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miles to dons round trip


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I forgot to set my trip meter, but I'm in Epworth GA right now, and will be home in a week or so. I'll have to do a guesstamate when I get home. I'm thinking around 2500


Heyyyyyyy,, look what the cat drug in Tippy,, SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad your ok and continuing in the chasing of the front wheel Steve!!! Scared the daylights out of your ol buddy!! Keep us posted on your progress out there!!


I went out and checked Tweeks odometer, it aint moved since it broke in Dennison Texas last year so I have the lowest distance traveled to MD = 0!!:thumbsup: If this keeps up that ol girl will never get broke in!:missingtooth:

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Well after making it home yesterday I found that I have traveled 3698.1.....missed it by that much! Great to see everyone again, and thank you to all the hospitality that was given by so many of y'all.


YOU are welcome my brother and THANK YOU for including us all in on your travels - IT WAS GREAT SEEING YOU TWO AGAIN BRAD AND LONNA!! :thumbsup:


THAT is a heap of miles for a short vacation!! CONGRATS on the great ride Squid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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