanted to meet Starfan. Isn't he the one that always sent that BLACK DEATh liqure for everone to drink. Sorry I missed that...... not.

We had to push start SlowRoll's bike to get it to start down there, I was lazy and just watched the pushing and video taped it for you..I sure would like to see that video. I'd etched a spider web design on Slowroll's wind sheild a while back and always wanted to see how it looked on his bike with the spider web design on his front fairing.

A bunch of us got really really wet down there.. Yea that's what freeburd was saying when I spoke to him this morning. Sorry I missed that too....... Not

Tooch and Eagleeye also had spills on the way out of MD - they faired better than Dan but their scoots needed fixin..

Rode over to a place called Viraqua Wisconsin for another MD - place is AWESOME!

Another really good friend of mine named Orlin and his precious wife named Sharon put on that MD. Should see where they live!! TALK ABOUT AWESOME!!

Made friends with a REAL lopped eared varmint named Moe - he is really cool - fell in love with Tweeks Whats not to love.cause of her horns and even peed on her - guess animals do that kind of thing to mark their territory or something.. I've peed in a lot of places in my time but, it never occurred to me to pee on some other man's ride. Sounds like a bad habit to be getting into.

One of the guys (Kenny) attending the MD had a thing called a "Color Tune" = wayyyyyyyy cool!! Basically a spark plug with a window into the combustion chamber. LOTS OF FUN!!

Guys at Orlin's told us we needed to ride the Wildcat while over there. Kenny - the guy the color tune also had a thing called a map :scratchchin:, all those guys showed us exactly how to get there on the map thingy - very very tough directions but we finally found it!! It was AWESOME -Maps are good things just like motorcycle trailers kind of a short version of the Dragon.. Matter of fact that whole area reminded Tip and I of the Appalacians that you and I love riding so much.. I wus hoping to ride the scoot up that way this weekend iffn it ever stops raining long enough that is. I'ma holding my breath and turning blue.

Came home and found out I have Cancer..Aint you got any good news to tell me? It's getting harder and harder keeping my humor up wid all this sad news. How about PM'ing me your real email address I have something I want to send you that might uplift your spirit while facing what life is throwing your way. Now we are CTmedicalFW as well as normal everyday CTFWing... Oh,, forgot,, you may not know what CTFW is? It stands for "Chasing The Front Wheel" = something you are very very very well versed at!! i aint been doing much of that lately but am fixn too.


Hope that helps answer your question of wassup. Glad your back and you at least have something to ride.. Sounds like your buddies bike is just dieing to get the socks run off her,,,I've been cleaning her up pretty good and so far if she has socks I aint ah found em yet. Mostly spider webs and dirt dabber nest. you of all people know how to fix that:cool10: Hope I get to see ya at Vogel this year.


Welcome home Bob!!

Your ol buddy


hey Dan, didja hear the one about;


A blond motorcycle cop lady pulls over this blond driving a convertible. The cop lady walks up to the car and ask the blond for her driver's license. The blond starts digging around in her purse and says, "Like it's been a while since i've had to show it and like i forget what it looks like" The cop lady sez "well it's rectagular about the size of a business card and has your picture on it" The blond digs around a little more and pulls out a compact mirror and hands it to the cop lady. The cop lady looks at it and hands it back to the blond and sez,"I'm sorry I pulled you over I didn't know you were a cop"...........get it, get it..... I'm sorry Dan I forgot.

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