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Hard to know exactly where to put this, but after taking my carbs off for the second time, I think that I could do it at the side of the road, which brings me to my point.


I'm planning on comming out to Don's maintanence days for the comorodorie, (sp) if nothing else, but I was wondering what I could do to add to the maintanence part of this?

Well, now I know: If anyone is having (or had) problems with their floats sticking and running out the overflow, I've got this one figured out.

You can use seafoam or tap on the float bowls, but this does not solve the problem, it's a very temprorary fix at best.

This is my theory: the ethenol creates moisture, which in turn creates a buld up of tiny, and I mean tiny white crystals on the four points of the needle which contact the ID of the seat and DO NOT slide up and down in the seat lilke they should.

I was going to post some pics that I took using my macro but they were all blurry.

I took some 1500 grit wet paper and removed the grit on all four needles, (my front left was my cluprit) using magnification, and I'd love to help any of you out with this.

Or, I'll take my carbs off and show you what to do.


What do you thilnk?

BTW, this is on a 05 RSTD.




Very interesting idea that would probably be very educational to a lot of folks. I've had mine off to reset the float heights and it took me forever to get them on and off. I'm SURE that it must be easier than I made it.

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