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Venturous (Gary Mace) brand new Goldwing


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Hi y'all. I am fine. Hurting very badly but pain pills starting to help a little. It will take more than a head on crash with a propane truck to take this stubborn SOB out. Bike does appear pretty bad.


It happened in my subdivision so police didn't seem to care who was at fault and charged no one. Lying dirtbag told cop I was on wrong side of road. Luckily I had a neighbor leaving same time and witnessed it all. He confirms truck was 3' in my lane and I had no time to react.


Anyway.. I am fine. Like to have 5 minutes with the lying dirtbag at my local shooting range right now.


If it is proved that he was in your lane and caused an incident, he will most likely be fired from his job. You'll get a nice settlement, a lifelong supply of pain pills and early onset arthritus


Good luck with healing and get a GOOD lawyer. Pretty sure we all feel good that you wife was at home gardening

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